




1. 格 [gé]格 [gé]划分成的空栏和框子:~子纸。方~儿布。法式,标准:~局。~律。~式。~言。合~。资~。表现出来的品质:~调。风~。人~。国~。性~。阻碍,隔阂:~~不入。击,打:~斗。~杀。推究:~致。树的长枝。至,来:~于上……


1. 勃 [bó]2. 勃 [bèi]勃 [bó]突然,忽然:~然(a.突然,如“~~大怒”;b.兴起的样子,如“~~作色”)。变色的样子:~腾腾(怒气上冲的样子)。旺盛,兴起:~起。~发。~蓬。勃 [bèi]古同“悖”,违背事理,惑乱糊涂……



汉语拼音:kè gé bó



原苏联“国家安全委员会”的俄文(Комитет государственной безопасности)缩写(КГБ)的音译。也指克格勃的人员。



  1. 苏联 “国家安全委员会”的俄文缩写的音译。亦指克格勃人员。



  1. Russia is now ruled by a duumvirate, one of whom has a kgb background and who reinstated a form of totalitarian rule.


  2. And I caught the guys, and they turned out to be working for what was then the Soviet KGB, and stealing information and selling it.


  3. Influential though it was, the KGB was a "combat division" of the Communist Party, and subordinate to it.


  4. She was pregnant with the child of a KGB officer and now lives on a BND pension in southern Germany.


  5. The use of illegals, of the type rounded up in the United States, is an old KGB throwback that traces to the Stalin era.


  6. Unlike most of the ruling elite, he did not serve in the KGB, which may make him less prone to paranoia and conspiracy theories.


  7. The KGB files show that a powerful section of the KGB believed that this was the case.


  8. The Soviet KGB and its pre-revolutionary ancestors did not care much about money; power was what mattered.


  9. As I seek to prove in The KGB Poison Factory, the Litvinenko operation itself was the work of a Russian illegal.


  1. 哦, 克格勃在敲门

    Oh the KGB are knocking on his door

  2. 克格勃超常现象研究档案

    The Secret KGB Paranormal Files

  3. 这群间谍是克格勃成员。

    These illegals were members of KGB.

  4. 这群间谍是克格勃成员。

    These illegals were members of KGB.

  5. 克格勃在纽约城的特工

    The KGB resident in New York City

  6. 我在克格勃是一个主管。

    I was a supervisor at the kgb.

  7. 哦, 克格勃正在敲他的门

    Oh the KGB are knocking at his door

  8. 谣传说他曾是克格勃成员。

    He's rumored to be former kgb.

  9. 其他人暗示他受雇于克格勃。

    Others hinted that he was in the employ of the KGB.

  10. 她曾是克格勃最强的杀手。

    She was one of the kgb's foremost assassins.

  11. 克格勃的成员只接受总统的命令。

    Members of the KGB service were only prepared to take orders from the President.

  12. 你想和克格勃聊聊的话,你请便吧。

    You wanna take it up with kgb, you go right ahead.

  13. 克格勃苏联情报和国家安全委员会。

    The intelligence and internal security agency of the Soviet Union.

  14. 该局是克格勃在俄国内的翻版。

    the domestic successor to the KGB.

  15. 克格勃给他授予了一个行政职位,

    The agency rewarded him with an Administrative post at his alma mater

  16. 加入到克格勃第一局任对外情报员。

    Then joined the KGB's first Directorate as a foreign intelligence agent.

  17. 克格勃的官员常常设法不暴露自己的身份。

    Always, KGB officers try to remain invisible.

  18. 用枪对准一个穿着克格勃军服的家伙

    Spotting a man in a GRU military outfit

  19. 我们完全相信他曾经是一名克格勃特工。

    We took it as read that he must have been a KGB agent.

  20. 我在克格勃的老朋友们都很鄙视格勒乌。

    My old friends at KGB despise the GRU.

  21. 克格勃出身的普京现在表示,他在读圣经。

    Mr Putin, a former Soviet intelligence agent, now says he reads the Bible.

  22. 教授说他自1976年就开始了他得克格勃生涯。

    The professor says he began his career in the KGB in 1976.

  23. 教授说他自1976年就开始了他的克格勃生涯。

    The professor says he began his career in the KGB in 1976.

  24. 他没有克格勃联系,符合现代技术官僚的轮廓。

    Free of all KGB connections, he fits the profile of the modern technocrat.

  25. 负责审讯的克格勃官员把我推进了档案室。

    The interrogating KGB officer pushes me against a filing cabinet.

  26. 这就是为什么你跑到克格勃那个地方的原因。

    So that's why you made that run on KGB's place.

  27. 这就是为什么你跑到克格勃那个地方得原因。

    So that's why you made that run on KGB's place.

  28. 即使是泰迪。克格勃也会沉不住气,也会慌乱。

    Not even Teddy KGB's immune to getting a little rattled.

  29. 克格勃人员很快就渗透到税警和海关部门。

    Soon KGB officers were staffing the tax police and customs services.

  30. 这是我在克格勃失败后, 第一次感觉到我得存在。

    I felt alive for the first time since I got busted at KGB's joint, okay ?


  1. 问:克格勃拼音怎么拼?克格勃的读音是什么?克格勃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:克格勃的读音是,克格勃翻译成英文是 KGB



克格勃(俄文:Комитет Государственной Безопасности,英文:The Committee of State Security。),简称КГБ;克格勃是此三个俄文字母的音译,即苏联国家安全委员会。是1954年3月13日至1991年11月6日期间苏联的情报机构,以实力和高明而著称于世。前身为捷尔任斯基创立的“契卡(Cheka)”,前苏联早期的情报机构契卡将总部设在彼得格勒(圣彼得堡)霍瓦亚大街2号;1918年苏俄政府迁都莫斯科,契卡总部也在1920年迁到莫斯科克里姆林宫附近的卢比扬卡广场11号。 1991年苏联解体后,改制为俄罗斯联邦安全局;其第一总局另外成立俄罗斯对外情报局,与英国军情六处、美国中央情报局和以色列摩萨德一起并称为“世界四大情报组织”。