




1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……



汉语拼音:fù huì







  1. McCormack also said he expected the talks to reconvene "in the next week or two. "


  2. We hope relevant sides can continue to solve the issue through dialogue and consultations for an early resumption of the Talks.


  3. The Senate is scheduled to return to Washington Sept. 13 and the House the next day.


  4. Parliament will not be in session again until after Christmas.


  5. When lawmakers return to work next month, President Bush says they should allow for more offshore oil drilling.


  6. South Korean officials say six-nation talks aimed at ending North Korea's nuclear programs could resume within weeks.


  7. Parliamentarians, including the acting speaker, Fouad Massoum, say they expect to have a meeting date set this week.


  8. When it reconvenes, those bills will have to start again from scratch.


  9. At the end of today's proceedings, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until May 21 with provision for earlier meeting if need be.


  1. 复会后的续会

    resumed session.

  2. 我们将在5分钟之后复会。

    We will resume in five minutes.

  3. 六方会谈今天在北京复会。

    This is a vertical view of Beijing.

  4. 六方会谈今天在北京复会。

    The six-party talks resumed in Beijing today.

  5. 当复会时, 没有人发表意见。

    When the meeting resumed, there was no comment on it.

  6. 议会要到圣诞节后才复会。

    Parliament will not be in session again until after Christmas.

  7. 会议暂停,将于稍后日期复会。

    The meeting was suspended and will be resumed at a later date.

  8. 会员投票决定休会,午后2时复会。

    The members of the club voted to adjourn the meeting until 2 P.M..

  9. 我们将休会至星期三再复会。

    We shall adjourn the meeting until Wednesday.

  10. 其后, 我将复会, 宣读主席声明。

    Thereafter, I shall resume the meeting in order to read out a statement by the President.

  11. 他宣布休会,明天上午10点复会。

    He adjourned the meeting until tomorrow at 10 a.m.

  12. 农复会和台湾的经济发展

    The JCRR and the economic development of Taiwan

  13. 在第五委员会休会后立即复会。

    The meeting will resume immediately following the adjournment of the Fifth Committee.

  14. 大会将在复会时审议余下的项目。

    The Assembly will take up the remaining items at the resumption of the meeting.

  15. 我不希望本次会议还要在下午复会。

    I would hope not to have to resume the meeting this afternoon.

  16. 过后会议还可能复会, 而且我希望, 作出决定。

    The meeting could be resumed later and, I hope, a decision taken.

  17. 复会后, 主席作为哥伦比亚代表发了言。

    Upon the resumption of the meeting a statement was made by the President, speaking in her capacity as the representative of Colombia.

  18. 我们希望该问题将在下周复会期间完成。

    It is our hope that the issue will be completed during the resumed session next week.

  19. 在立法机关明年秋天复会时将讨论这份议案。

    The bill will be considered when the Legislature reconvenes next Fall.

  20. 复会后, 斯洛文尼亚和俄罗斯联邦代表发了言。

    Upon the resumption of the meeting, statements were made by the representatives of Slovenia and the Russian Federation.

  21. 有14个空缺待填补,会议暂停,将在当天下午复会。

    With14 vacancies to be filled, the meeting was suspended until the afternoon of the same day.

  22. 这次并不是我们要求第十届紧急特别会议复会。

    We did not request this resumption of the tenth emergency special session.

  23. 论光复会特点及其对资产阶级革命党演变的影响

    On the Characters of Guang Fu Hui as Well as Its Influences on the Evolution of the Bourgeois Revolutionary Party

  24. 会议可在任何一届会议上决定暂时休会并在以后复会。

    The Conference may decide at any session to adjourn temporarily and resume its meetings at a later date.

  25. 它也是工作组今后的复会可使用的一个永久的网络资源。

    It is also a permanent Web resource for future use by resumed sessions of the Group.

  26. 如果不复会, 我想, 每个人最好回自己的办公室去。

    If it is not resumed, I think it would be wiser for everyone to go back to their offices.

  27. 昨天, 我们的复会时, 主席先生你指出, 我们有一个好的计划。

    Yesterday, when we came back, you indicated, Sir, that we would have a good package.

  28. 裁军谈判会议明年年初复会时必须开始开展实质性工作。

    The Conference on Disarmament must start substantive work when it resumes its session early next year.

  29. 即便现在,我们不知道我们星期一复会时可能看到什么结果。

    Even now, we do not know what might come when we resume on Monday.

  30. 议会在夏季休会后已复会, 它决心增强其效率和效益。

    The Assembly returned from its summer recess determined to increase its efficiency and effectiveness.


  1. 问:复会拼音怎么拼?复会的读音是什么?复会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复会的读音是fùhuì,复会翻译成英文是 To restart a meeting after a break for a period of...


