


劳绩,成绩,与“过”相对:~勋。~绩。论~行赏。徒劳无~。~德无量(liàng )。~成不居(立了功而不把功劳归于自己)。成就,成效:成~。~能。~亏一篑。事半~倍。急~近利。物理学上指用力使物体移动的工作,等于力乘移动的距离:~率。本领,……




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:gōng chéng bù jū







  • 【解释】:居:承当,占有。原意是任其自然存在,不去占为己有。后形容立了功而不把功劳归于自己。
  • 【出自】:《老子》第二章:“生而不有,为而不恃,功成而不居。”
  • 【示例】:看他前九首,便是一位努力从王之人,而以~终之。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、定语;指不居功自傲


  1. na.
  2. disclaim all achievements one has made;claim no credit for one'

  3. s service

  1. 岁月不饶人。岁月不居。

    Time and tide wait for no one.

  2. 岁月不居, 来日苦短。

    Time does not stay in brief is the day.

  3. 岁月不居,来日苦短。

    Time does not stay in brief is the day.

  4. 一种变动不居的生活方式

    An unsettled lifestyle.

  5. 宁做自由民之首,不居贵族之末。

    Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry.

  6. 她不再是一位普通不居吸引力的女人。

    She is gone from being an ordinary unattractive young woman.

  7. 国际社会面对着充满挑战的变动不居的现实。

    The international community faces a changing reality full of challenges.

  8. 只是这相对的形式千差万别、变动不居、难以概括表述。

    Forms of the relative vary greatly and are always changing, and cannot be generalized.

  9. 国家与社会的关系形态在历史发展的长河中是变动不居的。

    In the course of human civilization, the relationship between state and society remains changing.

  10. 二是下凸条不居中, 造成压痕线偏移, 形成反折不呈双线

    the other is not centered under the Wale, resulting in the formation of the indentation line offset, not antifold radiofrequent bicable

  11. 这才会有贾谊所说的吾闻古之圣人,不居朝廷,必在卜医之中。

    This have I smell ancient sage, do not occupy imperial court must among divining medicine Jia Yi speak just.

  12. 狡猾的流氓,不需居人间。

    null A crafty knave needs no broker.

  13. 集体努力取得得成绩, 我不能居功。

    I can't take credit for achievements made through collective work.

  14. 集体努力取得的成绩,我不能居功。

    I can't take credit for achievements made through collective work.

  15. 万物恃之以生而不辞, 功成而不有。

    The myriad things rely on it for their life but do not distinguish it.It brings to completion but cannot be said to exist.

  16. 寒冷和水气加在一块,说明这个岛屿不适于居

    The chill and the vapor taken together told a poor tale of the island.

  17. 部分利率一直居高不下。

    Some interest rates have remained stubbornly high.

  18. 这个消息使股价居高不下。

    Share prices were buoyed up by the news.

  19. 动物及植物疾病也居高不下。

    So did animal and plant diseases.

  20. 物品供应不足使物价居高不下。

    The shortage of supplies is keeping the price up.

  21. 失业数字仍然顽固地居高不下。

    Unemployment figures are remaining obstinately high.

  22. 油价多年来一直居高不下。

    The price of oil has been very high for many years.

  23. 力推那里的砂锅系列,汤浓味道好,不比砂锅居的差。

    There pushing the series casserole, Tangnong tasty, home of the poor than casserole.

  24. 材料的昂贵费用使价格居高不下。

    The high cost of materials keeps up prices.

  25. 原料费用昂贵使得产品价格居高不下。

    The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up.

  26. 农村人口的生育率现在仍然居高不下。

    Several factors insure its continuance in the near future The fertility of the rural population is still very high in modern terms.

  27. 居高不下的房价改变了我对生活的态度。

    Rising housing prices have changed my attitude to life.

  28. 但通胀率居高不下可能限制政府的回旋余地。

    But stubborn inflation may limit the governments room to maneuver.

  29. 这是公司股票价格一直居高不下的主要原因。

    That's the primary reason the company's share price has held up so well.

  30. 虽然酒得年份不佳,但是其价格始终居高不下。

    The vintage was not good but the prices remained high.


