


1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……


1. 供 [gōng]2. 供 [gòng]供 [gōng]准备着东西给需要的人应用:~给(jǐ)。~求。~应。~需。~销。提~。~不应求。供 [gòng]奉献:~养。~献。~奉。~佛。~职。祭祀用的东西:~桌。~品。~果。上~。被审问时在……



汉语拼音:yìng gòng







  1. 接受奉养。

    《艺文类聚》卷七七引 南朝 陈 徐陵 《长干寺众食碑》:“於是思营众业,愿造坊厨,庶使应供之僧,皆同自然之食。”



  1. 网络
  2. Arhat;Arahant;One Worthy of Offerings

  1. 它不应供那些引起大笔支出的项目之用。

    It should not be for items that entail large expenditure.

  2. 其结果应可供顾客评审。

    Results shall be available for customer review.

  3. 我们应把供与求联系起来。

    We should correlate demand with supply.

  4. 所有研究的设计皆应开放供大众取得。

    The design of all studies should be publicly available.

  5. 所有研究得设计皆应开放供大众取得。

    The design of all studies should be publicly available.

  6. 秘书处应汇编供委员会审议的综合报告。

    The secretariat shall compile a synthesis report for consideration by the Committee.

  7. 其结果应可供共享并持续地进行审评。

    These observations should be shared and continuously reviewed.

  8. 我们认为,该工作组应开放供所有会员国参加。

    We believe that this group should be open to participation by all Member States.

  9. 在出口和入口处应设供轮椅进出的斜坡。

    Ramps are needed at exits and entrances for wheelchair users.

  10. 核能应作为可供选择能源予以保留。

    Nuclear energy should be maintained as an energy option.

  11. 运送的所有项目应随附说明书,供保存和保护。

    All items shipped shall be accompanied by instructions for storing and protecting.

  12. 结果应及时发表,以供相关的紧迫课题。

    Results should be delivered promptly in order to be relevant for the urgencies of today.

  13. 结果应及时发表,以供相关得紧迫课题。

    Results should be delivered promptly in order to be relevant for the urgencies of today.

  14. 输血时供血者与受血者应是同一血型以防止凝集。

    In a transfusion, donor and recipient should be of the same blood group to prevent agglutination.

  15. 供成人组装的产品应在组装之后进行评估。

    Products intended to be assembled by an adult should be evaluated after assembly evaluated after assembly.

  16. 粮食缺乏时, 我们实行定量供应制。

    When supplies ran short we were rationed.

  17. 消毒供应中心成本核算比医院供应室减少。

    Sterilization Supply Center cost less than Sterilization Room of hospital.

  18. 应读者要求, 我们刊载其中部分内容, 供大家参考。

    Should reader requirement, we publish our look one's duty, consult for everybody.

  19. 例如,粮食供应仍然不足,有报道称供应品正在被私吞。

    For example, food supplies remained inadequate and there were reports that supplies were being misappropriated.

  20. 生产件批件过程不能被应用于所有的供方。

    PAP did not apply to the all suppliers.

  21. 供方保证提供的设备应完全符合本技术规范的要求。

    The Supplier shall guarantee that the supplied equipment is in full compliance with this the requirements herein.

  22. 被告人供述笔录的证据效力举证责任应主要由被告承担。

    The burden of proof is mainly on the defendant.

  23. 工作组同意, 应将这些定义保留在方括号内, 供委员会审议。

    It was agreed that they should be retained in square brackets for consideration by the Commission.

  24. 修肝时应维护肝外胆管的血供和警惕变异胆管的存在。

    While repairing donor liver, damage to the blood supply system of donor liver bile ducts should be avoided.

  25. 每个机关还应备有现行的文件索引供公众查阅和复制。

    However, in each case the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing.

  26. 应拨供联检组更多资源,以便它能够扩大其秘书处。

    More resources should be allocated to JIU so that it could expand its secretariat.

  27. 此服务只接受支票付款,支票款项不应包括任何供款数额。

    We only accept cheque payment for these requests, the cheque payment shall not include any payment of contribution.

  28. 所保留的总金额应在保修期终止时由买方付给供方。

    The total amount so retained shall be paid to the Supplier by the Purchaser at the expiry of the guarantee period.

  29. 只要切实可行,就应把所研究的产品带到小组去,供大家审议。

    Whenever practical, the item under study should be brought in for the group to examine.

  30. 应呈交一份显示主蒸汽管及辅助蒸汽管的图则, 以供考虑。

    A plan showing the main and auxiliary steam pipes should submitted for consideration.