




1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……



汉语拼音:yǒng jiàng







勇将 [yǒng jiàng]
  1. 勇猛的将领,形容战斗力很强的战将。《新五代史·杂传十八·龙敏》:“ 敏 , 燕 人也……今闻驾前之马,犹有五千,愿得壮者千匹,健兵千人,与勇将 朗万金 ,自 平遥 沿山冒虏中而趋官砦,且战且行,得其半达,则事济矣!”明·施耐庵《水浒传》第54回:“现受汝宁郡都统制,手下多有精兵勇将。”明 罗贯中《三国演义》第二十五回 《 屯土山关公约三事 救白马曹操解重围》:曹操大惊曰:“真勇将也!”太平天囯 杨秀清《果然英雄》诗:“英雄盖世出凡尘, 天囯 人才萃聚均。拔地参天皆勇将,安邦定囯尽忠臣。”



  1. Venice patriarch's daughter wearing black Yongqiang Othello Sidimengna and love, Manzhuo father and married his guitar.


  1. 勇将叫虎将。

    Brave will call general.

  2. 岳飞是我国历史上一位著名的勇将。

    Yuefei is a general who is famous in our history for his bravery.

  3. 岳飞是我国历史上一位著名的勇将。

    Yuefei is a general who is famous in our history for his bravery.

  4. 蔡金勇将接任查向阳担任高盛高华得首席执行长。

    Mr. Cai will succeed Zha Xiangyang as CEO of the joint venture.

  5. 蔡金勇将接任查向阳担任高盛高华的首席执行长。

    Mr. Cai will succeed Zha Xiangyang as CEO of the joint venture.

  6. 雅典奥运会上破纪录者将勇创新高的时刻。

    Time for the headliner of the Athens games to play superman all over.

  7. 宜将剩勇追穷寇。

    With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe.

  8. 你为何将我归类为好勇斗狠的人?

    Why do you have me pegged as the rowdy one?

  9. 宜将剩勇追穷寇, 不可沽名学霸王

    With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe, and not ape Hsiang Yu the conqueror seeking idle fame.

  10. 这将是一个斗智斗勇,其乐无穷的现场。

    This is a place where the artists will have a competition of wits and boldness.

  11. 你为何将我归类为好勇斗狠的人呢

    Why do you have me peg ged as the rowdy one

  12. 此课程将由张天勇居士带领,一切免费。

    This course will be leaded by Brother Teoh Thean and it is free of charge.

  13. 热切期待您的垂询,勇视达将是您最好的选择!

    Look forward to your inquiries, do as up will be your best choice!

  14. 杨家将忠心保国, 骁勇善战, 垂名千载。

    The Yang family were not only devoted to safeguarding the country but also brave and skillful in warfare, so they have an everlasting fame in history.

  15. 杨家将忠心保国,骁勇善战,垂名千载。

    The Yang family were not only devoted to safeguarding the country but also brave and skillful in warfare, so they have an everlasting fame in history.

  16. 他的律师事务所还将为本案的第四名被告王勇辩护。

    His firm also handle the case of the fourth defendent, Wang Yong.

  17. 此外, 富士康高管将参加孙丹勇在云南老家得葬礼。

    Executives of the company will also attend Sun's funeral in Yunnan.

  18. 此外,富士康高管将参加孙丹勇在云南老家的葬礼。

    Executives of the company will also attend Sun's funeral in Yunnan.

  19. 由于他们作战骁勇, 来去如风, 被波兰将领招至军中。

    Recruited by Polish generals for their speed, and ferocity, Polish archers are armed with a bow and a sword.

  20. 你将能尽情享受与对手在谈判桌上斗智斗勇的乐趣!

    You will be able to enjoy at the negotiating table and match wits against the fun!

  21. 但是萨哈的射门却被凯尔特人的波兰门将博鲁齐神勇救出。

    However, Louis Saha's subsequent penalty was brilliantly saved by Celtic's Polish keeper Artur Boruc.


  1. 问:勇将拼音怎么拼?勇将的读音是什么?勇将翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勇将的读音是yǒngjiàng,勇将翻译成英文是 A brave general.