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1. 枝 [zhī]2. 枝 [qí]枝 [zhī]由植物主干上分出来的茎条:树~。~干(gàn )。竹~。节外生~。~柯。~节(a.由一件事生发的其他问题;b.细碎的,不重要的)。量词,指杆形的:一~铅笔。古同“支”,支持,分支。枝 [q……
1. 蔓 [màn]2. 蔓 [wàn]蔓 [màn]同“蔓~”,多用于合成词,如蔓草、蔓延等。[蔓延]形容像蔓草一样扩展滋生。蔓 [wàn]细长能缠绕的茎:瓜~儿,扁豆爬~儿了。……
汉语拼音:zhī màn
唐 杜甫 《解闷》诗之十一:“翠瓜碧李沉玉甃,赤梨蒲萄寒露成。可怜先不异枝蔓,此物娟娟长远生。” 唐 白居易 《泛湓水》诗:“青萝与紫葛,枝蔓垂相樛。”
《旧唐书·刘瞻传》:“两家宗族,枝蔓尽捕三百餘人。” 宋 欧阳修 《论燕度勘滕宗谅事张皇太过札子》:“传闻 燕度 勘鞫 滕宗谅 事,枝蔓勾追,直得使尽 邠州 诸县枷杻。所行栲掠,皆是无罪之人。”《金史·外国传下·高丽》:“ 斜葛 不能听讼,每一事輒至枝蔓,民颇苦之。”
明 张居正 《进讲章疏》:“训解未莹者,增改数语;枝蔓不切者,即行删除。” 清 黄宗羲 《<翁元铠禅师语录>序》:“出其语録读之,絶去枝蔓,独露真常。”
鲁迅 《中国小说史略》第九篇:“惟著述本意,或在显扬幽隐,非为传奇,特以行文枝蔓,或拾事琐屑,故后人亦每以小説视之。”
Lower branches may need to be removed to allow for gardening activities or to improve air circulation.
下部的枝蔓需要休掉以方便打理,有助于空气流通。A forth fragrance, with great care, in the palm of your hand, for fear that violated, this fall, the only game, gorgeous blooming.
折一枝蔓的芬芳,小心翼翼,捧在手心,生怕亵渎了,这秋季,唯一一场,绚丽的绽放。It was planted in a good ground upon many waters, that it might bring forth branches, and bear fruit, that it might become a large vine.
但它原是种植在多水的肥田中,为生长枝蔓,结出果实,成为一棵茂盛的葡萄树。We were standing by sliding glass doors that led to a veranda, over which a large flame tree spread its branches.
我们站在通往阳台的玻璃滑门旁边,阳台旁一棵巨大的凤凰树伸展着它的枝蔓。"The environment within these tendrils could be one of the most important factors in galaxy formation, " Ibata said.
Ibata说:“含有这些枝蔓的空间可能是星系形成的重要因素。”She can see her objectives, but the rose vines tie her leg to her chair, limiting her movement.
她可以看见她的目标,但玫瑰枝蔓把她的腿缠在椅子上,限制了她的行动。"We think cosmic web tendrils feed directly into galaxies, dump matter onto them and build them up, " Ibata said.
我们认为宇宙网络的枝蔓直接延伸到星系中间,上面布满了宇宙灰尘,而且就是由宇宙灰尘组成的。Put the plant of flowers and plants and lop long long branches and tendrils together, wash bath to also want to enjoy cool and refreshing.
将花草与垂下长长枝蔓的植物摆放在一起,洗浴也要尽享清凉。Mr Ho's family tree, meanwhile, is a veritable banyan with multiple trunks.
The writing is confused and the main points are unclear.
该书文字枝蔓, 主题不明。
The main theme of the book is obscured by frequent digressions.
Rather than beating about the bush, the fall of the dendrite in the matter of flopping about.
何鸿燊家族的家谱是一颗真正的大榕树, 枝蔓纵横。
Mr Hos family tree, meanwhile, is a veritable banyan with multiple trunks.
下部的枝蔓需要休掉以方便打理, 有助于空气流通。
Lower branches may need to be removed to allow for gardening activities or to improve air circulation.