









汉语拼音:qíng bào jú






  1. He said he now feared for his life, and believed US intelligence agents would chase after him.


  2. It is as if, suddenly, the Internet were awash with pictures of the C. I. A. director, Leon E. Panetta, cavorting half-naked on vacation.


  3. "The agent was also to smoke one of the cigarettes and would take one of the real aspirins from the tube, " said the MI5 report.


  4. Earlier media reports had said the U. S. Central Intelligence Agency's an unmanned aircraft launched an attack on the site.


  5. One of the DNI's functions was to take over the CIA director's former role in drawing up the president's daily intelligence brief.


  6. After years of trying to catch a spy they knew was there, the FBI, with CIA cooperation, finally nailed him.


  7. Now they are enmeshed in a scandal over a CIA compound in a suburb of Vilnius, which may have been a secret prison.


  8. She was pregnant with the child of a KGB officer and now lives on a BND pension in southern Germany.


  9. Its economy, grossly overestimated by the CIA and others in the west, fell ever more visibly behind that of the capitalist states.


  1. 国防情报局

    Defense Intelligence Agency.

  2. 中央情报局特工

    a CIA spook

  3. 她是个情报局。

    She is an information bureau.

  4. 彼得在情报局工作。

    Peter is now work at an information bureau.

  5. 目前他在情报局工作。

    He is now working at an information bureau.

  6. 汤姆真的吗?情报局的规矩?

    Tom BishopIs that right Agency rules

  7. 你认为中央情报局在乎吗

    Did you think the CIA did

  8. 情报局想要逮捕这些人

    The intelligence agencies wanted to arrest people.

  9. 吃完后,我要回情报局。

    When I'm finished, I'm going to the kcla.

  10. 总统受中央情报局特工们保护。

    The president is in the care of the CIA agents.

  11. 总统受中央情报局特工们保护。

    The president is in the care of the CIA agents.

  12. 还是以色列人或中央情报局

    Or was it the Israelis, the CIA

  13. 情报局当然会听取政府的意见。

    The Intelligence Bureau certainly will have the ear of government.

  14. 赖将会做署理情报局副局长。

    Ryan is to be Acting Deputy Director of lntelligence.

  15. 学生们抗议中央情报局的隐蔽举动。

    Students protested covert actions undertaken By the CIa.

  16. 后来情报局声称这是局长的口误。

    The agency later said he misspoke.

  17. 是审讯关押处。中央情报局在那里。

    It was the interrogation hold. The CIA was there.

  18. 后来, 中央情报局用于文化对抗共产主义。

    Later, the CIA used culture to fight communism.

  19. 中央情报局局长是国防部长的下级。

    The CIA Director is subordinate to the Secretary of Defense.

  20. 中央情报局发现了刺杀总统的密谋。

    The CIA unearthed a plot to kill the President.

  21. 美国中央情报局当然想保护其特工。

    Naturally the CIA wants to protect its operatives.

  22. 她是中央情报局秘密行动的负责人。

    She is the director of clandestine operations of the CIA.

  23. 她是从中央情报局借调给我们的。

    She's on loan to us from the CIA.

  24. 大卫凯是中央情报局的特派顾问。

    David Kay was special adviser to Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet.

  25. 中央情报局破获了一起暗杀总统的阴谋。

    The CIA unearthed a plot to kill the President.

  26. 中央情报局占有了大多数的史前古器物。

    The CIA came into possession of a multitude of artifacts.

  27. 中央情报局与一个特工人员失去了联系,

    The CIA loses track of one of its operatives

  28. 目前, 只有中央情报局配备了携弹无人机。

    Until now, only the CIA has had armed UAVs.

  29. 假如你要同中央情报局周旋,就等于玩火。

    If you play with the CIA, you are playing with fire.

  30. 这些钱其实是中央情报局付给的工作报酬。

    The money was in fact payment by the CIA for services rendered.


  1. 问:情报局拼音怎么拼?情报局的读音是什么?情报局翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情报局的读音是qíngbàojú,情报局翻译成英文是 information bureau

  2. 问:情报局局长拼音怎么拼?情报局局长的读音是什么?情报局局长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情报局局长的读音是qíng bào jú jú zhǎng,情报局局长翻译成英文是 Director of Intelligence

  3. 问:情报局高级官员拼音怎么拼?情报局高级官员的读音是什么?情报局高级官员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情报局高级官员的读音是qíng bào jú gāo jí guān yuán,情报局高级官员翻译成英文是 Senior Official of the Intelligence Community...


