


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:bù cè








  1. 难以意料;不可知。

    《易·繫辞上》:“阴阳不测之谓神。” 王弼 注:“神也者变化之极,妙万物而为言,不可以形詰者也。” 南朝 陈 徐陵 《与章司空昭达书》:“存亡不测,悬怀饮泪。” 唐 韩愈 《殿中少监马君墓志》:“犹高山深林鉅谷,龙虎变化不测。” 清 冯桂芬 《关帝觉世真经阐化编印》:“大抵圣人之施教有常,而神与佛之施教不测。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·捣鬼心传》:“不测的威棱使人萎伤,不测的妙法使人希望。”

  2. 料想不到的事情。多指祸患。

    《新唐书·奸臣传下·玄晖》:“帝自出关,畏不测,常默坐流涕。”《醒世恒言·汪大尹火焚宝莲寺》:“恶僧事虽不谐,久后终有不测,难以防制。” 碧野 《没有花的春天》第五章:“她发愁自己的丈夫出外会发生不测。”

  3. 危殆;危险。

    《资治通鉴·后汉隐帝乾祐三年》:“初,作坊使 贾延徽 有宠於帝,与 魏仁浦 为邻,欲併 仁浦 所居以自广,屡譖 仁浦 於帝,几至不测。” 胡三省 注:“言几至於死也。” 宋 王明清 《玉照新志》卷三:“ 英宗 大怒, 君謨 几陷不测。 魏公 力为营救。” 清 程麟 《此中人语·广寒宫扫花女》:“非余来,君将不测矣。”

  4. 不可计数;不可测量。

    《礼记·中庸》:“其为物不贰,则其生物不测。” 郑玄 注:“言至诚无贰,乃能生万物多无数也。” 汉 贾谊 《过秦论》:“据亿丈之城,临不测之谿以为固。” 清 陈恭尹 《登祝融峰》诗:“ 祝融 高不测,云雨及其半。”

  5. 喻指深渊或江海。

    南朝 梁 何逊 《敬酬王明府》诗:“贱躯临不测,玉体畏垂堂。”《续资治通鉴·元泰定帝泰定三年》:“京师恃东南海运,实竭民力以航不测,非所以宽远人而因地利也。”



  1. The monarch was called Zu Yi, and is often the weather situation for the unexpected cause for worry.


  2. "One wise idea might be to leave it to future generations to solve the issue, " Mr Yamaguchi told reporters before he departed for Beijing.


  3. Regulators use VAR calculations to work out how much capital banks need to put aside for a rainy day.


  4. In fact, President Richard Nixon had a condolence speech ready to go in the event things turned out badly.


  5. Thus, if there were an emergency and they had to leave quickly, there would be at least one lunar sample.


  6. Fairy jump to the prime culprit fortune for a GuiYu should be to have to LiMengLou encase Broadway hotel room at the door, he hit on.


  7. We were all representatives of a shadow society, cowering under a cloud of bad tidings that would never come.


  8. However, fortune is fickle, Sally left us forever, every time I thought of her and saw the old picture, I felt sorrowful and cried.


  9. 'Angel, 'she asked presently, as they listened to the wind among the stones, 'if anything happens to me, will you take care of Liza-Lu? '


  1. 天有不测风云。

    There were abrupt weather changes.

  2. 天有不测风云。

    Nothing is so certain as the unexpected.

  3. 他险遭不测。

    He had a narrow escape.

  4. 昨晚城郊遭遇不测。

    Something happened in the suburbs last night.

  5. 她遭不测而早逝。

    She came to an untimely end by accident.

  6. 天有不测之风云。

    Human fortunes are as unpreditable as the wether.

  7. 万一他遭遇不测

    and if something happens.

  8. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。

    Life is as unpredictable as the weather.

  9. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。

    It is the unforeseen that always happens.

  10. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。

    You cannot secure yourself against all risks and dangers.

  11. 起航之後即遭不测。

    Misfortune struck early in the voyage.

  12. 上周城郊遭遇了不测。

    Something happened in the suburbs last week.

  13. 上周城郊遭遇了不测。

    Something happened in the suburbs last week.

  14. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。

    In nature there are unexpected storms, and life has unpredictable vicissitudes.

  15. 起航之后即遭不测。

    Misfortune struck early in the voyage.

  16. 你得随时预防不测。

    You had to be ready for any emergency.

  17. 阴阳不测谓之神

    the mysterious changes caused by the actions of YIN and YANG is called SHEN

  18. 天有不测风云,脾气也阴晴不定。

    The weather was unusually variable and so were tempers.

  19. 去年湖边车道上发生不测。

    Something awful happened on Lakeview Drive last year.

  20. 去年湖边车道上发生不测。

    Something awful happened on Lakeview Drive last year.

  21. 要采取措施, 以防不测。

    You should make provision for things going wrong.

  22. 不测风云的危险性。气候异常的危险性

    climatic hazard

  23. 一件不测的事已临到他。

    An accident has befallen him.

  24. 就是要提防任何不测的发生。

    Guard against anything untoward happening.

  25. 人们担心那些登山者遇到不测。

    There are fears for the safety of the climbers.

  26. 每当游客或调查人员遭遇不测。

    Whenever there's a mishap with a tourist or a researcher.

  27. 天有不测风云, 人有祸夕旦福。

    In nature there are unexpected storms, and in life unpredictable vicissitudes.

  28. 我也不希望你发生任何不测。

    And I don't want anything to happen to you.

  29. 你要采取措施,以防不测。

    You should make provision for things going wrong.

  30. 天佑不测之风云, 人有旦夕之祸福。

    Accidents will happen.Every tide has its ebb.


  1. 问:不测拼音怎么拼?不测的读音是什么?不测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不测的读音是búcè,不测翻译成英文是 unexpected; contingency

  2. 问:不测之灾祸拼音怎么拼?不测之灾祸的读音是什么?不测之灾祸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不测之灾祸的读音是,不测之灾祸翻译成英文是 contretemps


