


1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……


1. 魄 [pò]魄 [pò]指依附形体而存在的精神:魂~。丢魂落~。魂飞~散。精神,精力:~力。气~。体~。古同“霸”,月始生或将灭时的微光。古同“粕”,糟粕。古同“珀”,琥珀。……



汉语拼音:tǐ pò








  1. 指尸体。古人认为人死后魂气上升而魄着于体,故称。

    《礼记·礼运》:“及其死也,升屋而号,告曰:‘皋某復!’然后饭腥而苴孰,故天望而地藏也。体魄则降,知气在上。” 孔颖达 疏:“天望,谓始死望天而招魂;地藏,谓葬地以藏尸也。‘体魄则降,知气在上’者,覆释所以天望地藏之意。” 陈澔 集说:“所以升屋者,以魂气之在上也。皋者,引声之言。某,死者之名也。欲招此魂,令其復合体魄,如是而不生,乃行死事。” 唐 顾况 《持斧》诗:“持斧持斧,无翦我松柏兮,柏下之土,藏吾亲之体魄兮。”《朱子语类》卷七四:“然就一人之身将来横看,生便带著箇死底道理。人身虽是属阳,而体魄便属阴……盖死则魂气上升,而魄形下降。古人説徂落二字,极有义理,便是谓魂魄。徂者魂升於天,落者魄降於地。” 清 刘大櫆 《书田氏刲股事》:“儒者曰:人之既死,则其神灵将散而无所不之,故为重为主以栖之;若其体魄既与其神灵离而为二矣,掩藏之而已,於是前古之礼祭主而不祭墓。”

  2. 偏指肉体。

    康有为 《大同书》绪言:“既受乐於生前,更求永生於死后;既受乐於体魄,更求永乐於神魂。” 杨度 《梁启超<中国之武士道>叙》:“人之所以异於禽兽者,不独其体魄之异也,尤在其精神之异。”

  3. 体格和精力。

    柳青 《创业史》第一部题叙:“一眼就可看出:那强壮的体魄里,蕴藏着充沛的精力。”



  1. As long as you maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly, you can become a strong and healthy person.


  2. Such a goldfish as a species of fish, in their offspring, there will be quite a strong physique.


  3. Before he left, however, the Master said to him in a whisper, "To follow your heart you are going to need a strong constitution" .


  4. Henry feels that this job isn't dangerous if he is careful and stay calm . He also needs to stay in good shape too.


  5. In art, Ares was represented as a well-built war- rior11, carrying a bloodstained spear, and sometimes with lightening about his head.


  6. Unfortunately, the only way to truly get the body and level of health that you want is through the combination of diet and exercise.


  7. but this washwoman , small and thin as she was , possessed a strength that came from generations of peasant ancestors.


  8. Scientists are also curious about Ivory Park, they want to know why the old lady to have such a strong physique, her health is what it?


  9. to build a healthy body , and more importantly , to maintain it , a balanced supply of nutrients is needed.


  1. 健壮的体魄

    a powerful body.

  2. 雄健的体魄

    virile athleticism

  3. 强健的体魄

    an iron constitution.

  4. 他体魄健壮。

    He is very well built.

  5. 约翰体魄健壮。

    John is an athletic boy.

  6. 体魄健全胜金冠。

    A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.

  7. 他们都有强壮的体魄。

    They all have good physiques.

  8. 他有非常健康的体魄。

    He is blessed with excellent health.

  9. 游泳锻炼了我的体魄。

    I have also built up my body by swimming.

  10. 号角及鹿角体魄和坚韧。

    Horns and Antlers Strength and Fortitude.

  11. 运动员应该具有强健的体魄。

    The athlete should have a powerful body.

  12. 锻炼能促成更强健的体魄

    Exercise contributes to better health.

  13. 这个运动员有这强健的体魄。

    This athlete has a powerful frame.

  14. 我们是您强健体魄的专家。

    We are experts in building up a strongand healthy body.

  15. 他身材笔直, 精神饱满, 体魄壮

    He was upright, hearty, and robust.

  16. 骨质强壮是体魄强健的基础。

    Strong bones are essential to a strong body.

  17. 约翰体魄健壮。他擅长跑步。

    John is an athletic boy. He is good at running.

  18. 我爱阳光,它能温暖我的体魄。

    I will love the sun for it warms my bones.

  19. 有位虽然高挑, 狗鱼般的体魄,

    Theres one, though tall and stiffer than a pike,

  20. 这里, 有武士的体魄, 有武士道的精神

    Here you can see the physique of Bushi and their samurai spirits.

  21. 我们是您强健体魄得专家。

    We are experts in building up a strongand healthy body.

  22. 健康的体魄和幸福的生活的完美结合。

    An attractive combination of good health and happiness.

  23. 他曾经拥有健壮的让别人妒忌的体魄。

    He once had a beefy body that others begrudged.

  24. 看他棱角分明的下巴和男子汉的体魄!

    Look at his sculpted chin and masculine physique!

  25. 良好的睡眠是人们维持健康体魄的保证。

    Good sleep is essential for health.

  26. 要保持健康的体魄,你必须多做运动。

    To stay fit, you need to exercise more.

  27. 同国王一样, 他生就一副健壮的体魄。

    Like the king he had a rich physical gift.

  28. 要锻炼强健的体魄,培养良好的心理素质。

    Third, we must exercise strong physique, good psychological quality.

  29. 参加体育活动能帮助你保持健壮的体魄。

    To go in for sports helps you stay fit.

  30. 奖金, 机遇, 幸运的生, 的体魄行他到。

    Reward opportunity happiness and stronger health are on the way.


  1. 问:体魄拼音怎么拼?体魄的读音是什么?体魄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:体魄的读音是tǐpò,体魄翻译成英文是 physique



tǐ pò