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Sometimes the land may tell you to plant this or that, or put in a fountain for running water, or to trim this or that.
有时候大地会告诉你需要在某处植树,或为了运转水元素而造一座喷泉,或去修整这个或那个。It seems to me that clean air is just as necessary as a public restroom, so this idea has my vote.
在我看来,清新的空气一样必要作为一个公共厕所,所以这个想法,我投票。但是,不停止一切机会植树你。树木有很多漂亮。The desert is engulfing our world, but that fellow is still considering how much his imagine can be glorified after the Arbor Day's show.
沙漠正在吞噬我们这个世界,而那个家伙却在考虑这场植树节表演后他的形象是否会更加光辉灿烂一点。Therefore, tree planting and grass growing in semi-arid area maybe reduce runoff, meanwhile, improve monthly runoff distribution in a year.
因此,在半干旱地区植树种草一是减少产流量,二是能够提高径流年内分配的均匀性。Her efforts to beautify the United States were reflected in her large-scale planting of trees and flowers all over Washington.
她积极倡导在大华府地区大规模植树种花,反映她为美化美国环境进行的努力。In Ohio, part of the money will be used to fund a clean diesel school bus project and a tree planting project.
在俄亥俄州,一部分资金将用于资助一项清洁柴油校巴项目和一个植树项目。How will the company ensure that this actually works?
戴尔公司如何确保植树计划切实可行?We accept there is ecological damage, but we are prepared to leave more land forested.
我们接受生态遭受破坏的事实,但我们准备留出更多的土地植树造林。As if to rub salt in Palestinian wounds, Mr Netanyahu attended a tree-planting ceremony inasettlement when Mr Mitchell was still in town.