


游戏:~耍。~笑。~兴(xìng )。~具。~偶。戏弄,搬弄:~弄。~狎。~花招儿。观赏:~赏。~味。瞻~。~物丧志。可供观赏的东西:古~。轻视,忽视:~忽职守。~世不恭。……





汉语拼音:wán yì







  1. 犹玩味,体味。

    宋 陈善 《扪虱新话·王右丞画渡水罗汉》:“ 山谷 云:‘阿罗皆具神通,何至拖泥带水如此’……不知 山谷 何为作此语,岂犹未能玩意笔墨之外耶?”

  2. 寄托情趣。

    宋 沉虞卿 《<小畜集>序》:“ 咸平 初,﹝ 王禹偁 ﹞来於 齐安 ,在郡政化孚洽,容与暇景,作竹楼 无恒斋 、 睡足轩 以玩意。”

  3. 亦作“ 玩艺 ”。即玩意儿。指曲艺、杂技等。

    清 富察敦崇 《燕京岁时记·筵九》:“每至筵九,皇上幸 西厂子 小殿筵宴,看玩艺贯跤。” 老舍 《龙须沟》第一幕:“想当初,在戏园,唱玩艺,挣洋钱;欢欢喜喜天天像过年。”

  4. 亦作“ 玩艺 ”。即玩意儿。指技艺,技巧。

    老舍 《断魂枪》:“神枪 沙子龙 是我的师傅,玩艺地道。”

  5. 亦作“ 玩艺 ”。即玩意儿。指某种事物、举动等。多用作表示轻视之词。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·忆韦素园君》:“但后来被捕的释放,未名社也启封了。忽封忽启,忽捕忽放,我至今还不明白是怎么的一个玩意。” 张天翼 《仇恨》:“要有那杆玩意,别人敢动一动!” 蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》:“他的性格本身就和恐惧、怀疑、阿谀奉承……时常发生冲突、 童贞 最讨厌的正是这些玩艺。”

  6. 亦作“ 玩艺 ”。即玩意儿。特指玩具。

    鲁迅 《野草·风筝》:“我是向来不爱放风筝的,不但不爱,并且嫌恶他,因为我以为这是没出息孩子做的玩艺。”参见“ 玩意儿 ”。



  1. Chop through a man's neck with that thing, though, and his head is not like to turn into a melon.


  2. To hear him say to me with double bottom is enough, I do not lack it, the carpet piece one double everywhere.


  3. By now it was perfectly clear to everybody that what was hanging above our heads was no visit but a crude invasion. Crude and treacherous.


  4. How much would they charge us for such a little thing?


  5. But you know all about this stuff. Is that why you were picked?


  6. It was simple of her to waste her money on such trifles.


  7. While some money this year is not easy, but do not buy that cheap Lou found an old broken stuff, something of their own good.


  8. You know, we're now in the era of rocket science, so even a gadget with ordinary function must carry a very impressive high-tech look.


  9. It seems to me that many of the comments in the direction of: high speed trains are dangerous we don't need them, are artificial and fake.


  1. 看看这玩意

    Look at that thing.

  2. 什么玩意啊?

    What the hell is that?

  3. 什么玩意啊?

    What the hell is that?

  4. 什么玩意啊?

    What the hell is that?

  5. 那是什么玩意?

    What was that?

  6. 那是什么玩意?

    What was that?

  7. 那玩意上膛没

    Is that thing loaded?

  8. 这玩意有用吗?

    This stuff work?

  9. 这玩意有用吗?

    This stuff work?

  10. 怎么打开这玩意?

    How do you get this thing open?

  11. 这玩意非常有用。

    This thing is pretty useful.

  12. 这玩意究竟是啥

    What the hell is this?

  13. 这是糟糕的玩意。

    This was wretched work.

  14. 这玩意很厉害啊。

    Whoo.That stuff is strong.

  15. 这玩意很厉害啊。

    Whoo. That stuff is strong.

  16. 这玩意听起来吓人

    that sounds alarming.

  17. 那玩意能保命吗?

    You get enough protection with that thing?

  18. 类似新鲜刺激的玩意

    All kinds of exciting things.

  19. 他们能操作这些玩意。

    Well, they can program these things.

  20. 这玩意简直妙极了!

    IT WORKS like a charm!

  21. 小玩意, 手镯和珠串

    Baubles, bangles and beads

  22. 那些玩意一毛钱一打。

    Those are a dime a dozen.

  23. 他的那玩意还是好好的。

    His thing is actually okay.

  24. 嘿!这玩意我们不接待!

    Hey! We don't serve their kind here.

  25. 这玩意能自动导航吧

    This thing has to have a navigation system, right?

  26. 小玩意但是非常贵重的。

    Trifles, let's say, but expensive ones.

  27. 这玩意会撞上地球吗?

    Is this going to hit us?

  28. 太混蛋了,脑癌这玩意

    Son of a bitch,that kind.

  29. 这生发剂是骗人的玩意。

    This hairrestorer is a fraud.

  30. 这生发剂是骗人得玩意。

    This hairrestorer is a fraud.


  1. 问:玩意儿拼音怎么拼?玩意儿的读音是什么?玩意儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玩意儿的读音是wányìr,玩意儿翻译成英文是 thing; toy; gadget

  2. 问:玩意拼音怎么拼?玩意的读音是什么?玩意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玩意的读音是,玩意翻译成英文是 dingus