


1. 刨 [páo]2. 刨 [bào]刨 [páo]挖掘:~坑。~土。~根问底(喻追究底细)。减,除去:~去五天。刨 [bào]推刮木料等,使其平滑的一种工具:~子。~床(推刮金属材料使平滑的机器)。用刨子或刨床推刮。……





汉语拼音:bào huā






  1. 从木料上刨下来的薄片。多呈卷状,故称。旧时妇女常用榆木鉋花泡水来润滑头发。


  2. 从木料上刨削下来的薄片。

    徐迟 《牡丹》九:“她把那刨花,从木匠的刨子里飞出来的薄薄的木片,用水泡开。”《新民晚报》1984.3.28:“白杨刨花洁白细腻,剪成牡丹花瓣形象逼真;柳安木刨花深赭粗糙,作牡丹叶片颇为合适。”



  1. Cellulosic ethanol made from switchgrass and wood chips was an example he gave, adding that the U.


  2. He was always dressed in an old carpenter's apron, and he usually had shavings lodged in his beard and sawdust on his steelrimmed glasses.


  3. We require these articles to be wrapped up in corrugated paper and packed in wooden cases with excelsior.


  4. Then she took the maiden and opened the chamber for her, and showed her the twelve coffins with the shavings, and the death pillows.


  5. As he stepped into a pile of shavings, a long blackwood splinter pierced his foot.


  6. However, he would not leave her in peace, until she unlocked the room and showed him the coffins, already filled with wood shavings.


  7. Evergreen branches, junipers, colored rags, wood shavings and other natural materials are also used in the decorations.


  8. Another of cement, wood shavings , Bolimian composite panels, the scene could be assembled, and the construction convenience.


  9. Particle form and recyclability of waste particleboard play an important role in particleboard re manufacturing process.


  1. 刨花打磨机

    chip grinder.

  2. 刨花模压托盘

    paring molded pallet

  3. 工厂混合刨花

    Mixed planer shavings.

  4. 刨花定向角

    strand orientation.

  5. 转子式刨花干燥机

    rotary particle dryer

  6. 刨花板芯胶合板

    particle board core plywood

  7. 刨花干燥方法的研究

    Study on Drying Methods of Wood Particles.

  8. 充装木刨花的过滤段

    hay section

  9. 表层刨花风送系统

    Surface flake air conveying system

  10. 喷气式刨花干燥机的研制

    Research and development of Air Jet Type Wood Particle Dryer

  11. 芯层刨花风送系统

    Core flake air conveying system

  12. 刨花板热应力的研究

    Study on the Heat Stress of Particleboard

  13. 全是刨花和打碎的陶瓷。

    Of exploded excelsior and broken crockery.

  14. 杨木刨花模压平面工业托盘

    presswood pallet

  15. 平板模压刨花托盘重量轻。

    Flatpresswood pallet has light weight.

  16. 纸浆原木和刨花密度试验方法

    Testing method for density of pulpwood and woodchips.

  17. 刨花模压制品生产工艺的研究。

    Study on The Process of Molded Particleboard Products.

  18. 一种新颖的刨花键夹具

    A New Shaving Spline Fixture

  19. 一阵风把刨花吹得到处乱飞。

    A gust of wind fluttered the shavings wood.

  20. 转子式刨花干燥机使用效果分析

    Use effect Analysis of Rotor Wood Shavings Dryer

  21. 木质刨花模压托盘生产工艺探讨

    Process for Wood Flake Molded Pallet Manufacture

  22. 木匠店的地板上满是刨花。

    The floor of the carpenter's shop was covered with shavings.

  23. 木匠店得地板上满是刨花。

    The floor of the carpenter's shop was covered with shavings.

  24. 白杨刨花作为实验动物垫料的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Poplar Shavings as Bedding for Laboratory Animal

  25. 刨花板生产线的刨花计量与控制技术

    Metering and controlling technology of particle in particleboard line

  26. 泡桐刨花用作实验小鼠垫料的研究

    Study of Paulownia Shavings as Bedding for Laboratory Animals.

  27. 工厂混合刨花和水泥混合物的水化特性

    Hydration Characteristics of Mixture of Mixed Planer Shavings and Cement

  28. 我们使用防尘松树刨花在我们的棚屋中。

    We use dust free pine wood shavings in our inside chambers.

  29. 预处理可明显改善刨花对水泥的亲和性。

    The pretreatment could largely improve the compatibility of mixed planer shavings.

  30. 薄而卷的刨花, 用作包装材料和填塞料。

    thin curly wood shavings used for packing or stuffing.


  1. 问:刨花拼音怎么拼?刨花的读音是什么?刨花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刨花的读音是bàohuā,刨花翻译成英文是 wood shavings; shave

  2. 问:刨花板拼音怎么拼?刨花板的读音是什么?刨花板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刨花板的读音是bàohuābǎn,刨花板翻译成英文是 chipboard; a board made of glued and compressed c...

  3. 问:刨花板料拼音怎么拼?刨花板料的读音是什么?刨花板料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刨花板料的读音是bào huā bǎn liào,刨花板料翻译成英文是 particle panel materials

  4. 问:刨花润楠拼音怎么拼?刨花润楠的读音是什么?刨花润楠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刨花润楠的读音是bàohuārùnnán,刨花润楠翻译成英文是 Machilus pauhoi

  5. 问:刨花板垫层拼音怎么拼?刨花板垫层的读音是什么?刨花板垫层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刨花板垫层的读音是bào huā bǎn diàn céng,刨花板垫层翻译成英文是 particle-boord underlayment

  6. 问:刨花板搁板拼音怎么拼?刨花板搁板的读音是什么?刨花板搁板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刨花板搁板的读音是bào huā bǎn gē bǎn,刨花板搁板翻译成英文是 particle-board shelving

  7. 问:刨花板板料拼音怎么拼?刨花板板料的读音是什么?刨花板板料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刨花板板料的读音是bào huā bǎn bǎn liào,刨花板板料翻译成英文是 particleboard panel stock

  8. 问:刨花板芯料拼音怎么拼?刨花板芯料的读音是什么?刨花板芯料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刨花板芯料的读音是bào huā bǎn xīn liào,刨花板芯料翻译成英文是 particleboard core stock

  9. 问:刨花板芯材拼音怎么拼?刨花板芯材的读音是什么?刨花板芯材翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刨花板芯材的读音是bào huā bǎn xīn cái,刨花板芯材翻译成英文是 particle-board core stock

  10. 问:刨花板芯板拼音怎么拼?刨花板芯板的读音是什么?刨花板芯板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刨花板芯板的读音是bào huā bǎn xīn bǎn,刨花板芯板翻译成英文是 particle-board core

  11. 问:刨花板镶板材拼音怎么拼?刨花板镶板材的读音是什么?刨花板镶板材翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刨花板镶板材的读音是bào huā bǎn xiāng bǎn cái,刨花板镶板材翻译成英文是 particle-board panel stock


