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1. 隽 [jùn]2. 隽 [juàn]隽 [jùn]同“俊”。隽 [juàn]鸟肉肥美,味道好,引申为意味深长:~永(指言语、诗文)。……
汉语拼音:juàn yǒng
宋 张世南 《游宦纪闻》卷九:“橄欖, 闽 蜀 俱有之。 闽中 丁香一品,极小,雋永,其味胜於 蜀 产。” 郭沫若 《苏联纪行·六月廿日》:“大使馆是租住的,陈设相当堂皇。喝一盏盖碗的 中国 茶,特别感觉着隽永。”
《汉书·蒯通传》:“ 通 论 战国 时説士权变,亦自序其説,凡八十一首,号曰《雋永》。” 颜师古 注:“雋,肥肉也;永,长也。言其所论甘美而义深长也。”后以谓言语、诗文意味深长。 宋 陆游 《午枕》诗:“书中至味人不知,隽永无穷胜粱肉。” 明 谢榛 《四溟诗话》卷一:“﹝作诗﹞体贵正大,志贵高远,气贵雄浑,韵贵雋永。” 朱自清 《短诗与长诗》:“短诗以隽永胜,长诗以宛曲尽致胜。”
金 麻革 《阻雪华下》诗:“爱山久成癖,得山真雋永。” 元 萨都剌 《经姑苏与张天雨杨廉夫郑明德陈敬初同游虎丘山次东坡旧题韵》:“香积餉醍醐,法喜得雋永。” 清 黄虞稷 《行状》:“先生於书,四部六籍靡不综举,摽新领异,务归雋永。”
In particular, the scene of her blend of artistic conception, so that works into a meaningful picture of the art realm.
特别是她的情景交融的意境,使作品画面升华为一种隽永的艺术境界。And I said that youth are poetry, high style, Yun by far-reaching and meaningful resistance implicitly read-resistant materials.
而我却说青春是诗,格调高昂,蕴藉深远,隽永含蓄耐读耐品。My walks along The Pearl River have shown to me a China that plays, dances, sleeps, tries to preserve its uses, transforms life into poetry.
沿着珠江散步,我看到的中国在玩耍,舞蹈,沉睡,努力展现它的活力,将生活转变成一首隽永的诗。I understood what Mr. Hughes was saying: he was claiming his place in the chorus of American song.
我体会到休斯的诗句意蕴隽永:他希望发出自己的声音,加入歌唱亚美利加的大合唱。The word "Peugeot Meaningful" ( "Orthodox" volume IV), "Qian, pleasant light" (Mao Jin "Xi Tong words Postscript" ).
其词“标致隽永”(《词统》卷四),“轻倩可人”(毛晋《溪堂词跋》)。Proverbs is a form of language that accumulates human's experiences and are famous for its deep meaning and its elegant expression.
谚语是积淀人类实践经验的一种语言形式,以其寓意深刻及韵味隽永而著称。Hepburn's princess Anne has swept across Europe, people began to appear so a cinema and meaningful, pure lovely image was overjoyed.
赫本所饰演的安妮公主风靡了整个欧洲,人们开始为影坛出现这样一个清新隽永、纯洁可爱的形象而欣喜若狂。Chinese civilization, thanks to its strong cohesive power and inexhaustible appeal, has survived many vicissitudes intact.
中华文明,以其顽强的凝聚力和隽永的魅力,历经沧桑而完整地延续了下来。Only the Chinese civilization, thanks to its strong cohesiveness and inexhaustible appeal, has survived intact despite many vicissitudes.
the gusto of Children
Surpass The Meaningfulness of Time
语辞隽永, 耐人寻味。
The remarks are meaningful and thoughtprovoking.
The remarks are meaningful and thoughtprovoking.
The remarks are meaningful and thoughtprovoking.
Calligraphy Meaningful rounded, thoughtprovoking.
Great books are the most readable.
故事隽永, 再讲不厌。
A good tale is none the worse for is twice tell.
A good tale is none the worse for is twice tell .
A fine complex Late Bottled Vintage with a long lingering finish.
红枫叶隽永飘逸, 风雅别致的标志
Maple leaf The slim leaf flutter with the wind.
简洁与空灵, 透出作品的淡雅与隽永。
The simplicity and lightness of the picture gives a sense of elegance and profoundness.
就越加的成功 越加的吸引人 越加的有趣和隽永
the more successful it is as something that's compelling, interesting and sustaining.
丝绒面层, 清秀隽永, 回归生活自然本性
Silk matte layer, delicate and pretty and meaningful, return to the natural instinct of life
Artistically, it reflects a delicate and significant style of pastoral poetry.
Its style, with light relocating salo insipid ethereal beauty of lingering.
Great Books are the most readable. They will not let you down if you try to read them well.
已郁金香为灵感来源, 赋予产品高雅脱俗, 清新隽永的造型。
Design inspiration origins from tulip, endow the product with elegance and comeliness.
Meaningful is not only one kind of feeling, but also has the impulsion which can never subside.
也许一点遗憾, 一丝伤感, 会让这份答卷更隽永, 也更久远。
Perhaps a regret, moved, can let this answer paper be more meaningful, also is remote.