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You think I don't have plans? I got big plans, I got a writing sample I've been working on as a dynamite.
你觉得我没有计划吗?我有一个伟大的计划,我一直在写一个爆炸性的写作样本。I still work with my production company on cases and I'm always writing songs on my own as well.
我还在跟我的制作公司做一些案子,自己也还在写曲子。Of course I praised him. If it hadn't been for John Lee, I might be writing wills and divorce settlements instead of this book.
我当然要赞扬他,要不是约翰.李,我可能此时正在为别人起草遗书或是离婚协议,而不是在写这本回忆录。Then I usually go back to bed. This is something of a ritual: At the time of writing, I've composed 2, 006 posts.
这样做已经成了一种习惯:在写博客的这段日子里,我已经发了2,006篇文章。The photos were beautiful but I wanted to see someone on fire, jumping on a trampoline with a message for curing cancer.
这些照片很美,但是我想要看到某人浑身着火,在写有治愈癌症标语的蹦床上跳来跳去。Death may be hard to contemplate, but this book is as much about the journey as it is about the last stop.
死亡或许会很难苦思冥想,但是这本书在写关于旅途的同时也涉及最后一站。But at the time of this writing, this type is still in the works, and no standardized Java language binding exists for it.
但是在写这篇文章时,这个类型还在计划中,还没有标准的Java语言绑定用于它。Trying to get every last fact and figure down like that leaves no room for thinking about what you're writing and how it fits together.
试着记录所有的事实与数字,让你无从思考自已在写什么及其内在联系。I did not think of the very obvious when writing a post yesterday about Jive Software's new members to its board of directors.