




1. 载 [zǎi]2. 载 [zài]载 [zǎi]年;岁:千~难逢。三年两~。记录;刊登;描绘:记~。连~。转~。载 [zài]装,用交通工具装:~客。~货。~重。~体。装~。满~而归。充满:怨声~道。乃,于是(古文里常用来表示同时做两……



汉语拼音:piān zǎi






  1. 不全部负载。




  1. And then it gives the medium loading working and unbalance loading working different factors and sets up the total objective function.


  2. The lift can't work overload. The size of transported articles can't surpass the size of suspension coop.


  3. The Simple Analysis of The Way of Adjustment of Pure Electronic.


  4. Partial load must be kept away from ringside ca. 300 mm.


  5. In the vehicle eccentric load tests, the box-cross section has a kind of combinational effect with bending and torsion.


  6. Studying the Application of Instrument Used for Checking the Unbalance Loading of Railway Wagons


  7. Exert the Safety Guarantee Effect of Over-loading and Unbalanced-loading Inspection System with Scientific Management in a Pragmatic Way


  8. Research and Application of the Integrated Information Management System tor Overloads and Unbalanced Load of Freight Cars


  9. Design and Implementation of an Alarm Device for Monitoring Overload and Eccentric Load of Passenger Vehicle


  1. 车辆偏载试验

    vehicle eccentric load tests

  2. 偏载自动修正

    Automatic correction of uneven load

  3. 超偏载检测装置

    Overloading and Unbalanced Loading Detecting Device

  4. 齿轮偏载的理论基础

    Theoretical Basis of Gear Deviation Load.

  5. 铁道货车超偏载检测装置

    Detecting device for overload and unbalance load of rail wagons.

  6. 偏载载荷必须远离台边约300毫米。

    Partial load must be kept away from ringside ca.300 mm.

  7. 全电子汽车衡偏载调整方法浅析。

    The Simple Analysis of The Way of Adjustment of Pure Electronic.

  8. 静态电子轨道衡偏载问题的调整

    The adjustment of the static electronic railroad track scale eccentric load question

  9. 竖向偏载和水平偏载都不控制设计。

    Both vertical and horizontal unbalanced loading will not dominate the design.

  10. 静压空气轴承偏载时的承载分析

    Study on Load Distribution of Externally Pressurized Air Bearing

  11. 电子汽车衡偏载误差的产生及调整

    Causes and adjusting of eccentric load error in electrinic truck scale

  12. 平行梁式传感器抗偏载能力的研究

    The Investigation on Inclined Loading Proof Capability of Parallel Beam Type Transducer.

  13. 加强超偏载检测装置运用管理的思考

    Thoughts on Improving Application and Management of Overload and Unbalanced Load Detecting Device

  14. 轧机轴承偏载下的有限元分析研究

    Analysis and study on the FEA of rolling mill bearing under deflected load

  15. 货车超偏载综合信息管理系统的研究

    Research on Assembled Information Management System of Overload and Unbalanced Load Information of Wagon

  16. 连续梁桥的活载正应力偏载系数研究

    Study of Eccentric Load Coefficient of Live Load Normal Stress of Continuous Beam Bridge

  17. 波形钢腹板箱梁偏载下的力学性能

    Mechanical performances of box girder with corrugated steel webs under eccentric loading.

  18. 新型客车超偏载检测报警装置的研究与设计

    Research and Design of the New Type Inspection and Warning Device for Overload and Eccentric Load on Passenger Cars

  19. 货车超偏载信息综合管理系统的研究与应用

    Research and Application of the Integrated Information Management System tor Overloads and Unbalanced Load of Freight Cars

  20. 极限偏载工况下装载机动臂应力的精确求解

    Accurate Derivation of Stresses on Loader Booms under Critical Offset Load Condition

  21. 基于神经网络学习控制的液压转台偏载干扰的抑制

    Suppression of inclined Load on Hydraulic Simulator Based on Neural Networks Learning Control

  22. 考虑模具偏载的高强度钢板冲压模具拓扑优化设计

    Topology optimization of high strength steel stamping die in consideration of offset load

  23. 为了保障列车的运行安全,必须加强超偏载的监测工作。

    In order to ensure the security, we must strengthen the safety monitoring of overload and imbalanced load status.

  24. 电子汽车衡在偏载检定中出现的问题与解决方法

    Question and Resolvent about Verification of Lay Particular Stress on Electron Weighting Apparatus in Automobile

  25. 偏载滚子轴承的接触应力分布计算及其滚子凸度设计

    Study on Contact Stress Distribution of Roller Bearings and Roller Profile Design under Misaligned Loads.

  26. 独柱支承连续箱梁天桥活载偏载时的滑移分析

    Sliding Analysis on Offset Load of Single Support Continuous Box Girder Bridge

  27. 偏载工况下冗余驱动回转系统的载荷传递特性分析。

    The load transferring behavior of the redundant driving system under the offset load.

  28. 强化轨道衡,超偏载检测设备管理为运输安全保驾护航

    Enhance Management of Weighbridge and Inspection Device for Enhanced and Unbalanced Loading to Guarantee Safe Transportation

  29. 轮对更换装置中气垫支承系统偏载问题的研究和解决

    A research on unbalanced load of air cushion support system in the wheelreplacement equipment

  30. 对超偏载检测装置检测数据进行数学建模分析的初步探讨

    Research on Establishing Mathematical Model to Analyze the Data Gained Through Overloading and Unbalanced Loading Detecting Device