如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 括 [kuò]2. 括 [guā]括 [kuò]扎,束:~发(束起头发)。~约肌。包容:包~。概~。总~。囊~。括 [guā]榨取,搜求:搜~(亦作“搜刮”)。……
汉语拼音:kuò hú
又称括号。数学中表示几个数或项的结合关系和先后顺序的符号。有小括弧()、中括弧[]、大括弧 三种。
瞿秋白 《乱弹·新英雄》:“新英雄有两种:一种是括弧以内的--‘新英雄’……另一种是括弧以外的--新英雄,那就老老实实是新英雄。” 夏衍 《光和热是怎样发出来的》:“对人群贡献了光和热,诗人也就心安理得地成为一个脑力劳动的生产者,而再不是一个‘灵魂发了酸’的加括弧的‘诗人’了。”
The[]construct inside a function call's argument list indicates the beginning of a lambda expression. Let's see a lambda example.
在一个函数调用的参数表内出现的[]方括弧构造,以之标示出一个lambda表达式的存在。我们举例来看。In particular, it can be difficult to detect whether a given pair of brackets is part of the inner or outer index.
特别,它可能难于察觉获得的括弧对是内索引或外索引的一部分。Time to lye in bed and keep thinking of the door bracket system, I'm on the verge of getting it sorted out.
时间,碱液在床上,并保持思想的大门,括弧内的系统,我就濒临获得它整理出来。This applies to matching parenthesis, brackets, and angle brackets as well.
这也适用于对称的括号、括弧和角括弧。When the error report refers to a temporary filename, the usual cause is a mismatched bracket in the code of the text template.
当错误报告提到暂存档案名称时,通常是因为文字范本程式码中的括弧不对称所致。An arbitrary expression, including a simple identifier, inside square brackets can index the property.
方括弧内的任意运算式(包含简单识别项),可以索引这个属性。The number in parenthesis represents the source address encapsulated into the IP header of the RIP update.
括弧内的数字代表封装在RIP更新的IP表头之来源位址。If capturing parentheses are used in the RE, then their values are also returned as part of the list.
如果捕获括弧在RE中使用,那麽它们的值也会当作列表的一部分返回。Despite this, the stylesheet generates the correct bracket, as you can see in Figure 3.