







汉语拼音:bīn sǐ







  1. The Spirit Guides are in consultation with him, long before death, and are telling him the truth.


  2. But this nice young man told me a sob story about needing money for a bus ticket to see his dying mother, so I gave him two dollars.


  3. One of the events she wrote about was that after her near-death experience, she was pursued by demons or what appeared to be Satan.


  4. Queen of Pain could bring him to the brink of death, but she was rune-bound to keep him alive.


  5. Like a man on the point of dying, it takes unutterable delight in the enjoyment of its agony.


  6. The name stuck even though the opposite turned out to be true: this type of nebula consists of gas molted from dying stars.


  7. First it was Goldman Sachs, which had a near-death experience after the collapse of Lehman Brothers.


  8. When I was clinically dead a voice suggested me that he were god and that he had decided that I have to be born again as a slave.


  9. What sort of methods will this project use to try and verify people's claims of "near-death" experience?


  1. 垂死,濒死

    impending death.

  2. 濒死期反应

    agonal reaction.

  3. 濒死期感染

    agonal infection.

  4. 濒死期护理

    care of the dying.

  5. 濒死性侏儒

    thanatophoric dwarfism.

  6. 濒死期心脏内血块

    agony clot

  7. 这孩子因饥饿而濒死。

    The boy was dying with hunger.

  8. 音乐治疗和死亡与濒死

    Music Therapy and Death and Dying

  9. 你跟那个濒死的人去讲

    You apologize to that dying person.

  10. 宙斯渐渐远离,留下濒死的奎托斯。

    Zeus walks away from the defeated and dying Kratos.

  11. 濒死的鱼躺在污浊的沟里,

    And all the fish that lay in dirty water dying

  12. 濒死得鱼躺在污浊得沟里,

    And all the fish that lay in dirty water dying.

  13. 我触摸到那濒死星光的回忆

    I reach for the memory of dying starlight

  14. 这只羊已经濒死,我们该怎么办?

    What can we do with this dying sheep?

  15. 这只羊已经濒死,我们该怎么办?

    What can we do with this dying sheep?

  16. 绑架者们最后把那个女子打到濒死

    They wind up beating her down

  17. 这个濒死的女人准备了一份遗嘱。

    The dying woman prepared a will.

  18. 医学上来说,什么是濒死体验呢?

    Medically speaking, what is a neardeath experience

  19. 医学生对死亡和濒死的认知调查

    Attitude Of Medical Students to Dying and Death

  20. 饲养细胞用于挽救濒死的珍稀贴壁细胞

    Rescue of Dying Adherent Cells by Feeder Cells

  21. 没有任何东西能挽救那个濒死者

    Nothing could avail the dying patient.

  22. 一例濒死期腹泻犊牛的救治

    A case of curing a calf with diarrhea close to death

  23. 方法存在许多濒死体验到从声学光学。

    Many methods exist for ranging from acoustics to optical.

  24. 是因为我死与濒死和他联想在一起

    Because i associate him with death and dying.

  25. 濒死体验的神奇现象可能与睡眠疾病有关

    Mysterious Phenomenon May Be Related to Sleep Disorder

  26. 只照料那些濒死的病人,满足他们特殊的需要

    Care only for the dying and their special needs

  27. 在那家安养院 有31个人 处在濒死状态

    In that hospice, there were 29 men and women who were actively dying.

  28. 也就是将好意和创意 带入濒死的经历。

    That is, to bring intention and creativity to the experience of dying.

  29. 这时, 黑洞便在濒死恒星得遗体之内降生。

    And from the remains of a dying star a black hole is born.

  30. 这时,黑洞便在濒死恒星的遗体之内降生。

    And from the remains of a dying star a black hole is born.


  1. 问:濒死拼音怎么拼?濒死的读音是什么?濒死翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死的读音是bīnsǐ,濒死翻译成英文是 To be near death.

  2. 问:濒死伤拼音怎么拼?濒死伤的读音是什么?濒死伤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死伤的读音是bīn sǐ shāng,濒死伤翻译成英文是 agonal trauma

  3. 问:濒死前的拼音怎么拼?濒死前的的读音是什么?濒死前的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死前的的读音是bīn sǐ qián de,濒死前的翻译成英文是 preagonal

  4. 问:濒死状态拼音怎么拼?濒死状态的读音是什么?濒死状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死状态的读音是bīn sǐ zhuàng tài,濒死状态翻译成英文是 agonal stage

  5. 问:濒死经验拼音怎么拼?濒死经验的读音是什么?濒死经验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死经验的读音是,濒死经验翻译成英文是 Near death experience

  6. 问:濒死苦闷拼音怎么拼?濒死苦闷的读音是什么?濒死苦闷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死苦闷的读音是bīnsǐ kǔmèn,濒死苦闷翻译成英文是 agonia

  7. 问:濒死性腹水拼音怎么拼?濒死性腹水的读音是什么?濒死性腹水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死性腹水的读音是bīn sǐ xìng fù shuǐ,濒死性腹水翻译成英文是 preagonal ascites

  8. 问:濒死期感染拼音怎么拼?濒死期感染的读音是什么?濒死期感染翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死期感染的读音是bīn sǐ qī gǎn rǎn,濒死期感染翻译成英文是 agonal infection

  9. 问:濒死期血栓拼音怎么拼?濒死期血栓的读音是什么?濒死期血栓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死期血栓的读音是bīn sǐ qī xuè shuān,濒死期血栓翻译成英文是 agonal thrombus

  10. 问:濒死肠套叠拼音怎么拼?濒死肠套叠的读音是什么?濒死肠套叠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死肠套叠的读音是bīn sǐ cháng tào dié,濒死肠套叠翻译成英文是 agonic intussusception

  11. 问:濒死期心脏内血块拼音怎么拼?濒死期心脏内血块的读音是什么?濒死期心脏内血块翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死期心脏内血块的读音是bīn sǐ qī xīn zàng nèi xuè kuài,濒死期心脏内血块翻译成英文是 agonal clot

  12. 问:濒死期白细胞增多拼音怎么拼?濒死期白细胞增多的读音是什么?濒死期白细胞增多翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死期白细胞增多的读音是bīn sǐ qī bái xì bāo zēng duō,濒死期白细胞增多翻译成英文是 terminal leucocytosis

  13. 问:濒死白细胞增多现象拼音怎么拼?濒死白细胞增多现象的读音是什么?濒死白细胞增多现象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:濒死白细胞增多现象的读音是bīn sǐ bái xì bāo zēng duō xiàn xiàng,濒死白细胞增多现象翻译成英文是 leucocytosis terminalis



“濒死”是个多义词,它可以指濒死(口袋妖怪), 濒死(汉语词汇), 濒死(2000年出品法国电影)。