


1. 五 [wǔ]五 [wǔ]数名,四加一(在钞票和单据上常用大写“伍”代):~彩。~官。~谷。~金。~代(中国朝代名,后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周先后在中原建立政权的时期)。~帝(中国传说中的五个帝王,通常指黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、唐尧、虞舜)……





汉语拼音:wǔ bù








  1. 谓金、木、水、火、土五行。

    《史记·历书》:“盖闻昔者 黄帝 合而不死,名察度验,定清浊,起五部,建气物分数。” 裴骃 集解引 应劭 曰:“五部,金、木、水、火、土也。”《隋书·律历志中》:“洎乎 炎帝 分八节, 轩辕 建五部。”

  2. 指古代 高句骊国 消奴 、 绝奴 、 顺奴 、 灌奴 、 桂娄 五个部族。见《后汉书·东夷传·高句骊》。亦泛指 高句骊国 。

    唐 杨炯 《右将军魏哲神道碑》:“威振六官,风扬五部。”

  3. 中医指额、頦、鼻、左腮、右腮。




  1. I wasn't happy with the fifth one at all, and I literally spent 10 years trying to eat all the negatives , and I couldn't do it. . .


  2. It's not all that convincing, really, yet sites are reporting that Blizzard has confirmed or revealed their fifth title.


  3. She grinds out romantic novels at the rate of five a year.


  4. But Ashley Greene gave RT the strongest indication yet that there might be five films.


  5. The real Harry Potter said he hasn't had time to read any of the J. K. Rowling books or see the five hit movies.


  6. Five-time Oscar winner John Williams composed the music for "War Horse, " one of the five nominees for best score.


  7. It has a slide-out Qwerty keyboard, a vibrant, albeit small, touch screen and it can work as a wireless hot spot for up to five devices.


  8. It was unveiled in China at the Shanghai Auto Show in April and the British carmaker designated only five to be sold in China.


  9. This would explain, at least partly, why Seamus is so horrible to Harry in book 5.


  1. 一共有五部电影提名。

    Five pictures were nominated.

  2. 福斯导演了五部故事片。

    Fosse directed five feature films.

  3. 大概五部手语的恐怖电影

    A. S. L. Horror movies in the past 48 years.

  4. 这些是他最后的五部电影。

    Those were the last five films he made.

  5. 他导演了五部莎士比亚戏剧。

    He directed five Shakespearean plays.

  6. 这家出版社已出版了五部字典。

    The publishing house has published five dictionaries.

  7. 他写了五部小说和三个剧本。

    He has written five novels and three plays.

  8. 罗教五部经卷的基本教理探析

    The basic instructions in the Five Scriptures of Luojiao

  9. 莎士比亚五部悲剧中的死亡主题研究

    The Thematic Study of Death in Shakespeare's Five Tragedies

  10. 隋前五部正史乐志及其文本传统

    Musical Annals and their Textual Tradition of the Five Official History Books Before Sui Dynasty

  11. 这家电影公司今年发行了五部电影片。

    This film company has distributed five films this year.

  12. 这家电影公司今年发行了五部电影片。

    This film company has distributed five films this year.

  13. 试订五部,请告价格及有关事窒。

    Have five unit as trial order please advise price and other term involve.

  14. 莎士比亚五部悲剧中得死亡主题研究

    The Thematic Study of Death in Shakespeare's Five Tragedies.

  15. 北方叫羯磨部, 成就佛做教主, 共有这五部。

    The north is the karma division with Accomplishment Buddha as the teaching host.

  16. 我有五部字典,朗曼是在英国出版的字典之一。

    I have five dictionaries, among which Longman Dictionary is published in UK.

  17. 她以一年五部的速度胡乱拼凑低劣的爱情小说。

    She grinds out romantic novels at the rate of five a year.

  18. 她一生共出版了五部小说,三部故事集和一部自传。

    She published five novels, three collections of stories and an autobiography.

  19. 这本书经常被重印,第一版的五部也被保存了下来。

    The book was reprinted frequently and five of the original edition still exist.

  20. 高句丽五部以夫余人为主,融合了秽貊及部分汉族。

    Fuyu people which integrated with Huimo and some Hans were the main part of the Five Bus of GaoGouli.

  21. 以杨幂为例,仅仅一年间,她就有五部电影与两部电视剧上映。

    For example, Yang Mi had five movies and two TV series released in a single year.


  1. 问:五部曲拼音怎么拼?五部曲的读音是什么?五部曲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五部曲的读音是,五部曲翻译成英文是 pentalogy

  2. 问:五部分构成的拼音怎么拼?五部分构成的的读音是什么?五部分构成的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五部分构成的的读音是,五部分构成的翻译成英文是 quintuple