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1. 底 [dǐ]2. 底 [de]底 [dǐ]最下面的部分:~层。~座。~下(a.下面;b.以后)。海~。~肥。末了:年~。月~。到~。根基,基础,留作根据:刨根问~。~蕴。~稿。~版。图案的基层:白~蓝花的瓶子。何,什么:~事伤感。古同……
汉语拼音:dǐ qì
Then, however brutal and coarse everything was, the sense of money had kept her proud, confident.
那时,虽然生活无情残酷,但有钱的感觉让她傲慢有底气。Strictly speaking, I began to interview people fear, fear of talking with people, fear of other people to see enough of my lung power.
严格地说,我开始害怕采访人,害怕还与人交谈,害怕别人看出我的底气不足。If they win at Fulham tonight, it sets up a straight shoot-out with Tottenham next weekend for that final European spot.
如果他们今晚赢了富勒姆,那么他们将更有底气在下周迎战热刺进行这场终极大战。"[This] allowed our investors to say: we'll put the money up and trust this guy because he has a great reputation in movies, " he says.
他表示:“(这)让我们的投资者有底气说:我们会把钱投进去,我们相信这个人,因为他在电影界中享有很高的声誉。”Moreover, by the time the lame-duck session begins, Republicans are likely to be emboldened by their expected electoral gains.
此外,随着“lame-duck”时期的开始,共和党人可能会因为预期的选举胜利而提高底气。You order a bottle of wine at a nice restaurant, and when it's opened, you sheepishly take a sip, not really sure of what you're doing.
你走进一家高档餐厅,点了一瓶酒,酒瓶打开之后,你战战兢兢地尝了一口,心里却没有什么底气。A little less confidently, I told him that I had never felt better.
我告诉他我的感觉从未像现在这么好,但说此话时已不像原来那么底气十足。Enemies of nuclear energy will be emboldened to pressurise other governments, including our own, to follow the German lead.
核能的敌人们将更有底气向其他城府施压,迫使我们步德国后尘。Job seekers without any savings may not be in a position to say 'no. '
没有任何积蓄的求职者可能就没有底气说不。然而, 这只是他们底气。
However, this merely emboldened them.
Confidence comes from the strength and prosperity of our motherland.
Hansen seemed to steel himself.
底气足, 自然不用玩什么新花样。
The energy foot, does not need to play any new pattern naturally.
Maybe? You can be a little more convincing.
Many graduates show a lack of confidence during an interview.
Dye penetrant inspection of the spun bottoms of gas cylinders
His bottom gas is, this case reconciles the trend finally.
You are shy to chat with foreigners if you speak little english!
Liu Ying to build the iopanoic discourse have absolutely radiant.
由于某种原因, 我预计他将更加底气十足。
For some reason I expected him to have a grittier voice. It must be the beard.
The salesperson in the example above didn't have clout.
Two factors, however, may boost Inuit bargaining power.
除了用户, 百度得底气还跟购物行为得悄然变革有关。
In addition to users, Baidu's confident Haigen shopping behavior changes quietly on.
In addition to users, Baidu's confident Haigen shopping behavior changes quietly on.
So far the number one villain in the story finally has reason to do whatever they want and confidence.
Unfortunately, when you're an entrepreneur, you don't always find yourself in a position of strength when it comes to paying off debts.