


天文学上指宇宙间能发光的或反射光的天体;一般指夜间天空中发光的天体:~球。恒~。行(xíng )~。卫~。披~戴月。细碎的小颗粒东西:火~儿。秤等衡器上记数的点:定盘~。军官衣领上的徽记:五~将军。形容夜间:~行。~奔。星名,二十八宿之一:……





汉语拼音:xīng xiàng






  1. 指星体的明、暗及位置等现象。古人据以占测人事的吉凶祸福。

    《后汉书·律历志中》:“愿请太史官日月宿簿及星度课,与待詔星象考校。” 唐 刘长卿 《瓜洲驿奉饯张侍御》诗:“星象衔新宠,风霜带旧寒。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷三:“ 梁山舟 侍讲调以诗云:‘昨夜中庭看星象,小星正在少微边。’” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第十章:“咱们 闯王 当然不会挂彩。人家是大命人,犯星象!”



  1. I'm not saying greed is good; I'm just saying astrological opportunities like this don't come along all that often.


  2. The stars reveal that you and your sweetie would like to be together today but it could prove challenging to find the opportunity.


  3. The meeting of the Sun to Saturn will occur then, and is considered a very weighty aspect.


  4. See, that sounds good to me. It's ridiculous to let a horoscope control your life.


  5. The TV-Turnoff website lists screen-free suggestions like starting a garden, looking at the stars, or going to a bookstore as options.


  6. Misuse includes gross misrepresentation of astrological factors used to make sensational and exaggerated claims in public statements.


  7. Have I convinced you, dear Gemini, that almost every sign of the zodiac will want to trade places with you in February?


  8. No one is prisoner of a destiny written in the stars, but some people bear in themselves extraordinary stories and destinies .


  9. I've had days that seem to fit with my horoscope's predictions.


  1. 星象扩散度

    image spread.

  2. 星象切分器

    image slicer.

  3. 星象转换器

    image converter.

  4. 星象加强器

    image intensifier.

  5. 强星象函数

    strongly stralike function.

  6. 平分星象误差

    bisection error

  7. 星象罗盘定向

    star compass orientation.

  8. 盘状假星象

    spurious disk.

  9. 松白星象甲

    Cryptorrhynchus insidiosus.

  10. 亚纯星象函数

    meromorphic starlike.

  11. 我得星象怎麽样?

    What do my stars say?

  12. 我的星象怎麽样?

    What do my stars say?

  13. 星象视宁度

    astronomical seeing.

  14. 宗教起源的星象理论

    II. Astral theory of Origin of Religions

  15. 新千年的新星象

    A New Astrology for a New Millennia

  16. 浑天一统星象全图

    A Complete Chart of Unified Celestial Globe

  17. 星象的广义超几何函数

    Starlike Generalized Hypergeometric Functions SUPERPOTENTIAL AND GENERALISED POTENTIAL

  18. 它其实是与星象解读有关。

    They are really about reading the stars.

  19. 半纯星象函数的回转定理

    The rotation theorem for Meromorphic starlike functions

  20. 星象学的人格心理研究

    A research on personality psychology in astrology

  21. 我的星象说我这星期很糟糕。

    My stars say that I'm going to have a bad week.

  22. 星象学有什么重要性吗?

    What is the importance of astrology?

  23. 就说我亲自把星象图带过去

    Tell her I bring the horoscope myself

  24. 大多数天文学家都爱好观看星象。

    Most astronomers love looking at the stars.

  25. 星象学家的话可真应验了。

    This was quite a success for the astrologers.

  26. 大夫关上门, 把星象图重新挂上。

    The doctor pulled the door shut and dropped the hanging back into place.

  27. 就说我把星象图亲自带在身上

    Tell her I bring the horoscope myself

  28. 星象学家得话可真应验了。

    This was quite a success for the astrologers.

  29. 你应该找占星家,让他告诉你你星象。

    You should goan astrologerhave your horoscope read.

  30. 以下是18个新星象标志的简短列表。

    Below is a shortened list of the18 new astrology signs.


  1. 问:星象拼音怎么拼?星象的读音是什么?星象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:星象的读音是xīngxiàng,星象翻译成英文是 configurations of the stars; the stars

  2. 问:星象罗盘拼音怎么拼?星象罗盘的读音是什么?星象罗盘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:星象罗盘的读音是xīng xiàng luó pán,星象罗盘翻译成英文是 astrocompass

  3. 问:星象观测拼音怎么拼?星象观测的读音是什么?星象观测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:星象观测的读音是xīng xiàng guān cè,星象观测翻译成英文是 horoscope reading

  4. 问:星象罗盘定向拼音怎么拼?星象罗盘定向的读音是什么?星象罗盘定向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:星象罗盘定向的读音是xīng xiàng luó pán dìng xiàng,星象罗盘定向翻译成英文是 star compass orientation