







汉语拼音:xióng zhǎng






  1. 熊的脚掌。一种珍贵的食品。

    《孟子·告子上》:“鱼,我所欲也,熊掌,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。” 宋 秦观 《贺钱学士启》:“熊掌兼鱼飱之美,自古为难。” 清 金人瑞 《糟笋》诗:“ 圣嘆 清贫悮籜龙,自无熊掌及驼峯。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第十二章:“他那在黑夜中像熊掌一样的大黑手,指着西面的田野,声音里充满了仇恨。”



  1. For a few weeks in this precarious, partly imaginary warmth, the gods permit you to have your cake and eat it.


  2. By the end of the expedition Lewis believed that the Corps had been very lucky to not lose anyone to a grizzly bear.


  3. This does not mean giving up all the pleasures in life, but as you well know, "you can never have your cake and eat it too" .


  4. Eg. Without a word, the general rose, spread his huge bear's hand against the man's chest and expelled him into the corridor.


  5. As the person in charge of the site, is trying to break the inertial thinking, do you have your cake and eat it.


  6. Fish, I desire also, bear's paw, as well I desire also, twos can't get and, give up fish and take a bear's paw also.


  7. Fish is what I want. So is bear paw. But if I cannot get both, so I would take bear paw instead of fish.


  8. The hunter pads into a back room, pops open a freezer and reveals the goods: four gnarled, frozen paws.


  9. "People want to have their cake and eat it, too, " he said.


  1. 仔牛赛熊掌

    Young Cattle Beef in Shap of Bear Palm.

  2. 印第安人熊掌部族

    Bear Paw Clan Indian

  3. 鱼与熊掌,不可得兼

    You cannot eat your cake and have it

  4. 鱼与熊掌不可兼得。

    You cannot have your cake and eat it.

  5. 鱼与熊掌不能兼得。

    These two effects work against each other.

  6. 古人云鱼翅熊掌不可得兼。

    The ancients cloud you have fin.

  7. 鱼和熊掌,两个都得要。

    Fish and bears paw, both must.

  8. 保罗想鱼与熊掌兼得。

    Paul is wishing to eat his cake and have it too.

  9. 那么鱼与熊掌到底如何选择?

    Well, and bear's paw in the end how to choose ?

  10. 您可以让您鱼与熊掌,它也。

    You can have your and eat it, too.

  11. 鱼与熊掌, 两者不可兼得。

    He who hunts two hares leaves one and loses the other.

  12. 不能两者兼得。鱼与熊掌不可兼得。

    You can't have it both ways.

  13. 这就是鱼和熊掌很难兼得的。

    This is very difficult for fish and bear's paw exclusive.

  14. 北极熊熊掌有稠密的毛和锋利的爪。

    Polar bear paws have thick fur and sharp claws.

  15. 你决定吧,反正鱼与熊掌不可兼得。

    Make up your mind, you can't have it both ways.

  16. 不舍得,难得熊掌,不舍生,怎能得义?

    Are not willing to rare coin, and dismay by health, how can they have meaning?

  17. 柏莎喜欢用她那小小得熊掌去抓蝴蝶。

    Bertha likes to catch butterflies with her little paws.

  18. 柏莎喜欢用她那小小的熊掌去抓蝴蝶。

    Bertha likes to catch butterflies with her little paws.

  19. 她看著妈妈用她那大熊掌抓鱼

    She watched as her mother caught fish with her big paws

  20. 我的老爹一次用他的熊掌抓住了一颗子弹。

    My daddy once used his bear hand catched a bullet.

  21. 二者不可得兼, 舍鱼而取熊掌者也。

    But if I cannot get both, so I would take bear paw instead of fish.

  22. 鱼与熊掌不可得兼,价值观就是决定取舍,得失。

    Values means what you decide to give up and you want to get.

  23. 大家好。可以告诉一下鱼和熊掌不可兼得吗?

    Can fish and bear's paw not have both at the same time

  24. 在熊掌下面你会发现五个牢固的弯曲爪子。

    Underneath the paws you will find five tightly curved bear claws.

  25. 秋初贴秋膘, 想不想尝试熊掌得味美温补?

    Posted autumn autumn fat, want to try the delicious bear warming ?

  26. 秋初贴秋膘,想不想尝试熊掌的味美温补?

    Posted autumn autumn fat, want to try the delicious bear warming ?

  27. 其实,经济利益和社会担当并非鱼与熊掌的关系。

    In fact, economic benefits does not contradict to society.

  28. 这些熊掌不仅来自合法猎手捕杀得熊, 也来自偷猎者。

    The paws come from bears killed legally by hunters and also by poachers.

  29. 这些熊掌不仅来自合法猎手捕杀的熊, 也来自偷猎者。

    The paws come from bears killed legally by hunters and also by poachers.

  30. 很多时候我们处于鱼与熊掌不能兼得的境地。

    We oxen have not stay between fish and bear paw condition.


  1. 问:熊掌拼音怎么拼?熊掌的读音是什么?熊掌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熊掌的读音是xióngzhǎng,熊掌翻译成英文是 bear's paw as food

  2. 问:熊掌木拼音怎么拼?熊掌木的读音是什么?熊掌木翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熊掌木的读音是xióngzhǎngmù,熊掌木翻译成英文是 Fatshedera lizei


