




1. 雨 [yǔ]2. 雨 [yù]雨 [yǔ]从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。雨 [yù]下雨,落下:~雪。……



汉语拼音:xì yǔ








  1. Jiufen in Taiwan is a city of sadness as it is often under drizzle.


  2. LONDON - It has all the ingredients of a proper British royal wedding: romance, tradition, rain, and a gossip magazine feud.


  3. The only exciting occurrence was the unexpected drizzle. It had drenched my clothes.


  4. A young man in dark glasses leaped out into the drizzle holding what looked like a carrycot and snaked toward the entrance.


  5. When the drizzle turned onto a heavy rain the manager announced that the baseball game would be replayed the next day.


  6. Quietly nourishing rain, the breeze blowing gently, then brown buds, so only the blink of an eye, they become yellow-green of the children .


  7. Days of haze over the sky, drizzle, the air people breathe, but to suppress them in a bit.


  8. How much romance has the light drizzle parasol tree ever deduced and contained how much deep feeling?


  9. Do not go under the rain. If you get caught out, use an umbrella or raincoat, even if it is only a drizzle.


  1. 有绵绵细雨,

    Little bitty stinging rain

  2. 细雨纷飞夜

    Light Rain in Drizzling Night.

  3. 整日细雨蒙蒙。

    Fine drizzle fell all day.

  4. 因为在细雨中

    Because in the light rain

  5. 毛毛雨下阵阵细雨

    To rain in a fine shower.

  6. 细雨是跳跃的音符

    Mizzle is the capering note

  7. 朦朦细雨忆当年

    Recollecting In The Raining Day

  8. 在蒙蒙细雨中散步

    to take a walk in the mizzling rain

  9. 蒙蒙细雨忆当年

    Remembrance in A Drizzly Day

  10. 雨势减弱成毛毛细雨。

    The rain has slacked to a drizzle.

  11. 淅沥的细雨已经开始。

    The long drizzle had begun.

  12. 牛毛细雨, 瓢泊大雨。

    A little of stinging rain, and big old fat rain.

  13. 牛毛细雨,瓢泊大雨。

    A little of stinging rain, and big old fat rain.

  14. 天上下着毛毛细雨。

    The previous night I had been at a party to launch my Martin Lukes book.

  15. 天正下着蒙蒙细雨。

    It is mizzling.

  16. 春天, 这儿经常下细雨。

    There is often fine rain in spring here.

  17. 大雨终于变成毛毛细雨。

    The rain finally settled into a quieter drizzle.

  18. 蒙蒙细雨下个不停。

    A fine drizzle is falling.

  19. 绵绵细雨下个不停。

    A gentle rain fell steadily.

  20. 斜风细雨不须归。

    Id Fain go fishing careless of slanting wind and fine rain.

  21. 朝雾不收, 细雨淋淋。

    The morning mist does not collect, drizzle.

  22. 朝雾不收,细雨淋淋。

    The morning mist does not collect, drizzle.

  23. 牛毛细雨下了一整夜。

    It drizzled throughout the night.

  24. 我们不是提倡和风细雨吗

    We advocate a gentle breeze and a mild rain, dont we

  25. 毛毛细雨变成了暴风雨。

    The soft rain swelled into a storm.

  26. 初春的厦门,细雨蒙蒙。

    The Xiamen early spring, drizzle is drizzly.

  27. 小雨止大风。细雨淋,大风息。

    A little rain stills a great wind.

  28. 像细雨那样偶然唱唱歌

    Or like that drizzle singing once in a while.

  29. 这一天落着蒙蒙细雨。

    The day was drizzling.

  30. 以及秋天绵绵细雨的心曲。

    Butterflies, and the heart melodies of autumn drizzle.


  1. 问:细雨拼音怎么拼?细雨的读音是什么?细雨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细雨的读音是xìyǔ,细雨翻译成英文是 drizzle; light rain