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《新民晚报》1984.7.5:“开赛五分钟快传强攻破门。”《钟山》1985年第1期:“开赛了。这是一九八二年九月十八日。 中国 队士气旺盛,竭力贯彻教练的意图,把主动权紧紧抓在手中。”
yet, in other ways, like a race car, life seems to be rushing too fast and even going out of control.
而从别的方面看,生活似乎过得太快甚至于失控,像开赛车一样。"It was a late shout and I only found out a couple of hours before kick-off, " said Kelly.
首发的名单很迟才出来,我也是在开赛几个小时前才发现我被列入了首发名单。When the players arrive and are ready to come on, they would need to wait for your signal in the usual way.
当所有球员都到场并做好准备上场时,他们要等着你按惯用的方式发出开赛信号。United have definitely had the worse of the injuries so far this season resulting in plenty of different team sheets and formations.
在这个赛季开赛至今,曼联受到很多伤病的困扰,从而导致队员的缺阵和采取了不同的阵型。Durant was pretty much a lock for the Rookie of the Year after Greg Oden blew out his knee before the start of last season.
在上赛季开赛初奥登因膝伤退出后,杜兰特就几乎锁定了年度最佳新秀的奖了。The small island nation of Niue in the South Pacific has no clay targets ahead of the Commonwealth Games.
南太平洋中的小岛国纽埃在英联邦运动会开赛之前没有陶土飞靶。Sir Alex Ferguson is still hopeful of adding another midfielder to his squad ahead of the Premiership kick-off this weekend.
弗格森仍希望在本周末英超开赛前增加一名中场球员。Yankees' opening day without Joe Torre was rained out, but nothing but sunshine for their former skipper in his first game with the Dodgers.
扬基队没有乔伊•托尔的开赛日因下雨而推迟,但除了他们的前任教练在与道奇人队的第一场比赛中笑颜常开外没有什么特别的。I wouldn't be too surprised if the dog-show crowd all give their contestants a bit of color 'help' before the show.