


代,代理:代~。更(gēng )~。。~班。~身。~罪羊。为,给:~他送行。~古人担忧。衰废:兴(xīng )~。衰~。……




1. 羊 [yáng]2. 羊 [xiáng]羊 [yáng]哺乳动物,反刍类,一般头上有一对角,品种很多:绵~。黄~。羚~。~羔。~毫。~肠线。~肠小道。姓。羊 [xiáng]古同“祥”,吉祥。……



汉语拼音:tì zuì yáng






  • 【解释】:古代犹太教祭礼是替人承担罪过的羊。比喻代人受过。


  1. The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out.


  2. The two events, together with the Russian revolution, coalesced to turn them, in his mind, into scapegoats for everything.


  3. Such a widespread view is becoming the "escape goat" and one of the main self-excuses to such failures of their work.


  4. Bankers had become a "convenient scapegoat" for politicians, regulators, central bankers and the media, he said.


  5. Petrov was initially praised for his cool head but later came under criticism and was, for a while, made the scapegoat for the false alarm.


  6. We were wrong. Then Makarov turned the U. S. into his scapegoat. Next thing you know there's flames everywhere.


  7. The innocent can be punished and scapegoats are not logical impossibilities. We do say "they punished him for something he did not do. "


  8. Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called looking for scapegoat.


  9. And he said: "I don't think McClaren should have been sacked for his lack of competence but, in this environment, it is impossible. "


  1. 人们在寻找替罪羊。

    People are looking for scapegoats.

  2. 你让我当替罪羊?

    You make me the whipping boy?

  3. 他不会做替罪羊。

    He will not become a scapegoat.

  4. 你需要一个替罪羊。

    You need a fall guy.

  5. 他们拿他作替罪羊。

    They made him the goat.

  6. 房价上涨的替罪羊

    The Scapegoat of Rising Housing Prices.

  7. 大襟岛上的替罪羊

    The Scapegoat Custom on the Dajin Island

  8. 他不打算成为替罪羊。

    He was not going to be made a scapegoat.

  9. 被告成为别人的替罪羊。

    The accused was used as a scapegoat.

  10. 成为别人罪行的替罪羊

    to be made the scapegoat for other peoples crimes.

  11. 他不会去做替罪羊。

    He is not going to be made a scapegoat.

  12. 你们这是在找替罪羊。

    You're just looking for a scapegoat.

  13. 治安官拿我做替罪羊。

    The sheriff is using me as a scapegoat.

  14. 做我的卑鄙的勾当, 替罪羊

    Do my dirty work, scapegoat

  15. 他们为什么选你当替罪羊?

    Why pick you as a scapegoat?

  16. 但是你们需要一个替罪羊。

    But you need a fall guy, fine.

  17. 不要推卸责任,寻找替罪羊

    Do not blame others to look for scapegoat.

  18. 我会找替到替罪羊的。

    I shall have to find the guilty ones, the accomplices.

  19. 使某人成为某事的替罪羊

    to make somebody a scapegoat (for something)

  20. 他成了公司倒闭的替罪羊。

    He has been made a scapegoat for the company's failures.

  21. 想找替罪羊是可以理解的。

    It's understandable to look to find someone else to blame.

  22. 上帝与恶魔是人心的替罪羊

    God and Evil Its a scapegoat through the heart.

  23. 你不能拿我丈夫当替罪羊。

    You can't make my husband your scapegoat.

  24. 你不能拿我丈夫当替罪羊。

    You can't make my husband your scapegoat.

  25. 我不能让我的孩子当替罪羊。

    I can not let my boys be the scapegoat.

  26. 还想让同事给你当替罪羊

    and you tried to get your coworker to take the blame.

  27. 不错。那就拿你当替罪羊吧。

    Well, great. You are the one who is to blame.

  28. 他们不过是在找一只替罪羊。

    Theyre just looking for a scapegoat.

  29. 欧洲的历史到处是替罪羊的尸首。

    European history is littered with the corpses of scapegoats.

  30. 在这次事故中他只是替罪羊。

    He is just a whipping boy in this accident.


  1. 问:替罪羊拼音怎么拼?替罪羊的读音是什么?替罪羊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:替罪羊的读音是tìzuìyáng,替罪羊翻译成英文是 scapegoat

  2. 问:替罪羊理论拼音怎么拼?替罪羊理论的读音是什么?替罪羊理论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:替罪羊理论的读音是tì zuì yáng lǐ lùn,替罪羊理论翻译成英文是 scapegoating theory



“替罪羊”是个多义词,它可以指替罪羊(英国电影), 替罪羊(汉语词汇), 替罪羊(杜穆里埃小说), 替罪羊(游戏王卡片名)。