







汉语拼音:tū xiàn







  1. 突出地呈现出来。

    柯岩 《追赶太阳的人》:“在这熙熙攘攘的人群中,越来越鲜明地凸现出一位个子不高,却十分结实灵巧、满面欢笑的人影。” 陈艰 《要一双永远睁着的眼睛》:“这么一来,就把过去没有发现或很不明显的问题凸现出来了。”



  1. the increment of fat and skinny students was one of the main trends, thus resulting in unfair education.

  2. This discussion highlights the fact that test categorization can be very confusing - especially to the newcomer.

  3. If water in the pools evaporates, the spent rods would be exposed to the air and radioactive material would be released into the atmosphere.

  4. As a comprehensive administration organization, the status and function of the university office have been increasingly highlighted.

  5. The approach of cognitive description towards metaphor has highlighted the cognitive nature of metaphor itself.

  6. However, the traffic congestion will take place in the nodes of optical fiber telecommunication networks.

  7. In such a case, the prepositive structure reveals itself by its own nature and by comparison with other different languages.

  8. Be simplified when the woof of a few lives when acme, a kind free from vulgarity and the beauty of the calm protruding came out now.

  9. Emphasising the joys and sorrows of what it is to be a family is Pauline, Mary's best friend, and a finely crafted character.


  1. 档案管理凸现问题

    problems in archive administration

  2. 汉语语义凸现空间

    The Manifestation Space of Semantic Meaning in Chinese Language

  3. 网络接入凸现巨大商机

    Vast Business Opportunities Shown in Network Access Services

  4. 伊拉克战争凸现欧美矛盾。

    War on Iraq Protrudes Differences between Europe and U.S.

  5. 医学为什么会愈加凸现人文意义

    Why Medical Science Is Sticking out Humanity Sense

  6. 学校乱收费凸现教育投资问题

    Educational Arbitrary Charge Shows the Investment Question Of Education Especially

  7. 其他组织的重要性也开始凸现。

    Other groupings are gaining heft.

  8. 效果发生的潜在性和凸现的迟滞性。

    Latent and sluggish effects.

  9. 但一些学术道德问题也凸现出来。

    But some academic moral problems also appear.

  10. 顺境时显现恶习,逆境时凸现美德

    Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth discover virtue. Francis Bacon, British Philosopher

  11. 顺境时显现恶习,顺境时显现恶习,逆境时凸现美德

    Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth discover virtue.

  12. 科学技术的发展与环境危机的凸现

    The Developing Process of Science Technology and Environmental Crisis

  13. 游戏图形和声音凸现伟大得游戏动作。

    The game graphics are great and sound punctuates the game action.

  14. 游戏图形和声音凸现伟大的游戏动作。

    The game graphics are great and sound punctuates the game action.

  15. 论英语教学中语音室功能的凸现

    Emergence on The Functions of Language Lab in English Teaching

  16. 知识不确定性的凸现与社会科学的发展

    Appearance of Knowledge Indeterminacy and Development of Social Science

  17. 一色清水红砖, 墙角装饰花纹凸现。

    Isshiki Shimizu red brick, corner decorative patterns highlighted.

  18. 如何应对海宁太阳能集群凸现的危机

    How to treat crisis of solar energy in Haining

  19. 从人类生存危机的凸现看人类中心主义

    Crisis of Human Existence and the Human Centre Doctrine

  20. 这幅画中得房子以白色凸现出来。

    The houses in the painting were picked out in white.

  21. 这幅画中的房子以白色凸现出来。

    The houses in the painting were picked out in white.

  22. 竞技体育伦理研究的凸现及其现状与走向

    Present Situation and Tendency of Sports Ethics Study

  23. 暴露文学确实凸现了一些社会现实问题。

    This literary work is revealing. It exposes some serious social problems.

  24. 陶渊明诗歌中飞鸟意象的人格凸现

    The Personal Symbolization of Flying Bird's Images in Tao Yuanming's Poems

  25. 随着环境污染问题的凸现, 环境纠纷日益增多。

    As the emergence of more and more pollution problems, the number of environmental disputes is increasing.

  26. 农发行信贷资产风险凸现的原因及防范

    Some Precautions against the Loan Asset Risks of the Agricultural Development Banks

  27. 论摄影瞬间中情感与理智的美感凸现

    The Comment on the Prominence of the Aesthetic Feeling in the Emotion and Reason in Photography Twinkling

  28. 穿皮裤须确保其足够紧以凸现鸟巢。

    Wearing leather pants means they must be tight enough to show a dick print.

  29. 认知语言学对隐喻的描写凸现了隐喻的认知性质。

    The approach of cognitive description towards metaphor has highlighted the cognitive nature of metaphor itself.

  30. 个人预计在3个交易日内凸现的概率较大。

    Individual estimate the probability which in reliefs in3 trading days is big.


  1. 问:凸现拼音怎么拼?凸现的读音是什么?凸现翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凸现的读音是tūxiàn,凸现翻译成英文是 Clearly appear.