


1. 其 [qí]2. 其 [jī]其 [qí]第三人物代词,相当于“他(她)”、“他们(她们)”、“它(它们)”;“他(她)的”、“他们(她们)的”、“它(们)的”:各得~所。莫名~妙。三缄~口。独行~是。自食~果。指示代词,相当于“那”……





汉语拼音:qí yú






  1. 语出《左传·昭公元年》:“天王使 刘定公 劳 赵孟 於 潁 ,馆於 雒汭 。

    刘子 曰:‘美哉 禹 功!明德远矣。微 禹 ,吾其鱼乎!’”后借指洪水所造成的灾难。 清 冯桂芬 《致李伯相书》:“ 淮 扬 万众惴恐,时时有其鱼之虑。”



  1. Zagreb honk the fish on the most remarkable here is the "female rated" .


  1. 与其有亲属关系的鱼的一种, 如孤鲣

    any of several related fishes, such as the bonito

  2. 每一个提示在选择鱼的体态与其健康上都很重要。

    Every tip individually has importance in selecting a discus which is in good shape and health.

  3. 熏制完成之后, 将鱼移开并让其冷却。

    After you finish smoking the fish, remove them and let them cool.

  4. 它们用尾巴把鱼打晕,或者将其围拢以攻击。

    They use their tails to stun fish or to round them up ready for attack.

  5. 它们用尾巴把鱼打晕,或者将其围拢以攻击。

    They use their tails to stun fish or to round them up ready for attack.

  6. 三种鱼的磷排泄及其在微型生态系统磷再循环中的作用

    Phosphorus excretion of three species of fish and its role in the recycling of phosphorus in freshwater microcosms

  7. 其内容包括鱼类及豉油。

    CONTAINS Fish and Soy.

  8. 其后人以其宇中的鱼为姓氏。

    Then one of its buildings in the fish as a surname.

  9. 熏三文鱼携其鱼子酱粉墨登场

    Smoked salmon with egg caviar

  10. 鲟鱼因其黑色得鱼卵而受到珍视。

    Sturgeons are prized for their blackish roe.

  11. 鲟鱼因其黑色的鱼卵而受到珍视。

    Sturgeons are prized for their blackish roe.

  12. 鱼或鱼类的,与其相关的或以其为特征的

    of,relating to,or characteristic of a fish or fishes

  13. 硬骨鱼类, 其鳍有锋利的鳍刺。

    teleost fishes having fins with sharp bony rays.

  14. 硬骨鱼类,其鳍有锋利得鳍刺。

    Teleost fishes having fins with sharp bony rays.

  15. 其骨骼由骨和软骨组成的一个鱼纲。

    A class of fish having a skeleton composed of bone in addition to cartilage.

  16. 鹈鹕会等鱼浮出水面换气时将其捕食。

    Pelicans wait for the fishes to come up for air to capture them.

  17. 鹈鹕会等鱼浮出水面换气时将其捕食。

    Pelicans wait for the fishes to come up for air to capture them.

  18. 其结果是为了控制无害的电力使用鱼的想法。

    The result was an idea for controlling the fish with a harmless use of electricity.

  19. 科学家们把探针插入鱼的肌肉,以测量其体温。

    Scientists put a probe into the muscle of the fish in order to measure its body temperature.

  20. 他扛上鱼杆出发了,两只狗紧随其后。

    He set out with the fishing pole on his shoulder.

  21. 比之盆鱼笼鸟, 其钜细仁忍何如也!

    How does this compare in kindness and cruelty and in the magnitude of enjoyment with the enjoyment of a bird in a cage, or of a fish in a jar!

  22. 科学家们把探针插入鱼得肌肉,以测量其体温。

    Scientists put a probe into the muscle of the fish in order to measure its body temperature.

  23. 其还支持在稻田结合养殖鱼、虾和稻的生产。

    It also supports an integrated culture of fish, shrimp and paddy in paddy fields.

  24. 有鱼焉, 其广数千里, 未有知其修者, 其名曰鲲。

    Fish Yan, its thousands of miles wide, did not knowrepair persons , its finesounding name Kun.

  25. 没有吃鱼的那组与吃鱼最多的那组, 其心衰的风险是相似的。

    The groups that ate no fish and the most fish had similar risks of heart failure.

  26. 鱼骨是鱼类加工业的下脚料, 可将其深加工利用。

    Fish bone is one kind of fish wastes from fishery processing and can be utilized effectively.

  27. 红点鲑属鱼类具有多态性,其属内分类较难。

    The genus Salvelinus has diversity and classification is very difficulty in the genus.

  28. 尽管其开发状况不明,但竹刀鱼不大可能受到过度开发。

    Although their state of exploitation is not known, sauries are unlikely to be overexploited.

  29. 但是华盛顿公约组织表示,鲟鱼的保育有赖其产品的销售。

    But CITES says sturgeon conservation depends on the sale of sturgeon products.

  30. 金枪鱼委员会每年都显现其控制捕鱼上的无能为力。

    And the Tuna Commission has demonstrated on an annual basis, its complete inability to control the fishing.