


核算:~时。~量(liàog )。~日程功。测量或核算度数、时间、温度等的仪器:晴雨~。湿度~。主意,策略:~策。~谋。谋划,打算:~划。~议。姓。……




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……


1. 待 [dài]2. 待 [dāi]待 [dài]等,等候:~到。~旦。拭目以~。以某种态度或行为加之于人或事物:对~。招~。~遇。~人接物。将,要(古典戏曲小说和现代某些方言的用法):正~出门,有人来了。待 [dāi]停留,逗留,迟延……



汉语拼音:jì rì ér dài







  • 【解释】:计:计算;待:等待。可以数着日子等待。形容为时不远。
  • 【出自】:三国·蜀·诸葛亮《出师表》:“则汉室之隆,可计日而待也。”
  • 【示例】:高考的日子已经可以~了,大家要认真复习。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、状语;形容为时不远


  1. Since a firm's only real assets are its partners, when a few departures turn into an exodus, the end can be shockingly quick.


  1. 坐而待不如起而行。

    If the mountain will not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain.

  2. 他因内心冲突, 犹豫不决而待在那里了。

    He was immobilized by conflict and indecision.

  3. 火发而其兵静者, 待而勿攻

    If there is an outbreak of fire, but the enemy's soldiers remain quiet, bide your time and do not attack.

  4. 树欲静而风不止, 子欲养而亲不待。

    The tree would like to be quiet but the wind is blowing while children would like to support but parents can't wait.

  5. 树欲停而风不止, 子欲养而亲不待

    The tree wants to stop but the wind is incessant It is needless for the something small and hard to want to raise and kiss

  6. 树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待也。

    The tree wants to remain quiet, but the wind won't stop; the son wants to serve his parents in their old age, but both have gone.

  7. 因土地重估增值而提列待缴之土地增值税。

    Provision for the land value incremental tax liability resulting from land revaluation.

  8. 又或者爱的火焰已经随着时间的流逝而燃烧待尽?

    Or has time put out the flame ?

  9. 我宁可待在家里而不愿待在旅馆里。

    I would prefer to say in a house than in a hotel.

  10. 我宁愿去看电影而不愿待在家里。

    I prefer going to the movies to staying home.

  11. 而不是待在这破老爷车里,听你们拌嘴!

    It's better than sitting in that crappy car hearing you argue!

  12. 从此,织女留在天上,而牛郎则待在人间。

    From then on, the fairy weaver stayed in heaven, and the cowherd stayed on earth.

  13. 岁月不待男人而女人会等待他。

    Time and tide wait for no man, but a woman will.

  14. 而她却待家里设法去除地毯上乳齿象的味道!

    While she sits at home trying to get the mastodon smell out of the carpet!

  15. 它是美丽的,老人想起,而它始终待在那儿不走。

    He was beautiful, the old man remembered, and he had stayed.

  16. 我在汽车里待着而让发动机空转着。

    I waited in the car while idling the engine.

  17. 择傲立者跋淖而行, 待霁虹如画, 而后登坦途, 沐清风。

    Choose the Nao was standing proudly and do stay ji, picturesque, and then made up the rainbow, bathing the wind.

  18. 应该你坐在沙发上而让他待在地板上紧靠住你的腿的位置。

    Let him be on the floor next to your leg and you sit on the sofa.

  19. 而满心期盼翘首以待的那一天

    The days you think are going to be big ones.

  20. 我还有几种手段藏而待用呢

    I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

  21. 而你也不能待在这里,所以请离开。

    And you are not allowed to be in here, so, please leave.

  22. 全欧洲屏息而待,看谁能赢得这场选举。

    All Europe held its breath to see who would win the election.

  23. 失败十九次,坚持而不动,待到二十次,大事就成功

    Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth

  24. 而简只想要待在家中讨论美国轰炸柬埔寨的事。

    Jane wanted to stay in and talk about the U.S. bombing of Cambodia.

  25. 而罗丝康门小姐待在白色房子里等待着, 孤独, 没有生活目的。

    In her white bungalow, lonely and lacking a sense of purpose, Miss Roscommon waited.

  26. 不要因那大量待做的工作而失去信心。

    Don't be daunted by the amount of work still to be done.

  27. 我们在这里只待3天。而今天已经过去了大半。

    We are here only for three days and we have already lost most of today.

  28. 解决的方法待我们的讨论结果而定。

    The settling way will hang on the outcome of our discussion.

  29. 她待在国外因生病而未得到多大好处。

    Because of illness she didn't get much benefit from her stay abroad.

  30. 目前,房价因待售空房大量过剩而受到抑制。

    Prices are currently being suppressed by a large overhang of vacant houses for sale.

