


1. 五 [wǔ]五 [wǔ]数名,四加一(在钞票和单据上常用大写“伍”代):~彩。~官。~谷。~金。~代(中国朝代名,后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周先后在中原建立政权的时期)。~帝(中国传说中的五个帝王,通常指黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、唐尧、虞舜)……


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……



汉语拼音:wǔ běn






  1. 古人修身处世的五项根本要求。

    汉 刘向 《说苑·敬慎》:“凡司其身,必慎五本:一曰柔以仁;二曰诚以信;三曰富而贵,毋敢以骄人;四曰恭以敬;五曰宽以静。”



  1. Philip Yancey is one of the most popular award-winning Christian authors today. Five of his books have sold over a million copies each.


  2. Fifth, this company elder advertises for the health care teacher, theexcellent service, and welcome the man of insight to ally chain-like.


  3. The balance of the total purchase price shall be paid as provided in Section 4(e) of this agreement.


  4. On my first day of classes at my university I took a front-row seat in my literature course. The professor told us we would b.


  5. If that's not enough, you can find at least five major Spring books and many other publications with some Spring content.


  6. But the crucial point, at least up through these first five books, may actually be about soft power.


  7. Anne of Ingleside (1939) was actually the last of the Anne books to be written, but only fifth in the series.


  8. This Amendment shall become effective as of the date on which parties sign or seal it.


  9. Fifth chapter discusses the establishment and development of the county police agencies in Chakhar region, and its autonomous nature.


  1. 我有五本英语书。

    I have five English books.

  2. 请再给我五本日记本。

    Please give me five more notes.

  3. 他有超过五本漫画书。

    She has more than five comic books.

  4. 我最多有五本故事书。

    I have not more than five storybooks.

  5. 我要购领五本服务业发票。

    I want to purchase five special invoice books of service trades.

  6. 这部丛书分三辑,每辑五本。

    This set of books are in three parts, and each part is in five volumes.

  7. 我有五本词典,其中朗曼词典最好!

    I have five dictionaries of which Longman Dictionary is the best.

  8. 这个月,我已看过五本小说了。

    I have read five novels this month.

  9. 除这本以外,我还有五本别的书。

    I have five other books besides this.

  10. 两美元一本的书,五本价钱是多少?

    What do five books cost at two dollars a book?

  11. 除了这本外,我还有五本别的故事书。

    I have five other story books besides this one.

  12. 我从书店买了一些书,其中五本是英语小说。

    I bought some books from the bookstore, five of which were English novels.

  13. 我拿五本连环画书来换你的童子军小刀。

    I'll trade you five comic books for your scoutknife.

  14. 那个学期他阅读的不是一本英语小说而是五本英语小说。

    Within that term he read not one English novel but five.

  15. 我要购领五本服务业发票。46。请您把发票购领本递给我。

    I want to purchase five special invoice books of service trades. 46.Plese show me your invoie book.

  16. 对于我来说, 倒是同时开读四到五本更惬意。

    For my own part, I find it more agreeable to read four or five books together.

  17. 在她创作生涯中最多产的时期,她写了五本小说。

    During the most productive time in her career, she wrote five novels.

  18. 从那时起,她写了五本小说,并创造了超过二十图画书。

    Since then she has written five novels and created more than twenty picture books.

  19. 新书刊之出版人应于将五本以最佳纸张印刷或制作之版本

    The publisher of a new book shall deliver to the Secretary free of charge 5 copies of the book,