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1. 哈 [hā]2. 哈 [hǎ]3. 哈 [hà]哈 [hā]张口呼气:~欠。~一口气。象声词,形容笑声:~~大笑。打~~(开玩笑)。伛,弯:~腰(稍微弯腰)。哈 [hǎ]方言,斥责:~他一通。姓。哈 [hà]〔~什蚂〕蛙的一种,雌的腹……
1. 欠 [qiàn]欠 [qiàn]人在疲倦时张口出气:打哈~。身体稍稍向上移动:~身。短少,不够:~缺。~安。借别人的财物没有还或应当给人的事物还没有给:拖~。~账。……
汉语拼音:hā qian
丁玲 《韦护》第三章:“他不时要打哈欠,他太缺少睡眠了。” 老舍 《四世同堂》二一:“他打了个很长的哈欠,凉风儿与凉的月亮,好象一齐进入他的口中。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第七章:“他深深呼吸了一下从缝隙透进来的寒冷的空气,又打了个哈欠。”
Students breathing pure oxygen did not yawn less than those breathing air with higher than normal levels of carbon dioxide.
呼吸纯氧的学生们并不比那些呼吸比通常水平更高的二氧化碳的人少打哈欠。Serena yawns, stretching her arms over her head, as she pads into the kitchen in her bare feet, where Nate's making nachos.
塞雷娜打哈欠,伸展她的手臂在她的头上,因为她把她的脚裸,在奈特的厨房垫使玉米片。Soat last, with a sigh and a yawn, he gave it up.
最后最后,叹了口气,打个哈欠,他还是放弃了。I saw her thin knitting, sleep hazy She'll be playing a yawn, she rubbed his eyes and continued to weave weave ah ah.
只见她细细的织着,睡眼朦胧的她一会儿便打一个哈欠,可她揉揉眼睛,又继续织呀织呀。Yawning, he lifted his arms up to the sky, his hands stretching as if to touch the heavens.
他打个哈欠,双臂伸向天空,展开双手,好像碰触天堂。When he touched her with the toe of his boot, she rolled over, blinked at him, and yawned.
当他用脚尖踢了踢她时,他翻过身对他眨了眨眼,打着哈欠说。They point out that a really deep and lengthy gape is often accompanied by throwing out the chest and putting one's hands behind one's head.
他们指出,真正深刻而冗长的哈欠往往伴随着挺胸和把手放在脑后。The jackal removed the towels from his head, which had been steaming again, shook himself, yawned, shivered, and complied.
豺狗从头上取下毛巾,那毛巾又已是热气腾腾,摇了摇头,打了个哈欠,又打了个寒噤,再去倒酒。Drive her to the doctor, and then take her to lunch. Listen to her about all her aches and pains . Don't yawn.