







汉语拼音:liàn jù








  1. One supporter recently had two chain saws stolen in a parking lot, and he said it would never have happened had he had his gun handy.


  2. "Well, " said salesman, "Let's see what's the matter, " He then pulled the cable and the chain saw sprang into action.


  3. To make it look like a crime, Kleon then fled the scene and threw the chainsaw into a nearby river.


  4. The only machinery we own (not counting the lawn mower) is a little three-horsepower rotary cultivator and a 16-inch chain saw.


  5. Teenage boys may be more interested in the chain saws, but there's no evidence that this leads to violent behavior in real life.


  6. If it fell the wrong way, it would crush him, but it was too risky to use the saw this close.


  7. Horses were replaced with small tractors, and loggers began to use gasoline-powered chain saws.


  8. Meanwhile, the sounds of the axe and the chain-saw and the bulldozer continue to be heard throughout the tropical forest lands.


  9. "We were sampling with the largest chain saws we could find -- a chain-saw bar of seven feet, " he said.


  1. 切青贮料用的链锯

    silage motor chain saw

  2. 链锯合理操作姿势的研究

    Study on rational operation posture of chain saw

  3. 汽油动力链锯的安全要求

    Gasoline powered chain saws, safety requirements for

  4. 这把链锯是我身上一部分。

    This saw is part of me.

  5. 立式高速移动型链锯的设计

    Design of vertical high speed movable chainsaw Mobile Middleware

  6. 树被链锯一锯马上就倒了。

    The trees were felled in no time with the help of chainsaws.

  7. 树被链锯一锯马上就倒了。

    The trees were felled in no time with the help of chainsaws.

  8. 基本型动力链锯锯木参数的研究

    A study on the cutting parameters of a general chain saw

  9. 链锯是用来在高速下切割软材料的。

    Chain saws are designed to cut soft materials at high speed.

  10. 冬季时用链锯将冰锯开, 形成采样洞。

    During the winter period access holes were cut through the ice with a chain saw.

  11. 链锯很可能是花园中最危险的器械。

    Chain saws are potentially the most dangerous item of garden equipment.

  12. 液压驱动链锯在采伐技术装备上的应用

    Application of Hydraulically Powered Chainsaws in Logging Technology and Equipment

  13. 他们已经学会了如何使用链锯,以及如何管理林地。

    They have learnt how to use a chain saw and how to manage the wood.

  14. 链锯人的游戏目标是在炸弹爆炸之前逃走。

    If the aim of jigsaw's game was to get out before the bomb went off.

  15. 第三个士兵把他的20马力链锯加速, 开始砍树。

    The third private revved his 20 HP chainsaw and started to cut.

  16. 我们代表不能逃避链锯的魔齿有根的树发言。

    We spoke on behalf of rooted trees that could not flee the chainsaw.

  17. 采伐联合机专用液压驱动链锯马达类型的优化选择

    Optimal Choice of Hydraulic Motor Types of Special Hydraulic Driven Chainsaws of Tree Harvesters.

  18. 为锯链和链锯国家标准的制定提供了实验和理论依据。

    The paper provides an experimental and theoretical basis for drawing up the national standards of chain saws and saw chains.

  19. 整枝机在绕树干螺旋上升的过程中利用链锯进行整枝。

    In the process of spiraling climbing around the trunk, the pruning machine is pruning by chain saw.

  20. 本文介绍一种新型移动链锯的基本结构和设计方法。

    This article introduces the basic structure and design method of a new type movable chain saw.

  21. 他们在后院挖洞,仔细检查垃圾堆,还用链锯清理了草木。

    They dug holes in the backyard, pored over heaps and used a chainsaw to clear vegetation.



链锯liànjù,[chain saw] 也称油锯,以汽油机为动力的手提锯,主要用于伐木和造材,其工作原理是靠锯链上交错的L形刀片横向运动来进行剪切动作