


输,失利,不成功,与“胜”相对:~北。~退。~绩(a.连队溃败;b.事业的失利)。~诉。~笔。~局。两~俱伤。战胜,使失败:大~敌军。毁坏:~坏。~露。解除,消散:~火。~毒。破旧,衰落,腐烂:~絮。~落。~兴(xìng )(情绪低落)。腐……





汉语拼音:bài lèi








  1. 毁害族类。

    《诗·大雅·桑柔》:“大风有隧,贪人败类。” 朱熹 集传:“败类,犹言圮族也。” 唐 张九龄 《故辰州泸溪令赵公碣铭》:“时县宰败类,公止之不可。” 清 梁绍壬 《两般秋雨盦随笔·阮大鋮祭文》:“公与 马 密谋定策,如置弈棋。然 马 贪夫败类,自公出而劝以戕贼毒螫,及悔为所用而事已去。”

  2. 集体中的腐败堕落分子。

    宋 华镇 《题桃园图》诗:“翦除败类毓良淑,宛若嘉穀纯无稊。”《儒林外史》第三四回:“诸公莫怪学生説,这 少卿 是他 杜 家第一个败类。” 陈学昭 《工作着是美丽的》上卷二九:“她总不相信自己这个高贵的民族会有这么多败类。”



  1. Those who appeared to be a scum of the "waste" has helped me achieve the boring, the formation of decadent ideas, mature.


  2. "We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy, " he said.


  3. There were just a couple of bad apples in the normally trustworthy Panamanian police, but that's all it takes.


  4. She was really nice to me even though I'm such a loser.


  5. The fruit seller ask one of the teenage to chase over the jerk who has stole his guava.


  6. Dear me, what's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?


  7. And I can't imagine some guy agreeing to be the dip-shit in my artwork.


  8. The old man' s words "a few good-for nothings" pierced his heart like needles.


  9. They say I'm the black sheep of the family because I decided to be an actor.


  1. 金融界败类

    financial pest

  2. 家家难免有败类。

    It is a small flock that has not a black sheep.

  3. 人多必有败类。

    There is a black sheep in every flock.

  4. 他是我们中的败类。

    He is a shame to us.

  5. 你是个阿富汗败类。

    You're a disgrace to Afghanistan.

  6. 扔砖头的败类拍拖

    who threw a brick through Regina's window.

  7. 他是这个家族的败类。

    He is the black sheep of the family.

  8. 一小撮祸国殃民的民族败类

    dregs of the nation who wreck the country and ruin the people

  9. 杰克是家族里的败类。

    Jack is the black sheep of the family.

  10. 四川蓝蓝报复沈阳败类女子。

    Earthquake on China bitch girl rants fuck about it!

  11. 我被认为是家里的败类。

    I was considered the black sheep in my family.

  12. 我的工作是逮捕那些败类。

    My job is to catch dirtbags.

  13. 你为什么还不承认,你这个败类?

    Why don't you admit it, scumbag?

  14. 再见, 你们这些狂欢的议员败类

    Farewell, ye guzzling aldermanic fools,

  15. 真是社会败类才会做的事!

    What the scum of society will do!

  16. 败类处处有害群之马处处有。

    There is a black sheep in every flock.

  17. 她把吸烟的人都当作败类。

    She treats smokers like the scum of the earth, ie as the worst people there are.

  18. 不,你知道的,依然是家里的败类。

    No. You know. Still the resident family fuckup.

  19. 年轻的败类只想轻松的获得钱财!

    Young punks today only think of easy money!

  20. 这不是法律执法者里的败类吗?

    This is not the law enforcement in the scum?

  21. 他们都是我们这一行业里的败类。

    They're all rats in our business.

  22. 纳税人的钱养了一群蛀虫和败类!

    The tax payers are feeding a bunch of scums.

  23. 理工败类。鄙视你,怪不得你单身20年。活该的。

    SPsb, hate u. its nature u single for 18 yrs.

  24. 她对我很好即使我真的是个败类

    She was really nice to me even though Im such a loser.

  25. 让我们离开这个挤满着败类的肮脏酒吧。

    Let's go out of this seedy bar crowed with bottom feeders.

  26. 你作梦!我干嘛要跟你这种败类出去啊?

    Not on your life! Why would I want to go out with a loser like you?

  27. 准备好从这些宇宙败类手上拯救地球了吗?

    Ready from the scum of the universe in the hands of the Earth to save it?

  28. 对于男人,恨是最常用的冷嘲热讽,败类,和种族主义。

    For men, hate is most often used with cynicism, scum, and racism.

  29. 他们说我是家里的败类,因为我决定去当个演员。

    They said I was the black sheep of the family because I decided to be an actor.

  30. 在这个国家,我认为有头衔的贵族是地球上的败类。

    On the contrary, I think the titled aristocracy are the scum of the Earth.


  1. 问:败类拼音怎么拼?败类的读音是什么?败类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:败类的读音是bàilèi,败类翻译成英文是 scum


败类:败,败坏,类,人物。指集体中的堕落或变节分子。语出《诗·大雅·桑柔》:“大风有隧,贪人败类。” 朱熹集传:“败类,犹言圮族也。”