




1. 邪 [xié]2. 邪 [yá]3. 邪 [yé]4. 邪 [yú]5. 邪 [xú]邪 [xié]不正当,不正派:~恶(è)。~念。~说。中医指引起疾病的环境因素:寒~。风~。迷信的人指鬼神给予的灾祸:中(zhòng)~。妖异怪诞:……



汉语拼音:qū xié







  1. 驱除邪恶。

    《明史·高攀龙传》:“臣恐陛下有祛邪之果断,而左右反借以行媢嫉之私。”《红楼梦》第五七回:“此时 贾母 又命将祛邪守灵丹及开窍通神散各种各样上方秘製诸药,按时饮服。” 清 抟沙拙老 《闲处光阴》卷上:“鳖甲苍朮同研粗末,烧之能祛邪。”



  1. The key point of treating warm diseases is expelling pathogen, and of the total letting-out-therapy is particularly important.


  2. On the therapy, the relation of expelling pathogenic factors and pouring yin, nourishing yin and protecting yang should be considered.


  3. the elderly to medical treatment when sick mainly by first, then recover from the service, do not have to use tonic treatment.


  4. Disciple Ben Jing had converted my calligraphy into red on yellow background so people many use it as mantra sheet to ward off evil spirits.


  5. Drink can protect stomach to camellia, stomach-ache to wet, appetizers, still can prevent colds or.


  6. at the recovery stage, the treatment mainly focuses on enriching qi . . .


  7. Speculation on Reinforcing Effect of Prescriptions for Removing Pathogenic Factors and Eliminating Tumor


  8. Eliminating Pathogens and Reinforcing Body Resistance in Treatment of Febrile Diseases


  9. Discussion on Xi Jiuyi's Viewpoint of "Blood Stasis Due to Pathogenic Factors, First Removing Blood Stasis" in the Treatment of Angiitis


  1. 扶正祛邪颗粒

    Fuzheng Quxie granule.

  2. 扶正胶囊和祛邪胶囊。

    Fuzheng Capsule and Quxie Capsule.

  3. 祛邪扶正治疗眩晕53例

    Eliminating Pathogens to Support Healthy Qi in the Treatment of53 Cases of Vertigo

  4. 直销法规是扶正祛邪的利器

    Statute of Direct Selling is the sharpest weapon

  5. 祛邪着重清化瘀热。

    Expelling pathogenic factors by clearing away heat and resolving blood stagnation.

  6. 驱邪祛邪的行为,做法或仪式

    The act, practice, or ceremony of exorcising.

  7. 扶正祛邪对慢性肾炎治疗作用的管见

    Experience with the treatment of Fu zheng qu xie on chronic nephritis

  8. 早期邪盛,以祛邪通络止痛为要。

    In early stage, to eliminate pathogens and dredging the collaterals to stop pain.

  9. 肿瘤治疗中的扶正祛邪与扶正抑邪探讨

    Strengthening Body Resistance to Eliminate or Suppress Pathogenic Factors in Treatment of Tumours

  10. 老中医给我开了几服扶正祛邪的药。

    The old doctor prescribed some medicine to improve my health.

  11. 老中医给我开了几服扶正祛邪的药。

    The old doctor prescribed some medicine to improve my health.

  12. 老中医给我开了几服扶正祛邪得药。

    The old doctor prescribed some medicine to improve my health.

  13. 治疗当考虑补益肺肾、宣痹祛邪、活血通络。

    In treatment, it is advisable to invigorate the lung and kidney, remove obstruction and activate blood circulation.

  14. 年轻人身上有一种在未来能够扶正祛邪的力量。

    The young people have a kind strength which can strengthen body resistance and eliminating evil in future.

  15. 恢复期针刺结合中药扶正祛邪并用,着重透穴的应用。

    Recovery acupuncture combined with Chinese uphold and use, focusing on the application through the hole.

  16. 扶正祛邪中药对急性呼吸窘迫综合征模型大鼠影响研究

    Study on Effect of Chinese Herbs of Promoting the Body Resistance and Eliminating Pathogenic Factors on Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Model Rats

  17. 活血化瘀法是一种祛邪的方法,过于峻猛易耗气伤血,损正气。

    Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis method is a method of pathogenic, too Jun Meng Yi trauma gas consumption of blood, loss of righteousness.

  18. 祛邪术就是骗人术

    Evil Removal Doctrine is Nothing but Fraud

  19. 小儿退热贴祛邪作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Eliminating Pathogenic Effects of Infantile Umbilical Paste

  20. 对祛邪抗肿瘤方药扶正作用研究的思考

    Speculation on Reinforcing Effect of Prescriptions for Removing Pathogenic Factors and Eliminating Tumor

  21. 每到年节喜庆日子, 人们都要张挂他的画像镇鬼祛邪。

    During festivals, people will put up his portrait to lay ghosts and expel evil.

  22. 每到年节喜庆日子,人们都要张挂他得画像镇鬼祛邪。

    During festivals, people will put up his portrait to lay ghosts and expel evil.

