




与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……



汉语拼音:zhù wài






  1. 驻在外国。

    蔡东藩 许廑父 《民国通俗演义》第六七回:“电知驻外各公使,将帝制撤销事件,转告各国政府。”《中华人民共和国宪法》(1975年)第十八条:“全国人民代表大会常务委员会是全国人民代表大会的常设机关。它的职权是:召集全国人民代表大会会议,解释法律,制定法令,派遣和召回驻外全权代表。”



  1. The agents, presumably not disposed to offend Chiang, told him to hang on and wait developments in Congress.


  2. Their initial decision was to let the reporters posted abroad enter the Mainland.


  3. The system can be extended to all major OEMs and Weichai offices on the vehicle OEMs to provide a reliable fast-switching guarantee.


  4. The reports are a series of documents sent between the United States and its foreign embassies.


  5. Today, our diplomats are not limited, and our diplomacy is no longer confined to the State Department or our embassies.


  6. If outside the U. S. , can the U. S. ambassador or consulate to apply for an immigrant visa can be obtained temporary green card.


  7. Paying expatriates more also did not result in better performance.


  8. He was in Washington on Monday to attend a State Department gathering of U. S. envoys from around the world.


  9. Should the national ports of entry difficulties can be with me on embassies, consulates or civil office.


  1. 调回驻外使节

    recall a diplomatic envoy

  2. 驻外使馆的公证

    notarization in embassy

  3. 德国驻外使馆建筑

    German embassy buildings abroad

  4. 他们都在驻外部门工作

    they were both in the diplomatic service.

  5. 他们都在驻外部门工作。

    They were both in the diplomatic service.

  6. 工资之外另加驻外补贴。

    Overseas subsidy will be added to the regular salary.

  7. 晚清驻外使臣与政治派系

    Political Cliques and Envoys Sent Abroad in Late Qing Dynasty

  8. 早期驻外使节与西学东渐

    The Early Diplomatic Envoy and Propagating the Western Learning

  9. 代表团受到驻外大使的款待。

    The delegation was hosted by the ambassador.

  10. 去年,通过驻外流动党支部发展党员186名。

    Last year, overseas mobile branch by186 party members.

  11. 我只想有一天当一名驻外记者。

    I would like nothing better than to be an overseas reporter some day.

  12. 论中原油田驻外机构档案的管理

    Discussing the Archives Management of the Organizations that Zhongyuan Oil Field Administration Bureau Establishes outside Its Headquarters

  13. 美国驻外部门的变化就最富戏剧性。

    The changes in the American diplomatic service are the most dramatic.

  14. 身体健康,动手能力强,能适应驻外作业。

    Good health, working ability, can do outdoor work.

  15. 驻外外交官在外国犯罪时享有犯罪豁免权。

    Resident diplomats enjoy immunity from any crimes they commit in a foreign country.

  16. 驻外外交官在外国犯罪时享有犯罪豁免权。

    Resident diplomats enjoy immunity from any crimes they commit in a foreign country.

  17. 伯利兹的9名驻外大使中,有3名是妇女。

    Of Belizes nine Ambassadors, three are women.

  18. 许多大公司在国外都设有驻外的办事处。

    Many big companies have set up their own offices abroad.

  19. 许多大公司在国外都设有驻外得办事处。

    Many big companies have set up their own offices abroad.

  20. 许多大公司在国外都设有驻外的办事处。

    Many big companies have set up their own offices abroad.

  21. 根据国际法,驻外外交官员免受刑事检控。

    Under international law, diplomats living in foreign countries are exempt from criminal prosecution.

  22. 最初决定是让本报的驻外记者进入大陆。

    Their initial decision was to let the reporters posted abroad enter the Mainland.

  23. 管理和指导银监会驻外机构得业务工作。

    To administer and guide the operations of overseas resident offices of the Commission.

  24. 管理和指导银监会驻外机构的业务工作。

    To administer and guide the operations of overseas resident offices of the Commission.

  25. 第三, 建立资讯联络网, 发挥驻外单位得功用。

    Third, create an information trading net to do justice to the bureau in foreign countries.

