







汉语拼音:xì sī







  1. 古称纹银。




  1. and gas phase oxidation treatment of a stainless steel filament is carried out to generate a film on the surface of the filament.


  2. As the coffee is stirred, the drop distorts into a filament and finally disperses all over the cup, losing its identity.


  3. Peel a banana from the bottom and you won't have to pick the little "stringy things" off of it. That's how the primates do it.


  4. Over a period of two or three weeks, these fibres meld together to form thin, wet sheets of cellulose that toughen as they are dried out.


  5. Any of the cylindrical, keratinized, often pigmented filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal.


  6. These twelve helixes certainly do not comprise all of the information inside the light-encoded filaments.


  7. In it, tiny quantities of metal self-assemble into a filament as electrons are added to the metal ions.


  8. The dark, thin, more tortuous fibers are elastic (or yellow) fibers.


  9. The green tea mixture helps encourage the bacteria, known as Acetobacter, to produce the cellulose filaments.


  1. 双细丝埋孤焊

    twin thin wire submerged are welding.

  2. 把菜切成细丝。

    Cut the vegetables into thin strips.

  3. 把黄金拉成细丝。

    Gold is spun into thread.

  4. 把胡萝卜擦成细丝

    to grate a carrot

  5. 一缕细丝般的声音

    a thready voice.

  6. 丝,丝状组织丝状的结构细丝

    A threadlike anatomical structurea filament.

  7. 一团纱线、绳索或细丝。

    A ball of yarn or cord or thread.

  8. 你能否把肉切成细丝?

    Could you slice the meat fine ?

  9. 超细丝织物生产工艺研究

    A Study on Producing Technology of Ultrafine Fibre Fabrics

  10. 用来纺织纱线和细丝的机器。

    A machine for spinning yarn and thread.

  11. 厨师正在把胡萝卜磨成细丝。

    The cook is grinding the carrot into threadlike thing.

  12. 铜易于塑成薄板或细丝。

    Copper is easily shaped into thin sheet or fine wire.

  13. 能够把真空管的细丝加热的电池。

    Battery used to heat the filaments of a vacuum tube.

  14. 灯泡的细丝是由乌丝制成的。

    The filaments of light bulbs are made from tungsten wire.

  15. 细丝装饰用或似乎用金银细丝饰品装饰

    To decorate with or as if with filigree.

  16. 将杏脯切丁,鲜橙皮切细丝。

    Cut the dried apricots into small dices. Shred the fresh orange peel.

  17. 不是真的下雨, 只是飘, 迷蒙细丝。

    It's not really raining, it's only drizzle.

  18. 细丝细小或薄的丝线,纤维或电线

    A fine or thinly spun thread, fiber, or wire.

  19. 这一生命细丝当然就是脱氧核糖核酸。

    This thread of life, of course, is deoxyribonucleic acid.

  20. 蜘蛛悬挂在它吐出的细丝上。

    The spider hung suspended on its slender thread.

  21. 原肌球蛋白增加细丝的结构刚性。

    Tropomyosin adds structural rigidity to the thin filament.

  22. 薄海带切成长约1厘米的细丝。

    Thin kelp is cut grow about 1 centimeter filament.

  23. 薄海带切成长约1厘米得细丝。

    Thin kelp is cut grow about 1 centimeter filament.

  24. 这个红色得是特别特别细得细丝切割工具。

    This red one is a super super thin julienne cutter.

  25. 这个红色的是特别特别细的细丝切割工具。

    This red one is a super super thin julienne cutter.

  26. 丝状的,纤维状的具有或象线或细丝形状的

    Having the form of or resembling a thread or filament.

  27. 天然或合成的硬而粗糙的毛发或细丝。

    A stiff course hair or filament; natural or synthetic.

  28. 蜘蛛用细丝做网来捕捉昆虫吃。

    Spiders produce fine threads which they make into webs in order to trap insects for food.

  29. 抖成细丝一团,放入盘中即可。

    Buffeting into a mass of filaments into the session can be.

  30. 电灯里面的细丝不是铜丝而是钨丝。

    This wire inside an electric lamp is not made of copper but it is made of tungsten.


  1. 问:细丝拼音怎么拼?细丝的读音是什么?细丝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细丝的读音是xìsī,细丝翻译成英文是 thin filament's

  2. 问:细丝带拼音怎么拼?细丝带的读音是什么?细丝带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细丝带的读音是,细丝带翻译成英文是 bandeau

  3. 问:细丝的拼音怎么拼?细丝的的读音是什么?细丝的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细丝的的读音是,细丝的翻译成英文是 filamentary

  4. 问:细丝藻拼音怎么拼?细丝藻的读音是什么?细丝藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细丝藻的读音是xìsīzǎo,细丝藻翻译成英文是 Ulothrix tenerrima

  5. 问:细丝状的拼音怎么拼?细丝状的的读音是什么?细丝状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细丝状的的读音是xì sī zhuàng de,细丝状的翻译成英文是 byssaceous, byssine, byssoid

  6. 问:细丝蛋白拼音怎么拼?细丝蛋白的读音是什么?细丝蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细丝蛋白的读音是xì sī dàn bái,细丝蛋白翻译成英文是 tenuin; filamin

  7. 问:细丝状片层拼音怎么拼?细丝状片层的读音是什么?细丝状片层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细丝状片层的读音是xì sī zhuàng piàn céng,细丝状片层翻译成英文是 fibrous lamina

  8. 问:细丝螺旋藻拼音怎么拼?细丝螺旋藻的读音是什么?细丝螺旋藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细丝螺旋藻的读音是xìsīluóxuánzǎo,细丝螺旋藻翻译成英文是 Spirulina tenerrima

  9. 问:细丝中心活塞拼音怎么拼?细丝中心活塞的读音是什么?细丝中心活塞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细丝中心活塞的读音是xì sī zhōng xīn huó sāi,细丝中心活塞翻译成英文是 Filament Center Tap