


1. 升 [shēng]升 [shēng]容量单位。量粮食的器具。向上,高起,提高:~力(亦称“举力”)。~格。~华(a.固态物质直接变为气;b.喻事物的提高和精炼)。~迁。~值。~堂入室(喻人的学问造诣由浅入深,循序渐进,达到精深)。晋~……





汉语拼音:shēng tiān









  1. 上升于天界。

    《后汉书·虞延传》:“ 延 初生,其上有物若一匹练,遂上昇天,占者以为吉。” 唐 顾况 《悲歌》:“我欲昇天隔霄汉,我欲渡水水无桥。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·补恨》:“ 唐帝 痛念不衰,特令 通幽 昇天入地,各处寻覔芳魂。”

  2. 道教谓修道仙去。

    晋 葛洪 《神仙传·白石先生》:“ 白石先生 者, 中黄丈人 弟子也。至 彭祖 时,已二千岁餘矣。不肯修昇天之道,但取不死而已。” 唐 康骈 《剧谈录·道流相夏侯谯公》:“儻能摆脱嚣俗,相随学道,即三十年内白日昇天。” 明 叶宪祖 《鸾鎞记·秉操》:“试看佳人纔入道,还亏 老子 早昇天。”

  3. 称人死去的婉辞。

    唐 刘禹锡 《德宗神武孝文皇帝挽歌》之一:“运偶昇天日,哀深率土人。”《儿女英雄传》第二一回:“倒是老太太昇天,我们该早来效点儿劳,只因得信迟了,故此今日才赶来。”

  4. 上升于天界。

    汉 王充 《论衡·龙虚》:“世称 黄帝 骑龙升天,此言盖虚。” 三国 魏 曹植 《当墙欲高行》:“龙欲升天须浮云,人之仕进待中人。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·河水一》:“群仙不欲升天者,皆往来也。” 柳青 《狠透铁》:“ 学礼 他妈七十高寿,吃斋念佛,只图死后升天成神。”

  5. 旧时称人死亡。

    唐 李约 《过华清宫》诗:“玉輦升天人已尽,故宫犹有树长生。” 清 采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷二:“抚军骇问,半跪者啟曰:‘某大人升天矣’。” 巴金 《雷》:“别人告诉她,死就是升天,她是到天上去了。”

  6. 南宋 时 福建 罗源 等地的一种丧葬习俗。死者火化后,将其骨灰凌风扬向天空,谓之“升天”。

    宋 叶适 《林正仲墓志铭》:“ 正仲 名 颐叔 …… 罗源 主簿。丧死者焚尸,糜其骨,众薰合和,凌风飘颺,命曰升天,以尤细为孝。 正仲 雕文禁止,治塚甓藏之,始变其俗。”



  1. God, clothed in flowing red robes, is viewed from below and foreshortened, and seems to be rising into the sky.


  2. That day, it was light rain, I sat at the place very near the rocket to see ignition into heaven.


  3. And I thought that if I got hold of Liverpool they would definitely drive me to an early grave.


  4. After the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, His followers began to tell others about the unique Person they had known.


  5. If she could be translated to Heaven tomorrow, she might be expected to ascend without any rapture.


  6. Some people say that this happened in the centuries after Christ ascended into heaven.


  7. As a whole, Christianity is not a testimony of the incarnated, crucified, resurrected, and ascended Christ.


  8. Jesus Christ instituted Baptism as part of His "Great Commission" to the Church to reach all people just before His ascension.


  9. As noted, Vishnu is said to "rise" at the winter solstice, which is a sort of rebirth common in the stories of sun gods.


  1. 基督升天了。

    Christ is risen.

  2. 烟一直升天。

    The smoke ascended to the sky.

  3. 就好象火箭升天。

    This is that rocket going up.

  4. 感觉你都要升天了

    And you have a sheen.

  5. 耶稣复活之后升天了。

    Jesus was transfigured after his resurrection.

  6. 耶稣复活之后升天了。

    Jesus was transfigured after his resurrection.

