


1. 解 [jiě]2. 解 [jiè]3. 解 [xiè]解 [jiě]剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由……


解说,说明:解~。注~。~文。~义。消除,消散:~疑。~怨。涣然冰~(像冰融化了一样,嫌隙和疑虑都完全消除)。放开,放下:~放。保~。手不~卷。佛教创始人释迦牟尼的简称,后泛指佛教:~氏。~教。~子(和尚)。~藏(zàng )(佛教经典的总……







汉语拼音:fǎ lǜ





2.在中国,专指由全国人民代表大会及其常委会制定的规范性文件。地位仅次于宪法。依据制定机关 的不同可分为两大类:基本法律,由全国人民代表大会制定,如刑法、民法等;基本法律以外的其他法 律,由全国人民代表大会常委会制定,如商标法、文物保护法等。



  1. 由国家立法机关制定,具有一定文字形式,由国家政权保证执行,公民必须遵守的行为规则。古代多指刑法、律令,今亦泛指由国家政权机关制定的各种法令、法规、条例和规定等。

    《庄子·徐无鬼》:“法律之士广治。”《晋书·贾充传》:“今法律既成,始班天下,刑宽禁简,足以克当先旨。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五十回:“大凡买了贼赃,明知故买的,是与受同科;不知误买的,应该听凭失主备价取赎。这个法律,只怕是走遍地球,都是一样的了。” 巴金 《要不要制订“文艺法”?》:“一个人从事文艺创作活动,只要他不触犯刑法或者其他法律,就不应该受到干涉。”

  2. 指创作诗文所依据的格式和规律。

    明 胡应麟 《诗薮·古体上》:“近体之攻,务先法律。” 清 刘大櫆 《宋运夫时文序》:“閒出其所为文章示余,《诗》《书》之英, 屈 宋 之华,其度凝然,其气勃然,其法律森然,金辉玉洁以自成为一家之言。” 况周颐 《蕙风词话》卷三:“其文章颇有法律,诗则纵横排宕,不尚纤巧织组之习。”

  3. 指道行戒律。

    元 吴昌龄 《张天师》第四折:“岂不知 张真人 法律精严,早仗剑都驱在五雷坛内,一个个供下状吐出真情。”



  1. I thought there might be some mix-up but they said they were here to explain the law to me and how I had broken it.

  2. This can be a risky strategy because Congress never knows exactly how the courts will interpret a law.

  3. It's just a bun of barbaric, lawless to interpret any law in its favor.

  4. The only book providing conceptual background information that explains why the laws require what they do.

  5. As a baseball fan who roots for the New York Mets , Judge Keenan sometimes uses baseball analogies to explain legal issues.

  6. Congress makes the laws; the President enforces the laws and the court explains the laws.

  7. The lawyer explained the legal technicalities to his client .

  8. In common law countries, judges have the generally accepted authority of interpreting, or construing the law.

  9. Like Proposition 7, the debate over Proposition 10 centers around the interpretation of legal language.


  1. 他从广义上解释法律。

    He interprets the law broadly.

  2. 他从狭义上解释法律。

    He interprets the law narrowly.

  3. 律师给委托人解释法律上的要点。

    The lawyer explained the legal technicalities to his client.

  4. 法官的事务是解释法律而不是审查立法者的权威。

    It is the business of the judiciary to interpret the laws, not scan the authority of the lawgiver.

  5. 法官们为了解释法律会尽力去揣摩国会的立法意图。

    We really do not know what a statute means until it is interpreted by the courts, whose judges attempt to construe congressional intent.

  6. 然而,不是每个法官都能用简单的语言来解释法律。

    Not every judge, however, has the ability to explain the law in simple terms.

  7. 正当性法律解释

    The legitimacy of legal interpretation

  8. 第四节法律解释。

    Section Four Interpretations of National law.

  9. 疑难案件及其法律解释

    The Hard Case and Its Explanation by Law

  10. 而不能请求法律论辩或法律解释

    Legal argument or legal interpretation

  11. 外部辅助资料在法律解释中的作用

    Role of the Extrinsic Aids in Statutory Interpretation

  12. 罪刑法定, 法律解释与机械执法

    Executing the Law Mechanically, a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime and Legal Interpretation

  13. 文义解释是最为基础的法律解释方法。

    Semantic interpretation is the most basic interpreting method.

  14. 文义是法律解释的开始,也是法律解释的终点。

    Literal meaning is the start point of legal interpretation as well as the finish line.

  15. 本协议应受香港法律制约,并按香港法律解释。

    This Agreement shall be governed and construed the laws of Hong Kong.

  16. 法律解释的言伴语境是当下案件事实。

    The current context of legal interpretation is the facts of the case.

  17. 法律解释得言伴语境是当下案件事实。

    The current context of legal interpretation is the facts of the case.

  18. 法律解释是当代法学理论的一个重要课题。

    The legal interpretation of the contemporary legal theory is an important issue.

  19. 由此,便产生了法律解释中服从与创造的矛盾。

    It is an overthrow to the rule of law that the result of interpretation depends on the judge's mind.

  20. 第六部分为实现法律解释客观性的途径一一法律推理。

    part vi , way of realizing objectivity of legal construction legal ratiocination.

  21. 对数字领域的法律解释和适用性一直经历激烈的争论。

    The interpretation and applicability of the law to digital realm has become hotly contested.

  22. 犹太学者, 法师有资格解释犹太法律的学者

    A scholar qualified to interpret Jewish law.

  23. 教令实施或解释教会法律条文的管理法案

    An administrative act applying or interpreting articles of canon law.

  24. 但是,华盛顿应如何解释该法律的问题远远没有解决。

    But the question of how Washington should interpret that law is far from settled. The U.

  25. 教令实施或解释教会法律条文的管理法案继承用法。

    An administrative act applying or interpreting articles of canonlaw.

  26. 律师向我们解释了新法律。

    The lawyer explained the new law to us.

  27. 法律文件解释

    interpretation of legal documents.

  28. 法官向陪审团解释该案件法律上的细节。

    The judge explained the legal technicalities of the case to the jury.

  29. 本保函的管辖和解释移据瑞士法律。

    This Guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of.

  30. 司法部门独立于执行和立法机关,解释和施行法律。

    Independent of the Executive and the Legislature organs, the Judiciary interprets and administers the law.


  1. 问:解释法律拼音怎么拼?解释法律的读音是什么?解释法律翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解释法律的读音是jiě shì fǎ lǜ,解释法律翻译成英文是 expound the law