


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……




1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……





汉语拼音:hǎo lái hǎo qù









  1. 网络
  2. begin well and end well;Come and go pleasantly

  3. >

  1. 我去把上衣给你取来好吗

    Shall I fetch your coat for you

  2. 请去把65课得挂图拿来好吗

    Will you fetch the wall charts of Lesson 65

  3. 请去把65课的挂图拿来好吗

    Will you fetch the wall charts of Lesson 65

  4. 请你去给我拿点纸来好吗?

    Will you go and fetch me some paper, please?

  5. 快跑进去把我的球拿来好吗

    Would you run in and bring my ball.

  6. 去把我抽屉里的钢卷尺拿来好吗?

    Fetch me the steel tape from my drawer, will not you? ?

  7. 亲爱的,快进屋去将我的钥匙拿来好吗

    Run in and bring my keys, will you, dear.

  8. 要是你别抓进去了,我肯定会打点好来看你的。

    When you go to jail, I'll send you a lot of goodies.

  9. 往利兹去的旅客琼斯夫人请到问讯处来好吗?

    Would Mrs. Jones, passenger to Leeds, please come to the Enquiry Desk

  10. 我要把这些画都运到伦敦去, 你去找几个包装工人来好?

    I want all these pictures sent to London. Will you send for the packers

  11. 好的来坏的去好的来坏的去。

    Good fortune comes and bad fortune goes.

  12. 告诉我那是什么我会去弄来好吗?

    Just tell me what it is, and I'll go ahead and get it, okay?

  13. 好,来吧,我们现在就去,来吧。

    Yeah, come on. Let's go right now. Come on.

  14. 我们需要所有的队员都踢出好的足球来, 去赢得胜利和喜悦。

    We need them all playing good football, winning and being happy.

  15. 好吧,来啊,去告我吧

    Oh,you know what?Go ahead.Sue me!

  16. 去看看谁瑞兹怎么还没来,好么?

    Just go and see what's keeping raze, will you?

  17. 事情发生都是因果相随,好来好走,悖来悖走。

    The occurrence of anything must have the cause and the result.

  18. 请你去给我拿把改锥来,好吗?

    Will you go and fetch me a screwdriver, please?

  19. 坐好,不要动来晃去的!

    Sit still and stop fidgeting!

  20. 要来好好的展示我们家的的恢复力和实力。

    To demonstrate the resilience and strength of our family.

  21. 他想来想去,总算想出了一个好主意。

    He thought it over and over and finally hit upon a good idea.

  22. 咱们来好好的处理这个问题,不要蜻蜓点水似的。

    Let's deal properly with the problem, instead of just picking at it.

  23. 别把灯在我面前晃来晃去, 对我眼不好。

    Don't dangle the lights before me. It will do harm to my eyes.

  24. 人们走来走去,以便找到个一览无遗的好位置。

    People shifted around to get a good view.

  25. 锦绣总算能静下心来好好的翻看书本了。

    The rich brocade can be silenced down to thoroughly turn over to see book on the entire.

  26. 寻到了,就来报信,我也好去拜他。

    As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.

  27. 去往利兹的旅客琼斯夫人请到问讯处来,好吗

    Passenger to Leeds, please come to the Enquiry Desk

  28. 她好象飘来飘去地不知干些什么,她的大脑什么也不想。

    She drifted along on a soft tide of not thinking.

  29. 我们去查查看是谁付得钱让阿伯托到这里来得好吧

    Let's find out who ponied up the money for Aberto here, all right

  30. 我们去查查看是谁付的钱让阿伯托到这里来的好吧

    Let's find out who ponied up the money for Aberto here, all right






【拼音】hǎo lái hǎo qù





【英文】begin well and end well