


与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……





汉语拼音:wài fāng









  1. 山名。即 嵩高 。五岳之一。

    《书·禹贡》:“ 熊耳 外方 桐柏 ,至于 陪尾 。” 孔颖达 疏:“ 嵩高 山在 颖川 嵩高县 ,古文以为 外方山 。”

  2. 外地;远方。

    《南齐书·王琨传》:“外方小郡,当乞寒贱。” 唐 黄滔 《喜侯舍人蜀中新命》诗之二:“来时走马随中使,到日援毫定外方。”《三国演义》第五回:“ 沛国 譙 人 夏侯惇 ,字 元让 ,乃 夏侯婴 之后;自小习枪棒;年十四从师学武,有人辱駡其师, 惇 杀之,逃于外方。”

  3. 指向门外。




  1. Yet this means countries with new nuclear programmes would have to place control of their fuel supply at least partly in foreign hands.


  2. For we are sojourners before thee, and strangers, as were all our fathers. Our days upon earth are as a shadow, and there is no stay.


  3. The foreign investor shall provide at least 25 per cent of the total registered capital.


  4. Foreign investor's business license, certificate of creditworthiness, and financial statements issued by an accounting firm.


  5. This book tries to improve individual' s abilities to understand and cooperate with foreigners.


  6. And such of the strangers as escaped, went and told Lysias all that had happened.


  7. That missile was believed to have been launched from a firing range north of Karachi, where the military typically conducts such tests.


  8. In the case of acquisitions, the foreign purchaser must meet all of its acquisition payment obligations in one up-front payment.


  9. The unqualified commodities verified by inspection and examination cannot be passed, even if the importer permits.


  1. 外方的合法权益

    Lawful rights and interest of the foreign participant

  2. 外方投资没有上限。

    There is no top limit for the investment by the foreign party.

  3. 外方内圆同轴线的解

    Solution of Square Concentric with Inner Circle

  4. 外方公司会转让他们的技术吗?

    Is the foreign company going to transfer their technologies?

  5. 任何外方干涉都违反安全理事会决议。

    Any foreign interference is in violation of Security Council resolutions.

  6. 外方的利润能否以外汇汇回本国?

    Can profits gained by the foreign partner be remitted home in foreign currency ?

  7. 协助中、外方合作方的协调与沟通。

    Exterior coordination with Chinese partners and USA coordination with GM.

  8. 表皮来源于分生组织近外方得细胞。

    The epidermis arises from the tunica meristem.

  9. 英国在援外方面做出多少贡献

    How much overseasforeign aid does Britain give

  10. 马的内方肢在外方肢前方交叉越过。

    The inside legs pass and cross in front of the outside legs.

  11. 马得内方肢在外方肢前方交叉越过。

    The inside legs pass and cross in front of the outside legs.

  12. 中方以现金和设备投入,外方均以现汇投入。

    China Party will contribute with equipment and cash investment while Foreign Party with spot exchange investment.

  13. 胚乳指包在被子植物胚外方的营养组织。

    Endosperm The nutritive tissue that surrounds the embryo in angiosperms.

  14. 外方内圆同轴线和矩形波导的耦合

    Coupling between rectangular waveguide and coaxial line with square outer conductor and circular inner

  15. 表皮是位于植物体的最外方的保护层细胞。

    Epidermis The outer protective layer of cells in plants.

  16. 批机关可以要求外方提供的相关资信证明。

    The examination and approval organ may require the foreign party to provide relevant credit standing certifications.

  17. 对外方投资的比例, 贵方有没有限制?

    Be there any restriction on the proportion of Investment by the foreign party?

  18. 本条例可引称为宗座外方传教会法团条例。

    This Ordinance may be cited as the Pontifical Foreign Missions Institute Incorporation Ordinance.

  19. 援外方式改革和援外工作继续稳步推进。

    Foreign assistance further progressed with the reform of its modalities advancing steadily.

  20. 外方位元素视为真值的摄影测量位移监测

    Photogrammetric displacement monitoring taking the exterior orientation elements as true value

  21. 经检验不合格得商品,即使外方确认,也不准放行。

    The unqualified commodities verified by inspection and examination cannot be passed, even if the importer permits.

  22. 经检验不合格的商品,即使外方确认,也不准放行。

    The unqualified commodities verified by inspection and examination cannot be passed, even if the importer permits.

  23. 如果企业经营不善, 外方投资者有可能损失其全部投资。

    If the venture does not run well, the foreign investor may lows everything he has invested.

  24. 所指派外方经理愿花时间于本企业的规划、运作

    The expatriate managers are willing to spend time on planning and operation in the establishment

  25. 外方内方紫铜长管游动芯头拉伸工艺的研究

    Study on floating plug drawing process for great length square copper tube with square hole

  26. 本文在第一章讲述了引入外方监理的背景和意义。

    The first chapter of this paper describes the background and significance of introducing foreign supervision.

  27. 外方的条件很优厚, 但是我们也需要协商后再决定。

    The foreign party offered very munificent terms, but we still have to negotiate before making our decision.

  28. 外方的条件很优厚,但是我们也需要协商后再决定。

    The foreign party offered very munificent terms, but we still have to negotiate before making our decision.

  29. 外方合资伙伴试图用新的收入来源来证明它们的价值。

    Foreign venture partners have sought to prove their worth by pointing to new sources of revenues.

  30. 首先, 请允许我介绍出席签字仪式的中方和外方代表。

    First, please allow me to introduce the delegates from P. R. China and unesco.


  1. 问:外方拼音怎么拼?外方的读音是什么?外方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外方的读音是wàifāng,外方翻译成英文是 The party of the foreign country in foreign affa...

  2. 问:外方位拼音怎么拼?外方位的读音是什么?外方位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外方位的读音是wài fāng wèi,外方位翻译成英文是 exterior orientation