


1. 倚 [yǐ]倚 [yǐ]靠着,~靠。~赖。~傍。~托。~重。仗恃:~势。~恃。~仗。偏,歪:不偏不~。随着,和着:“使慎夫人鼓瑟,上自~瑟而歌”。……





汉语拼音:yǐ kào









  1. 靠凭;将身体靠在他物之上。

    《朱子语类》卷六七:“天地必有倚靠处。” 明 张居正 《<女诫>直解·专心》:“在家不倚靠门户,窥看外面。”

  2. 依赖;依靠。

    《朱子语类》卷八:“不可倚靠师友。” 元 马致远 《青衫泪》第二折:“侍郎,不争你去了,教我倚靠何人?” 明 袁宏道 《与张幼于书》:“吏而才,是国家大可倚靠人也,如之何而可不用哉!” 刘半农 《敲冰》诗:“时间啊!你是我们唯一的,真实的资产。我们倚靠着你,切切实实。”

  3. 指所依赖的人。

    清 李渔 《玉搔头·缔盟》:“小女既嫁了官人,老身没有别的倚靠,也要随到府上过活的。”《红楼梦》第一一八回:“ 宝釵 道:‘我想你我既为夫妇,你便是我终身的倚靠。’”



  1. Father in heaven, give us the grace to take time this month to be still before you and to wait patiently for you to come into our lives.


  2. And Loc from Vietnam has this to say about her wavy skyscraper in Chicago: "If I have a chance, I would lean from one of its balconies. "


  3. The computer scientist leaned back in her chair, and with a sly smile responded, 'Yes, but who do you think created the chaos?


  4. Do not the door in the car and between the layers to stay strictly rely on the elevator car doors or floor door.


  5. And I will strengthen them in Jehovah; and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith Jehovah.


  6. As there was no way to call for help, I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from bleeding.


  7. Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him.


  8. The poles are moving quickly, and the Earth's natural alignments that so much of its society depends on are out of balance.


  9. He twined himself up to her, as she half knelt by the settle, and converted her shoulder into a support.


  1. 倚靠在门上

    to hang to the door.

  2. 我要倚靠你!

    I will trust in You!

  3. 我要倚靠你!

    I will trust in You!

  4. 倚靠在椅子上

    lie back

  5. 她倚靠着墙。

    She leaned against the wall.

  6. 她倚靠在沙发上。

    She was reclining on a sofa.

  7. 他倚靠着墙。

    He propped himself against the wall.

  8. 不可倚靠自己的聪明

    Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding

  9. 女孩倚靠在书桌上。

    The girl leaned on the desk.

  10. 好倚靠他的施舍生活。

    She depends on his bounty.

  11. 急难时节她无所倚靠。

    She has nothing to fall back on in case of emergency.

  12. 惟有倚靠耶和华的, 必得安稳。

    But one who trusts in the LORD is secure.

  13. 我惧怕的时候要倚靠你。

    When I am afraid, I will trust in you.

  14. 那病弱者倚靠在枕头上。

    The invalid lay propped on the pillows.

  15. 这名部长倚靠他得顾问们。

    The minister leans on his advisers.

  16. 这名部长倚靠他的顾问们。

    The minister leans on his advisers.

  17. 护士使病人倚靠在枕头上。

    The nurse propped her patient on the pillows.

  18. 她倚靠在栏杆上凝视远方。

    She leaned on the parapet and gazed into the distance.

  19. 她轻轻地倚靠在他肩上。

    She leaned lightly against his shoulder.

  20. 耶78看哪, 们倚靠虚谎无益的话。

    Behold, you are trusting in deceptive words to no avail.

  21. 六月倚靠过弄绉他的头发酒吧。

    Jun leaned across the bar to ruffle his hair.

  22. 看哪,你们倚靠虚谎无益的话。

    But look, are trusting in deceptive are worthless.

  23. 凯瑟琳倚靠在教堂的墙上。

    Kathryn leaned against the wall of the church.

  24. 我将头倚靠在姐姐的肩膀上。

    I reclined my head upon sister's shoulder.

  25. 她父母年老时的倚靠和安慰

    a prop and comfort to her parents in their old age

  26. 她丈夫心里倚靠她, 必不缺少利益。

    Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.

  27. 他丈夫心里倚靠他,必不缺少利益。

    Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.

  28. 看哪,你们倚靠虚谎无益得话。

    But look,are trusting in deceptive are worthless.

  29. 我们的祖宗倚靠你。他们倚靠你, 你便解救他们。

    Our fathers had faith in you they had faith and you were their saviour.

  30. 让手不要接触或倚靠何物体。

    Make sure the hands are not touching or resting on anything.


  1. 问:倚靠拼音怎么拼?倚靠的读音是什么?倚靠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倚靠的读音是yǐkào,倚靠翻译成英文是 lean on; depend on



词目:倚靠 读音: yǐ kào 基本解释 1. [lean against;rely on]∶靠凭 倚靠门户 2. [depend on]∶依赖;依靠 终身的倚靠 详细解释 1. 靠凭;将身体靠在他物之上。 《朱子语类》卷六七:“天地必有倚靠处。” 明 张居正 《<女诫>直解·专心》:“在家不倚靠门户,窥看外面。” 2. 依赖;依靠。 《朱子语类》卷八:“不可倚靠师友。” 元 马致远 《青衫泪》第二折:“侍郎,不争你去了,教我倚靠何人?” 明 袁宏道 《与张幼于书》:“吏而才,是国家大可倚靠人也,如之何而可不用哉!” 刘半农 《敲冰》诗:“时间啊!你是我们唯一的,真实的资产。我们倚靠着你,切切实实。” 3. 指所依赖的人。 清 李渔 《玉搔头·缔盟》:“小女既嫁了官人,老身没有别的倚靠,也要随到府上过活的。”《红楼梦》第一一八回:“ 宝钗 道:‘我想你我既为夫妇,你便是我终身的倚靠。’”