  7. 关于圣母升天的教义

    the dogma of the assumption

  8. 最后我穿着它升天好了。

    And then I'll be buried in it.

  9. 他怀里的孩子已经升天。

    In seinen Armen das Kind war tot.

  10. 起重机吊钩升天的防治措施

    The treatment measure of crane's hook up location limit

  11. 我知道他们全部都升天了。

    I know they're all up there.

  12. 圣母升天圣母玛丽亚死后升天

    The bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into heaven after her death.

  13. 前头的龙凤正引导她升天,

    the phoenix and dragon are leading her up to heaven.

  14. 耶稣升天后, 就不在世上了? ?

    Is Jesus no longer on earth since Ascension into Heaven ?

  15. 我想可能又有三位升天了。

    I'm sure there's three more where they came from.

  16. 据我们所知, 大多数古人都升天了。

    Most ancients we know have ascended.

  17. 耶稣升天以后,圣灵在五旬节降临。

    Ascension, the Holy Spirit in Pentecostal come.

  18. 它使这位诗人流芳百世, 使他升天了。

    It installs the poet in his immortality, and lifts him to the skies.

  19. 死亡使这位诗人流芳百世,使他升天了。

    It installs the poet in his immortality, and lifts him to the skies.

  20. 问题53在升天中,基督是如何升高的?

    Question 51 How was Christ exalted in his ascension.

  21. 升天的耶稣通过圣灵继续他的教育工作。

    The risen Christ carries on his teaching work through the Spirit.

  22. 升天的耶稣通过圣灵继续他的教育工作。

    The risen Christ carries on his teaching work through the Spirit.

  23. 他们为一颗树的灵魂升天表示哀悼。

    They mourn the spirit of a tree when it dies.

  24. 你和那个升天的女人之间是什么关系?

    What is it with you and ascended women?

  25. 他已经在三年前的意外中升天了。

    That died in that sailing accident three years ago.

  26. 吃到它的人,能白日升天,成为上仙。

    Humans who eat it will and become deities.

  27. 耶稣升天耶稣在复活后的第四十天肉体升天

    The bodily rising of Jesus into heaven on the40th day after his Resurrection.

  28. 耶稣在复活后的第四十天肉体升天。

    The bodily rising of Jesus into heaven on the 40th day after his Resurrection.

  29. 耶稣升天的时候,许了宗徒们什么大恩?

    When Jesus ascended into Heaven, what great gift did He promise to His apostles ?

  30. 最后的宗教节日在耶稣升天节达到高潮。

    The final fiesta climaxed on Ascension Day.


  1. 问:升天拼音怎么拼?升天的读音是什么?升天翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升天的读音是shēngtiān,升天翻译成英文是 die

  2. 问:升天节拼音怎么拼?升天节的读音是什么?升天节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升天节的读音是,升天节翻译成英文是 Ascensiontide

  3. 问:升天剑凤蝶拼音怎么拼?升天剑凤蝶的读音是什么?升天剑凤蝶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升天剑凤蝶的读音是shēngtiānjiànfèngdié,升天剑凤蝶翻译成英文是 Pazala euroa

  4. 问:升天剑凤蝶台湾亚种拼音怎么拼?升天剑凤蝶台湾亚种的读音是什么?升天剑凤蝶台湾亚种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升天剑凤蝶台湾亚种的读音是shēngtiānjiànfèngdié Táiwānyàzhǒng,升天剑凤蝶台湾亚种翻译成英文是 Pazala euroa asakurae

  5. 问:升天剑凤蝶指名亚种拼音怎么拼?升天剑凤蝶指名亚种的读音是什么?升天剑凤蝶指名亚种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升天剑凤蝶指名亚种的读音是shēngtiānjiànfèngdié zhǐmíngyàzhǒng,升天剑凤蝶指名亚种翻译成英文是 Pazala euroa euroa



“升天”是个多义词,它可以指升天(神话用语), 升天(网络游戏《热血江湖》升天系统), 升天(黑魔法用语), 升天(汉语词汇)。