


两性结合:~偶。~种(zhǒng)。相互分工合作:~合。~器。用适当的标准加以调和:~料。~制。~伍。~药。~色。~餐。有计划地分派、安排:~备。~置。~给(jǐ)。分~。搭~。把缺少的补足:~套。~乐(yuè )。装~。衬托,陪衬:~搭。……





汉语拼音:pèi yīn






  1. 在电影摄制工作中,根据不同的拍摄条件和工艺要求,将未经现场录音所摄取的画面放映在银幕上,按照口型、动作和情节需要,配录对白、解说、音响效果和音乐,这些工作过程一般通称“配音”。译制影片时,用某种语言录音代替原片上的录音,也叫配音。



  1. Witherspoon voices a character named Susan Murphy, who on her wedding day is waylaid by a meteorite and turned into a giantess.


  2. We have recreated the voices of a lot of famous people that were very close to the real thing and have been used in film dubbing (7).


  3. She sounded good and was dancing around the stage putting on quite the show. Suddenly the sound track stopped and there was no music.


  4. Your accent is so easy to understand. I wish you did movie voice overs.


  5. "If you hear a voice performance that has something in it you haven't thought of before, that's a happy accident, " she said.


  6. CDC said the quality issue of rabies vaccine used is different from the past. It's the efficacy of the vaccine, not the safety.


  7. Voice: People may commonly think Halloween involves nothing but 'merrymaking', but in fact, Halloween means more in Europe.


  8. 'It was very difficult at the very beginning, although I only had to sit there and talk, ' he said.


  9. He was the only other voice actor from the series besides Peter Cullen to get a role in this film.


  1. 配音扬声器

    dubbing speaker

  2. 配音录音棚

    dubbing studio

  3. 配音录音室

    dubbing studio

  4. 配音联结器

    mixing connector

  5. 角色配音的

    in a Pixar movie.

  6. 最佳配音奖

    best dubbing award.

  7. 配音录制系统

    scoring system

  8. 音乐配音录音

    music recording

  9. 配音音响效果

    dub sound effects

  10. 电影外语配音

    Foreign language dubbing for films

  11. 这是英语配音。

    It is dubbed in English.

  12. 为外国影片配音

    dub foreign films

  13. 配音方面的问题。

    Problems in audio or soundtrack.

  14. 原带的乐器配音

    instrumental overdubs.

  15. 他进入了配音间。

    He entered into the dubbing room.

  16. 真实的演员来配音。

    Live actors speak the words.

  17. 是配音的,还是字幕的?

    Is it dubbed or subtitled?

  18. 这部影片是配音的。

    The film is dubbed.

  19. 电影电视专业配音课程

    Introduction to Film and Television Dubbing

  20. 你还在做配音演员?

    You're still a dubbing artist?

  21. 为影片中女主角配音

    dub for the heroine in the film

  22. 为加强音响效果的配音

    dubbing of effects

  23. 首先遭诟病的是配音。

    First what suffers denounced is dubbing.

  24. 用汉语给外国电影配音

    dub foreign films in Chinese

  25. 配音,音频复制,后期录音

    F A. DUB audio dubbing.

  26. 影视配音中技巧的应用

    The Application of Skills to Film and TV Dubbing

  27. 杨弟兄正在帮助我们配音。

    Brother Yang is helping us dub right now.

  28. 最佳动画电视作品配音奖

    Voice Acting in an Animated Television Production

  29. 骗子盗号再截图配音。

    Cheater pilfer date again check scheme dub.

  30. 斗地主,麻将配音发表回复。

    Remove Format Unlink Undo Redo Ordered List Unordered.


  1. 问:配音拼音怎么拼?配音的读音是什么?配音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:配音的读音是pèiyīn,配音翻译成英文是 dub

  2. 问:配音员拼音怎么拼?配音员的读音是什么?配音员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:配音员的读音是,配音员翻译成英文是 Voice acting

  3. 问:配音方案拼音怎么拼?配音方案的读音是什么?配音方案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:配音方案的读音是pèi yīn fāng àn,配音方案翻译成英文是 sound scheme

  4. 问:配音磁带录放技术拼音怎么拼?配音磁带录放技术的读音是什么?配音磁带录放技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:配音磁带录放技术的读音是,配音磁带录放技术翻译成英文是 radiophonics