


1. 争 [zhēng]争 [zhēng]力求获得,互不相让:~夺。竞~。~长论短。力求实现:~取。~气。~胜。方言,差,欠:总数还~多少?怎么,如何(多见于诗、词、曲):~不。~知。~奈。……


1. 抢 [qiǎng]2. 抢 [qiāng]3. 抢 [chēng]抢 [qiǎng]夺,硬拿:~劫。~夺。赶快,赶紧,争先:~先。~占。~购。~攻。刮,擦:磨剪子~菜刀。当面责备或讽刺:~白他一顿。抢 [qiāng]碰,撞:呼天~地。……



汉语拼音:zhēng qiǎng








  1. After the game, LeBron rebounds in talking about the issue, said he thought the rebound height is not the most important factor.


  2. The T. V. cameras, which had nosed their way into the faces of many a disgraced, disappointed athlete, kept a respectful distance.


  3. The striker then went down in the area as he raced for the ball with defender Fabio Galante but the referee waved play on.


  4. The cotton bags quickly sold out in London and New York, with hundreds of people lining up for them.


  5. And you know what, even if I could've gone near her, I would have been in the company of ten thousand other people.


  6. Not only did he contest and block Williams' shot then save the ball from going out of bounds, he also perfectly timed when to leave Boozer.


  7. Finally, European governments seem to be competing to carry out the most drastic fiscal adjustment.


  8. Historically, he said, the squid and tuna competed for the same prey.


  9. Before the one last seconde I saw him on the visual, I didnt notice what would happen. I was just fighting for a head against time.


  1. 争抢肉类。争抢浆果。

    Rivals for meat. Rivals for berries.

  2. 我们开始争抢地盘

    Oh. We become territorial.

  3. 男孩们争抢那个球。

    The boys scrambled for the ball.

  4. 许多国家争抢霸权地位。

    mastery of the seas.

  5. 大家争抢最好的位置。

    There was a scramble for the best seats.

  6. 他们忙着争抢主刀手术呢

    They're busy chasing Solo surgeries.

  7. 你们争抢病人的所做所为

    What you did was treat a man that's fighting to live.

  8. 大家都在争抢最好的座位。

    Theres scramble for the best seat.

  9. 彼此争抢生意的一排饭馆

    a row of restaurants vying with each other for business

  10. 大群记者在会堂外争抢位置。

    Hordes of journalists jostled for position outside the conference hall.

  11. 军官们也许会用选票来争抢权力。

    Military officers may use the ballot to jostle for power.

  12. 街上的狗在争抢一块骨头。

    The dogs in the street are fighting over a piece of bone.

  13. 街上得狗在争抢一块骨头。

    The dogs in the street are fighting over a piece of bone.

  14. 达芙妮,永远都不要为了钱争抢

    Daphne, do not ever fight over money.

  15. 在争抢球时他绊了一下,摔倒了。

    When he went for the loose ball, he tripped and fell over.

  16. 在争抢球时他绊了一下,摔倒了。

    When he went for the loose ball, he tripped and fell over.

  17. 这些孩子经常因为争抢玩具闹矛盾。

    The children are often in conflict with each other over toys.

  18. 几只狗在为一根骨头相互争抢。

    The dogs were fighting each other over a bone.

  19. 大家争抢最好的位子,真是有失体统。

    There was an undignified scramble for the best seats.

  20. 我的位子是指定的, 不再需要争抢座位。

    My seat is assigned, so there's no need to battle for position.

  21. 许多国家都争抢这块地域的控制权。

    Many countries were scrambling for control of the territory.

  22. 大家争抢座位,使得乔治没抢到位子。

    In the rush for seats, George was left holding the bag.

  23. 职校毕业生成为今年企业争抢得香饽饽。

    The graduates of technical schools are welcomed in today's job market.

  24. 职校毕业生成为今年企业争抢的香饽饽。

    The graduates of technical schools are welcomed in today's job market.

  25. 职校毕业生成为今年企业争抢的香饽饽。

    The graduates of technical schools are welcomed in today's job market.

  26. 你有在电视上再看那次争抢吗?

    I Have you seen the challenge again on the television?

  27. 像是一群无知的小孩在争抢玩具

    like a bunch of children fighting over toys.

  28. 他说, 乌贼和金枪鱼历来争抢同样的猎物

    Historically, he said, the squid and tuna competed for the same prey.

  29. 由于争抢供给品而引发了一场小冲突。

    A minor skirmish ensued as people fought over supplies.

  30. 高人一等 时髦的住院医生 争抢一堆家居用品

    Big, snazzy residents, standing around playing with housewares.


  1. 问:争抢拼音怎么拼?争抢的读音是什么?争抢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:争抢的读音是zhēngqiǎng,争抢翻译成英文是 to fight for; to scramble for

  2. 问:争抢球犯规拼音怎么拼?争抢球犯规的读音是什么?争抢球犯规翻译成英文是什么?

    答:争抢球犯规的读音是zhēng qiǎng qiú fàn guī,争抢球犯规翻译成英文是 loose ball foul