


1. 血 [xuè]2. 血 [xiě]血 [xuè]人或动物体内循环系统的不透明液体,大多为红色,主要成分为“血浆”、“血细胞”和“血小板”。味咸而腥:~型。~脂。~压。~糖。~迹。~汗。~泪。~洗。~书。~雨腥风。~海深仇。人类因生育而……


1. 淋 [lín]2. 淋 [lìn]淋 [lín]〔~漓〕a.沾湿或流滴,如“大汗~~”;b.畅快,如“~~尽致。”浇:~浴。~湿。日晒雨~。淋 [lìn]过滤:过~。一种性病,病原体是淋病球菌。病人尿道红肿溃烂,尿有浓血。通称“淋病”……


1. 淋 [lín]2. 淋 [lìn]淋 [lín]〔~漓〕a.沾湿或流滴,如“大汗~~”;b.畅快,如“~~尽致。”浇:~浴。~湿。日晒雨~。淋 [lìn]过滤:过~。一种性病,病原体是淋病球菌。病人尿道红肿溃烂,尿有浓血。通称“淋病”……



汉语拼音:xiě lín lín








  1. 鲜血淋漓的样子。

    《西游补》第六回:“﹝ 项羽 ﹞跳下阁来,一逕奔到花阴榻上斩了 虞美人 之头,血淋淋抛在荷花池内。”《镜花缘》第十回:“走至大虫跟前,腰中取出利刃,把大虫胸膛剖开,取出血淋淋斗大一颗心,提在手中。” 茅盾 《子夜》十六:“她又看见女儿的头血淋淋地滚到竹榻边!”

  2. 形容情况惨酷。

    《红楼梦》第一二○回:“ 薛姨妈 见他这样,便握他的嘴説:‘只要自己拿定主意,必定还要妄口巴舌血淋淋的起这样恶誓么?’” 郭沫若 《由葛录亚想到夏完淳》:“就因为有这血淋淋的实践渗着,所以他的词赋,尽管有好些还没有脱掉摹仿前人的痕迹,而却十分动人。”



  1. No eye could see him, save that ever-wakeful one which had seen him in his closet, wielding the bloody scourge.


  2. Intelligent as she, I'm afraid it will not be long before insight into the truth - who would be willing to face the bloody truth?


  3. What he did see, however, horrified him. He saw Harold, on the roof of the hut, stretching out a bloody piece of flesh to dry in the sun.


  4. When Marius re-entered the redoubt with Gavroche in his arms, his face, like the child, was inundated with blood.


  5. This seems to be a man with a bloody axe holding a woman's head up which has been severed from her body.


  6. One shows a man whose bloody skull has been hacked into as if by an axe, to show that cigarettes increase the risk of stroke.


  7. And at the end of the story, he's sitting on a mountain of pearls with a bloody knife in his hand and his wife dead in his arms.


  8. And I was intrigued by this sort of mass voyeurism. So I made these rather gory images .


  9. There is only bloody dead hand below your pillow, do not believe you to look, the name that there still are you above.


  1. 战争血淋淋地继续着。

    The war goes bloodily on.

  2. 看那一滴一滴血淋淋的

    Mmm, look at that drip.

  3. 他被最血淋淋的方式

    Hes executed in the most extraordinarily gory way

  4. 血淋淋的触摸, 让灵魂团聚。

    Bloody touch, so that the soul reunion.

  5. 把血淋淋的我丢在地上。

    Leaving me bloody on the ground.

  6. 这些都是血淋淋的事实,朋友们

    And these are facts, guys.

  7. 但是我记得一些血淋淋的事。

    Except I remember all the gory details.

  8. 这是血淋淋的死亡现场照片。

    These are graphic images of a bloody crime scene.

  9. 只留下我这颗血淋淋的心

    Save this bleeding heart of mine

  10. 那是残忍的,血淋淋的,野蛮的故事。

    It is a brutal, bloody and barbaric story.

  11. 当他们拉起血淋淋的地毯时

    when they pulled up the bloody carpet.

  12. 我们要安全发展,不要血淋淋的发展。

    We want safe development, not development drenched with blood.

  13. 别讲那些血淋淋的可怕细节了。

    Spare us the gory details.

  14. 挂着只血淋淋的鞋子的那个吗?

    The one with the bloody shoe hanging from it?

  15. 他们给这些人展示血淋淋的牙龈

    They showed bloody gums.

  16. 我听到血淋淋的详情,战栗不已。

    I shuddered when I heard the gory details.

  17. 我的整条腿,你知道,都血淋淋的。

    My whole leg was, you know, soaked in blood.

  18. 那人拿着血淋淋得象牙离开了。

    The forester departed carrying the bloody ivory stumps.

  19. 那人拿着血淋淋的象牙离开了。

    The forester departed carrying the bloody ivory stumps.

  20. 这部影片中没有血淋淋的暴力镜头。

    The film contains no gory violence.

  21. 敌军士兵把那农民打得血淋淋。

    The enemy soldier beat the peasant bloody.

  22. 所以我拍摄了这些有些血淋淋的图片。

    So I made these rather gory images.

  23. 那血淋淋的幻影在她脑海中时隐时现。

    The bloody visions passed in and out of her mind.

  24. 犯罪现场调查,哦,我喜欢血淋淋的场面。

    Crime scene investigation. hell, I love a bloody scene.

  25. 突然,背后隐藏每布什血淋淋的死亡。

    Sudden, gory death hides behind every bush.

  26. 好大的一只天鹅!恶魔在血淋淋地呼喊!

    Very big of a swan! The devil is shouting bloodily!

  27. 一看到那些血淋淋的场面我就感到恶心。

    The sight of all that blood quite turns me over.

  28. 然而,那毕竟是老虎、尖叫和血淋淋的场面呀!

    And yet, that tiger, those cries, that blood!

  29. 等等,但我们不想让在本文的血淋淋的细节。

    And much more, but we don't want to get in those gory details in this article.

  30. 请下载的那血淋淋的所有细节单一源代码的类。

    Please download the single source code class for all of the gory details.


  1. 问:血淋淋拼音怎么拼?血淋淋的读音是什么?血淋淋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血淋淋的读音是xiělínlín,血淋淋翻译成英文是 blood-soaked



血淋淋(xiě lín lín)鲜血(xiān xuè)二者读音是有区别的,血淋淋的“血”读上声,鲜血的“血”读去声。