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汉语拼音:chí táng
南朝 宋 谢灵运 《登池上楼》诗:“池塘生春草,园柳变鸣禽。” 唐 杨师道 《春朝闲步》诗:“池塘藉芳草,兰芷袭幽衿。” 宋 柳永 《斗百花》词之二:“池塘浅蘸烟芜,帘幕閒垂风絮。” 巴金 《春》十二:“ 觉民 指的那个茶棚搭在一个微微倾斜的草地上,三面空敞,另一边靠着池塘。”
move towards sth usually quickly or purposefully The children took their ice skates and made for the frozen pond.
孩子们带了溜冰鞋前往结冰的池塘。The dim lights of a few cars could be seen in the dusk round the pond, and some people, late as it was, were standing and staring.
池塘四周,暮蔼沉沉,隐约看见一些汽车的灯光。天色已晚,不过还是有几个人站在那里,观望着什么。But there was no fish. It had escaped between the rocks into a larger pool.
但还是没有鱼,它已经从石缝溜到另一个大池塘里去了。One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, to look it over, as he hadn't been there for a while.
一个傍晚,这个老农决定到池塘好好看看,好像他从没到那呆过一会儿似的。Borrowed an umbrella from a passerby and walked around the pool. It had just stopped raining before this photo was taken.
向路人借了一把伞,一直沿着池塘边走边拍。拍这幅图前雨刚停下没多久。Once I go to the fish of garden pond with elder brother, the result fish has no how much, pour a net many shrimps.
一次我和哥哥去池塘的鱼,结果鱼没有多少,倒网了不少的虾。I have dreamed of a shallow etage with a few lotus shattered around, and the pond remains gentle with laughter when the wind do not blow.
一弯浅浅的池塘,几株荷花亭亭玉立,无风的时候,那一团积水带着温柔,带着笑语。Accordingly, separating herself from her companions, she swam, solitary and majestically, round the pond.
于是她远离同伴,独自威风地绕着池塘游来游去。sir. If I had to name one thing, I'd have to say that stuff they call porridge we get for breakfast. Tastes more like pond water to me.