




1. 混 [hùn]2. 混 [hún]混 [hùn]搀杂在一起:~杂。~和。~同。~淆。~为一谈。乱,胡乱:~乱。~世魔王。蒙,充:蒙~。~充。~进。鱼目~珠。苟且度过:胡~。~事。混 [hún]同“浑”。……



汉语拼音:yī hùn






  1. 完全隐迹。

    宋 欧阳修 《石曼卿墓表》:“自顾不合於时,乃一混於酒。”



  1. So far, very few people deep study on this mixed flow phenomenon.


  2. In order to facilitate this, Microsoft also announced the availability of commercial licenses for Photosynth.


  1. 如果穿上西服,打上领带,到华尔街混一混也不掉份。

    In a suit and tie, he would have blended in on Wall Street.

  2. 把一物和另一物混和起来

    intermingle one thing with another

  3. 我们看上去就跟一帮混混似的。

    We look like a bunch of street hustlers.

  4. 它将来是一所混和式的学校,学校的儿童并不都是残疾人。

    It will be a mixed school where not all the children are disabled.

  5. 他经常和一帮流氓斯混。

    He goes round with a bunch of thugs.

  6. 他在大学里和一帮坏人混。

    He got in with a bad crowd at university.

  7. 我的私人信件和一批通知混在一起了。

    My personal letters got muddled up with a batch of circulars.

  8. 我得私人信件和一批通知混在一起了。

    My personal letters got muddled up with a batch of circulars.

  9. 他混了一整个早上。

    He idled away the whole morning.

  10. 他是否在想我是不是一直和一堆坏人混在一起?

    Was he thinking, I've been hanging out with the wrong crowd.

  11. 难道你把一下午都混了过去而没有继续干你的工作?

    Have you been loafing away the whole afternoon instead of getting on with your work?

  12. 难道你把一下午都混了过去而没有继续干你得工作?

    Have you been loafing away the whole afternoon instead of getting on with your work ?

  13. 莱蒂混了一上午,什么也没干。

    Lettie was mooning around all morning, doing nothing.

  14. 我仅仅试着在元素中混合作一篇令人喜爱的作文。

    I just try to blend in the elements to make a pleasing composition.

  15. 关于当局把她们身份搞混这一过失,于本周才被公诸于众。

    But authorities mixed up their identities, the mistake was made public this week.

  16. 她一直和一有妇之夫鬼混。

    She's been fooling around with a married man.

  17. 他在大学里和一帮坏人厮混。

    He got in with a bad crowd at university.

  18. 有的人是躺在一堆床单里混出去的。

    Some of them have gone out in the middle of a cartful of sheets.

  19. 这是一大堆含混不清,互不相干或彼此矛盾的其他情报。

    This is barrage of other information that is either ambiguous, irrelevant, or contradictory.

  20. 她一夏天都在家中混日子。

    She spent the whole summer mooning about at home.

  21. 有一段时间和坏人混在一起

    Consort for some time with bad elements

  22. 老师总是将我与另一位同名的学生相混。

    The teacher always mixed me up with another student of the same name.

  23. 老师总是将我与另一位同名得学生相混。

    The teacher always mixed me up with another student of the same name.

  24. 把功课的上缴时间搞错了,和早先一周的作业搞混了。

    Misreading the due date of my assignment, mixed it up with one I had in the week before.

  25. 在胚胎植入前你们的受精卵与另一对顾客的搞混了。

    Prior to implantation, your embryo was switched with another client's.

  26. 我是混一天算一天。

    I muddle along from day to day.

  27. 这一切源于保罗挽救了一只黑色雌性阿拉斯加混血树狼。

    It all started when Paul rescued a female black Alaskan timberwolf hybrid.

  28. 谣言混一个真相或不实?

    Rumour to mix a truth or untruth

  29. 这回你又和谁混一块了?

    Who have you got mixed up with this time?

  30. 那些混混痛打了他一顿。

    Those bullies beat him up.