


1. 同 [tóng]2. 同 [tòng]同 [tóng]一样,没有差异;相~。~一(a.一致,统一;b.共同的一个或一种)。~侪(同辈)。~庚(同岁)。~年。~胞。~人(a.在同一单位工作的人;b.同行业的人)。~仁(同人)。~仇敌忾。……


1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……



汉语拼音:tóng huì







  1. 指与会结盟之诸侯。

    汉 刘向 《说苑·修文》:“诸侯五月而葬,同会毕至。”

  2. 犹会合。

    《南齐书·柳世隆传》:“ 太祖 之谋渡 广陵 也,令 世祖 率众下,同会京邑。”



  1. Analysts predict that this will vary widely, depending among other things on how rich the shoppers are and what they are buying.


  2. Elevated CRP is an established marker for the systemic inflammation associated with increased cardiovascular risk.


  3. As a result of the analysis emphasis point difference, can have the different view to the Marx philosophy nature.


  4. As Brown writes on his blog, "explaining why Pluto and Eris are so different is going to keep us busy for many years, I suspect. "


  5. I tried it so mean, as each group wishes to write messages in different forms, different style, make your family feel a sense of great joy.


  6. The results show that genetic background would not affect the expression of chloroplast and nuclear genes.


  7. But the administration is also learning that deferring too much to Congress can produce as many problems as deferring too little.


  8. There remain, of course, differences in economic performance around the country.


  9. If you take the length of a character in CODEUNITS, the output differs according to the CODEUNITS used as inputs to the string function.


  1. 这个故事还满有趣得, 这完全颠覆了传统得同会故事。

    This story is very interesting. It completely subverts the traditional story.

  2. 在这危急关头, 多数人都会抓住任何同会作一番最后挣扎的。

    In these critical times, most people will snatch at any straw.

  3. 我会同时间演戏和绘画。

    'the same time I was making movies I was painting.

  4. 今晚你会同我遨游梦境么?

    Say will you dream with me tonight?

  5. 长话短说吧,我不会同他们去的。

    To cut a long story short, I won't go with them.

  6. 你是不会同他对抗的,你胆子太

    You will never confront him, you couldnt say bo to a goose.

  7. 但是, 如果他仍然不会同俄方话。

    But if he will not and remains with the Russians, then.

  8. 简决不会同比尔和解,而比尔也决不会同简和解。

    Jane will never compromise with Bill, nor will Bill compromise with Jane.

  9. 如果我们迟疑不决,他们就会同我们分道扬镳。

    If we faltered, they would pursue a course different from us.

  10. 他不会同你对抗的,他胆子太小了。

    He will never confront you, he couldn't say Bo to a goose.

  11. 你是不会同他对抗的,你胆子太小。

    You will never confront him,you couldnt say bo to a goose.

  12. 你会同一个跟你不同语言的人结婚吗

    Would you marry someone who couldn't speak the same language as you speak

  13. 我知道你会同我一起祝愿他们诸事顺遂的。

    I know you will join me in wishing them Godspeed.

  14. 要不是他无可指责的话,伯莎确实不会同他恋爱的。

    Bertha would surely never have fallen in love with him if he were faultless.

  15. 玛丽会吻他,因为她恨伯劳鸟,但不会同他睡觉。

    Mary will kiss him because she hates Shrike, but will not sleep with him.

  16. 他们20年内还不会统治世界。不会同人们想的那样碍事。

    Theyre not going to be ruling the world in20 years. Not in the way people seem to be thinking.

  17. 具体办法由国务院关税税则委员会会同有关部门制定。

    The detailed measures shall be formulated by the Tariff Policy Committee of the State Council together with the relevant departments.

  18. 今晚你会同我遨游梦境么, 在洒满月光的夜空之下?

    Say will you dream with me tonight, under moonlIt'skies ?

  19. 这个老东西绝不会是个女巫, 绝不会同什么精灵有关系。

    This creature cannot be a witch, or have any conversation with a spirit.

  20. 我知道,生活将不会同过去一样,反复实践,我感到扬眉吐气。

    I knew that life would never be the same again, and I felt elated.

  21. 如果我给她带来一朵红玫瑰,她就会同我跳舞到天亮。

    If I bring her a red rose she will dance with me till dawn.

  22. 认为胸段突入后纵隔的肿瘤必须会同胸外科联合手术。

    For removal of extensive postmediastinum tumors neurosurgeon should coopperate with thoracal surgeon.

  23. 认为胸段突入后纵隔得肿瘤必须会同胸外科联合手术。

    For removal of extensive postmediastinum tumors neurosurgeon should coopperate with thoracal surgeon.

  24. 客房女服务员同客人会有一些接触。

    Chambermaids have a limited amount of contact with the guests.

  25. 这也是同安理会合作的其他国家的不可推卸的责任。

    It is also the bounden duty of other States to collaborate with the Council.

  26. 我同去不会惹人讨厌。

    My society would not be disagreeable.

  27. 他把自己的问题同父母谈谈会比较好。

    It would be better for him to talk to his parents about his problems.

  28. 我会尽力同他联系的。

    Ill do my best to contact with him.

  29. 新婚夫妇如果不与父母同住,会感到比较舒适和快乐。

    Newlyweds would feel more comfortable and happy if they don't live with their parents.

  30. 我的心会一直同你在一起。

    My heart is looking after you.