





1. 呢 [ní]2. 呢 [ne]呢 [ní]一种毛织物:~子。~绒。毛~。呢 [ne]助词,用在句末(a.表示疑问,如“你干什么~?”b.表示确定的语气,如“他没来~”。c.表示动作正在进行,如“我正吃饭~”。d.使句子略停顿一下,如“……



汉语拼音:xiàn ní






  1. 棉织品的一种。以染色的纱或线织成,质地厚实,外表有些像毛呢,故称。



  1. Ant to the desert, why the sand did not leave his footprints, leaving only a line on the road?


  2. Mr Crowther's extension is engaged at the moment; will you hold (the line)?


  3. Shall I come in and cutoff your threads?


  4. Between China and Korea on this bridge?


  5. Can that telephone line pack 2 breadths to take line directly, still am I another to need to reapply a telephone number?


  6. Jon LeClair-Who's afraid of Invisible Thread?


  7. So who CAN you trust for a lifeline to truth?


  8. Your "Art of Motion" is great, the intro part maybe the most difficult one, how to get over the bass lines when we practise it?


  9. What lines on the map should we focus on?


  1. 二上二下斜纹阔幅线呢

    covert twill coatings

  2. 要是客户端现在是离线的呢?

    What if that client is offline

  3. 我们为什么总是沿街道上的线行走呢?

    Why do we all follow the line in the street?

  4. 好,那线上字典呢?

    And OK, what about online dictionaries, right?

  5. 那些短线是什么呢?那就是强度

    And those little lines? That's the power.

  6. 里面有件金线呢披氅,

    It contained a cope of cloth of gold

  7. 我什么时候该用编织线呢?

    When Would I Use Braid?

  8. 为什么有些人会发生串线呢?

    Why would there be crossed wires in some people?

  9. 如何才能够很容易安装配线呢

    How to make wiring layout running easy

  10. 问题你一日用多少次牙线呢

    Question How many times a day do you use dental floss.

  11. 那你会把你的大脑放在线上的哪里呢?

    So where would you put your brain on this scale.

  12. 我如查越线掷球又会怎样呢?

    What happens if I foul.

  13. 你没瞧见他穿了那件金线纺绸睡衣的模样呢。

    You didn't see him in his gold and silk night wrap.

  14. 那汕头呢就刚好在这条线上。

    And Shantou happens to be located on this line.

  15. 将来我们会采用什么无线技术呢?

    What is the wireless technology we're going to use?

  16. 我们将会使用什么样的无线技术呢?

    And what kind of wireless technology are we going to use?

  17. 这条线要断裂了, 在这里意味着什么呢?

    Because what does it mean, that this string is going to break

  18. 如果显示月线图呢, 每个竹线代表一个月?

    What if you display a monthly chart, each of whose bars represents one month ?

  19. 但现在,你有这趋势线,我们怎样衡量进步呢?

    But now, when you have this trend line, how do we measure progress?

  20. 我们为什么总把茶包线缠在杯柄上呢?

    Why do we wrap the teabag string around the cup handle?

  21. 不是在线投稿吗?怎么把图号写在图的背面呢?

    Illustration and legends numbers being given unobtrusively on the back of all submitted figures.

  22. 她绣的那个宇, 针针线线全都扎到她心口上呢。

    Not a stitch in that embroidered letter, but she has felt it in her heart.

  23. 比如说,它应该是一个衬线字体还是一个无衬线字体呢?

    Should it be a serif or a sans serif for example

  24. 我们怎样衡量我们的样本回归线拟合样本数据有多好呢

    How do we think about how well our sample regression line fits our sample data

  25. “看,”他说。“你为什么不在踏板后面几英寸的地方划一道线,然后就从那儿起跳呢?”

    "Look," he said."Why don't you draw a line a few inches behind the board and aim at making your take-off from there?"

  26. 花式线的加工及在粗纺呢绒上的应用

    Fancy Yarn Processing and Its Application with Woolen.

  27. 好!我怎样找到一个在线约会中介处呢

    Adriana ok, how do i find an online dating agency


  1. 问:线呢拼音怎么拼?线呢的读音是什么?线呢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:线呢的读音是xiànní,线呢翻译成英文是 cotton suiting