  26. 第三,建立资讯联络网,发挥驻外单位的功用。

    Third, create an information trading net to do justice to the bureau in foreign countries.

  27. 管理机关及驻外外交机构房地产和相关固定资产。

    It manages real estate and relevant fixed assets of the Ministry and China's overseas diplomatic missions.

  28. 我最希望的是有朝一日能够成为一名驻外记者。

    I'd like to be an overseas reporter some day.

  29. 迈克尔主管着全球240个英国驻外机构的1。6万人。

    In his charge are16,000 people in240 posts around the world.

  30. 迈克尔主管着全球240个英国驻外机构得1。6万人。

    In his charge are16, 000 people in238 posts around the world.


  1. 问:驻外拼音怎么拼?驻外的读音是什么?驻外翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外的读音是zhùwài,驻外翻译成英文是 Be stationed abroad.

  2. 问:驻外人员拼音怎么拼?驻外人员的读音是什么?驻外人员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外人员的读音是zhù wài rén yuán,驻外人员翻译成英文是 overseas officials

  3. 问:驻外机构拼音怎么拼?驻外机构的读音是什么?驻外机构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外机构的读音是zhù wài jī gòu,驻外机构翻译成英文是 institution functioning abroad

  4. 问:驻外公使馆拼音怎么拼?驻外公使馆的读音是什么?驻外公使馆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外公使馆的读音是zhù wài gōng shǐ guǎn,驻外公使馆翻译成英文是 legation abroad

  5. 问:驻外采购团拼音怎么拼?驻外采购团的读音是什么?驻外采购团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外采购团的读音是zhù wài cǎi gòu tuán,驻外采购团翻译成英文是 purchase mission

  6. 问:驻外军事情报营拼音怎么拼?驻外军事情报营的读音是什么?驻外军事情报营翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外军事情报营的读音是zhù wài jūn shì qíng bào yíng,驻外军事情报营翻译成英文是 Foreign Military Intelligence Battalion

  7. 问:驻外采购办事处拼音怎么拼?驻外采购办事处的读音是什么?驻外采购办事处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外采购办事处的读音是zhù wài cǎi gòu bàn shì chù,驻外采购办事处翻译成英文是 Procurement Field Office

  8. 问:驻外军事情报大队拼音怎么拼?驻外军事情报大队的读音是什么?驻外军事情报大队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外军事情报大队的读音是zhù wài jūn shì qíng bào dà duì,驻外军事情报大队翻译成英文是 Foreign Military Intelligence Group

  9. 问:驻外军人特别薪金拼音怎么拼?驻外军人特别薪金的读音是什么?驻外军人特别薪金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外军人特别薪金的读音是zhù wài jūn rén tè bié xīn jīn,驻外军人特别薪金翻译成英文是 Foreign Military Favor Pay

  10. 问:驻外地安全援助小组拼音怎么拼?驻外地安全援助小组的读音是什么?驻外地安全援助小组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外地安全援助小组的读音是zhù wài dì ān quán yuán zhù xiǎo zǔ,驻外地安全援助小组翻译成英文是 Security Assistance Field Team

  11. 问:驻外事务处信息办公室拼音怎么拼?驻外事务处信息办公室的读音是什么?驻外事务处信息办公室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外事务处信息办公室的读音是Zhùwài Shìwùchù Xìnxī Bàngōngshì,驻外事务处信息办公室翻译成英文是 Foreign Service Information Office

  12. 问:驻外事务处雇用的相人拼音怎么拼?驻外事务处雇用的相人的读音是什么?驻外事务处雇用的相人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外事务处雇用的相人的读音是zhù wài shì wù chù gù yòng de xiàng rén,驻外事务处雇用的相人翻译成英文是 Foreign Service National

  13. 问:驻外事务处绝境座谈小组拼音怎么拼?驻外事务处绝境座谈小组的读音是什么?驻外事务处绝境座谈小组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻外事务处绝境座谈小组的读音是zhùwài shìwù chù juéjìng zuòtán xiǎozǔ,驻外事务处绝境座谈小组翻译成英文是 Federal Services Impasses Panel