







汉语拼音:xī quē








  1. 稀少,短缺。如:稀缺物资。



  1. Scarce and expensive skilled labour is often a spur to invention.


  2. U. S. intelligence officials believe water scarcity is shaping up to be one of the main potential drivers of future global conflict.


  3. Though crisps, sweets and doughnuts are easy to come by, an apple is a rare commodity .


  4. The delight of the children at the sight of some dish on the table showed that it was a scarcity.


  5. Right now he is focused on trying to shift dirty, low-wage manufacturing out of Guangzhou to the countryside, where jobs are still scarce.


  6. And yet, there is one context in which economists talk about job scarcity in the same terms as an ordinary layman guilty of make-work bias.


  7. The word is externalities, a concept that holds that money is not the only scarcity in the world.


  8. If infinite quantities of every good could be produced, people would not worry about the efficient use of scarce resources.


  9. In the long run, at least, higher prices should trigger supply increases, and see scarce resources used more efficiently.


  1. 囤积稀缺商品

    speculative hoarding of scarce supplies.

  2. 这种学校非常稀缺。

    And so this isn't very scalable.

  3. 你必须使用稀缺资源。

    You need to use scarce resources.

  4. 人和资源都是稀缺的。

    People and resources are scarce.

  5. 对稀缺概念的哲学分析

    Philosophy analysis for the concept of scarcity

  6. 劳动力资源丰富,但土地资源稀缺。

    Labor forces are abundant, but land resources are scarce.

  7. 它开始于稀缺和竞争假设。

    It begins with the scarcity hence competition postulate.

  8. 这是一个资源稀缺的世界。

    This is the world of scarcity.

  9. 这是一种丰盛而不是稀缺。

    It is abundance, as opposed to scarcity.

  10. 不需要冷藏,不需要经常稀缺的水。

    It doesn't need to be refrigerated, it doesn't need water, which is often lacking.

  11. 稀缺原理是经济学的核心原理之一。

    The Scarcity Principle is one of the core principles of economics.

  12. 管理者的稀缺造成了一些风险。

    This dearth of managers creates several risks.

  13. 尽管梵高的作品稀缺,但却无人问津。

    The van Gogh attracted no bids despite the scarcity of the artist's work.

  14. 白苗, 黑苗正在争夺稀缺的水资源。

    The White Miao and the Black Miao are fighting over scarce water resources.

  15. 白苗,黑苗正在争夺稀缺得水资源。

    The White Miao and the Black Miao are fighting over scarce water resources.

  16. 酒城泸州酿酒稀缺资源的应用研究

    Study on the opplication of rare resources in brewing of Lu zhou Bai jiu

  17. 资源稀缺问题一直经济学研究的焦点。

    Resources Scarcity has always been the focus of economic research in several years.

  18. 由于木材木炭稀缺, 烹饪变得很奢侈。

    Cooking food properly is a luxury given how scarce firewood and charcoal are.

  19. 自然资源的有限性决定了资源的稀缺性。

    The finiteness of natural resources determines its scarcity.

  20. 经济学研究社会如何管理自己的稀缺资源。

    Economics the study of how society manages its scarce resources.

  21. 先从突然成为稀缺资源的资本说起。

    Start with capital, which has suddenly become the industry's scarce resource.

  22. 信息不准确会浪费宝贵和稀缺的资源。

    Inaccurate information wastes valuable and scarce resources.

  23. 这里稀缺性是指物品供给得有限性。

    Here is the scarcity of the limited supply of goods.

  24. 这里稀缺性是指物品供给的有限性。

    Here is the scarcity of the limited supply of goods.

  25. 供水等资源稀缺的问题也必须得到考虑。

    The issue of scarce resources such as water must also be considered.

  26. 这是一种有效利用稀缺资源的方式吗?

    Is this an efficient use of scarce resources?

  27. 配置稀缺投资资本的金融体系亦是如此。

    A financial system, which allocates scarce investment capital, is no different.

  28. 配置稀缺投资资本的金融体系亦是如此。

    A financial system, which allocates scarce investment capital, is no different.

  29. 配置稀缺投资资本得金融体系亦是如此。

    A financial system, which allocates scarce investment capital, is no different.

  30. 即便考虑了资源稀缺性, 意义也不大。

    Even considering resource scarcity isnt all that helpful.


  1. 问:稀缺拼音怎么拼?稀缺的读音是什么?稀缺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀缺的读音是xīquē,稀缺翻译成英文是 in short supply; scarce; in pressing demand

  2. 问:稀缺性别拼音怎么拼?稀缺性别的读音是什么?稀缺性别翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀缺性别的读音是xī quē xìng bié,稀缺性别翻译成英文是 scarce sex


