







汉语拼音:zhái dǐ






宅邸 [zhái dǐ]
  1. 宅邸,名词,意指高级官员的住所(现多用于外交场合):官邸。府邸。私邸。



  1. Standing before the compound, it seemed to Dinin as if the place were a thousand years removed from that time of glory.


  2. When Alec Cobbe was growing up in a mansion near Donabate, the painting was just one of many in his family drawing room.


  3. The sources added that the staff and workers in the mansion were asked to leave while Oprah went on a detailed tour of the property.


  4. Chase said on Tuesday that she had grown used to seeing Dr Murray coming and going from the mansion.


  5. Back safely in the Minister's residence, she chuckled with delight at her most unusual and exciting "escape" from the White House.


  6. Charles eventually invited him to the Kochs' mansion, to participate in an informal political-discussion group.


  7. The palace that you see in front of you is unusual. And it's obvious since the very beginning.


  8. John Reed, your cousin, died, last month at his chambers in London.


  9. There were deep lakes in the midst of the woods. In the sunniest spot stood an old mansion surrounded by a deep moat.


  1. 小偷仍在宅邸内。

    The thief was still on the premises.

  2. 他的宅邸遍布全郡。

    His residences spread-eagle the entire county.

  3. 国家征用了他的宅邸。

    The State expropriated his palace.

  4. 她拥有一座大宅邸。她十分富有。

    She owns a huge mansion. She is very rich.

  5. 这座宅邸意在表现代议制功能。

    The mansion is intended to perform representative functions.

  6. 被一条幽暗的小径围绕着的宅邸。

    A mansion girdled by a black path.

  7. 这里曾是一个有钱贵族的宅邸。

    It had once been the home of a wealthy nobleman.

  8. 宅邸中世纪王公,贵族的城堡或房宇

    The castle or house of a medieval monarch or noble.

  9. 宅邸为封建地主私人使用的邸宅土地

    Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord.

  10. 老爷从官府回来后直接回了宅邸。

    The master went to his mansion directly after returning from the local authority.

  11. 老爷从官府回来后直接回了宅邸。

    The master went to his mansion directly after returning from the local authority.

  12. 狗崽队在名人宅邸外面徘徊几个小时。

    Paparazzi loiter for hours outside celebrity homes.

  13. 在宅邸外,它是这个世界上最好去处。

    Next to the mansion, it's the best hangout on the planet.

  14. 现在在你面前得这座宅邸是与众不同得。

    The palace that you see in front of you is unusual.

  15. 现在在你面前的这座宅邸是与众不同的。

    The palace that you see in front of you is unusual.

  16. 该宅邸高高地座落於太平洋的一个海角上

    The mansion be on a promontory, high over the pacific

  17. 第八章格林盆宅邸的斯台普顿兄妹

    Chapter Eight The Stapletons of Pen House

  18. 宅邸高官显贵的正式官邸, 如主教或大主教

    The official residence of a high dignitary, such as a bishop or an archbishop.

  19. 该宅邸高高地坐落于太平洋得一个海角上。

    The mansion was on a promontory, high over the Pacific.

  20. 在他新的法国宅邸,他可以接见其他的反对党领袖。

    At his new abode in France he was able to receive other opposition leaders.

  21. 在过去的15年里,大量宏伟的私人宅邸在俄罗斯出现。

    Over the last 15 years, lots of magnificent private palaces have appeared in Russia.

  22. 每所修道院和显贵要人得宅邸都有自己得鱼塘。

    Every abbey and grest man's house had its fish pond.

  23. 每所修道院和显贵要人的宅邸都有自己的鱼塘。

    Every abbey and grest man's house had its fish pond.

  24. 该宅邸高高地座落于太平洋得一个海角上。

    The mansion is on a promontory, high over the Pacific.

  25. 奥姆斯特德构思了一系列围绕着宅邸的休闲庭园。

    Olmsted envisioned a series of small pleasure gardens around the mansion.

  26. 在阳光最充足的地方矗立着一栋老旧的大宅邸。

    In the sunniest spot stood an old mansion surrounded by a deep moat.

  27. 黎明前, 这个负伤的男人被神秘地带出了庄园宅邸。

    Before dawn the wounded man is spirited away from the house.

  28. 黎明前,这个负伤得男人被神秘地带出了庄园宅邸。

    Before dawn the wounded man is spirited away from the house.

  29. 这是第一个位于圣彼得堡附近的真正大理石宅邸。

    This is the first truly marble palace in the environs of St. Petersburg.

  30. 债主取消了古奇奥尼宅邸的抵押权,他只好于2006年搬出。

    Creditors foreclosed on the Guccione mansion, and he moved out in 2006.


  1. 问:宅邸拼音怎么拼?宅邸的读音是什么?宅邸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宅邸的读音是zháidǐ,宅邸翻译成英文是 A residence; a house.



宅邸 zhái dǐ 名词,意指高级官员的住所(现多用于外交场合):官邸。府邸。私邸。