


给人东西同时从他那里取得别的东西:交~。对~。~工。~文。兑~。更改,变:变~。更(gēng )~。~马(喻撤换担负某项职务的人,含贬义)。~样。~气。~言之(换句话说)。……





汉语拼音:huàn biàn






  1. 变换。




  1. This book provides a step-by-step manual on the application of permutation tests in biology, business, medicine, science, and engineering.


  1. 写一个功能打印所有一根线的换变。

    Write a function to print all of the permutations of a string.

  2. 而另一些人觉得这会换变岛得独特性和文化。

    While others on the Island feel that this would take away sense of uniqueness, and culture.

  3. 换言之, 矩阵得厄密性在幺正变换下保持不变。

    In other words, The Hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations.

  4. 对于一体系,哈密算符在任何空间坐标变换下是不变的。

    For a system, Hamiltonian is invariant under any translation of spatial coordinates.

  5. 反用换流器用于变直流电为交流电的仪器。

    A device used to convert current into alternating current.

  6. 超线性可变电容换能器

    superlinear variable capacitance transducer

  7. 电机换向器整体冷锻变形力的计算

    Forming pressure calculating of integral motor commutator cold forging

  8. 高压直流输电系统中换流器的非线性变结构控制

    The Nonlinear and Variable Structure Control of Converts in HVDC System

  9. 而另一些人觉得这会换变岛的独特性和文化。

    While others on the Island feel that this would take away sense of uniqueness, and culture.

  10. 天气有时说变就变, 比换件外套还快。

    Weather would change sometimes quicker than you could change your jacket.

  11. 用于大规模和小规模绘图的常规变电所或换流变电所。

    General or converting substation for large and small scale drawings.

  12. 他们的思想观点确实和20年前一样, 只是用语变了, 换汤不换药。

    Their ideas are exactly the same as twenty years ago only the jargon has changed. Mutton dressed as lamb.

  13. 时代变了。该换脑筋!

    Times have changed, we need new ways of thinking!

  14. 时代变了。该换脑筋!

    Times have changed, we need new ways of thinking!

  15. 结果表明,平均体积换热系数随焦炭粒度变小而急剧增加。

    The test results showed that the average volume heat exchanging coefficient was increased with the reduction of coke size.

  16. 我没有变, 只是换一个方式保护自己。

    I'm not getting, just change a way to protect themselves.

  17. 如果微纤维布料变得肮脏, 换成另外的边。

    Change to another side if the micro fiber cloth get dirty.

  18. 欲观此变,我们须换以一种更加古老沉稳的时间感。

    To watch it, we must slip into an older, more patient sense of time.

  19. 如果风向突然变了, 我们得换帆。

    If the wind swings round, we will have to change the sails.

  20. 地面上的情况变了,博士不能不换一种移动的方法。

    A change in the nature of the ground made the doctor change a way of locomotion.

  21. 无限小变换

    infinitesimal transformation.

  22. 点变换成线段

    points to line segment

  23. 逆变换过电压

    reversing transformation overvoltage

  24. 相似变换下的几何图形

    Geometric Figures of Similar Transtormation

  25. 我们变换成球极坐标。

    We carry out a transformation to spherical polar coordinates.

  26. 变迹换能器

    apodization transducer.

  27. 他从水平姿势变换成其他姿势。

    He shifted his position from the horizontal.

  28. 变温换热循环

    variable temperature heat exchange cycle.

  29. 最后,通过小波逆变换得到融合图像。

    Finally the fusion image is obtained by taking inverse wavelet transform.

  30. 双正交变换域扩频通信抗干扰技术

    Biorthogonal Transform Domain Interference Suppression Technique