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Just a few will be able to completely lock down your opponent's army and can easily turn the tide of any battle if fielded correctly.
只要一些就可以完全锁定敌人的部队,如果使用得当可以轻易扭转战局。The King Tiger was a case of too late and too few in number to make a difference in the outcome of the war.
虎王坦克因为出现的太晚数量太少,而没有能够左右战局。It was one of many key plays over the final minutes turned in by Gasol, who like Bryant had trouble with his shot through most of the game.
渣科在那些时候通常会陷入命中率不佳的危机,这只是众多在最后时刻由家嫂改变战局的一个缩影。Mr. Obama said it might be possible, noting the outreach program in Iraq helped turn around the course of the war.
奥巴马说,有这个可能性。他指出,美国在伊拉克的接触计划帮助扭转了战局。Illustrated a little, that is: regardless of your game more excellent, as long as the heart of chaos, then from the war on half lost!
此忌说明了一点,那就是:不论尔等牌技多高超,只要心志乱,便从战局上输了一半!Like most big life insurers, Aviva did enter the fray with one distinct advantage. It had already had a practice run.
英杰华和多数大型人寿保险公司一样,在加入战局的时候拥有一个特别的优点——历经实战。This will be changed under the war situation, did not alert the enemy, soon surrendered.
这下便改变了战局,敌人没有戒备,不久就投降了。Often times, this ability used correctly can easily change the tide of a battle or force a retreat from the enemy.
在许多时候,假如这个技能使用得当旳话,那么就能轻易扭转战局或者击退来犯旳敌人。As the captain continued to rally the night elves and turn the tide of battle, he caught the eye of the demon lord Archimonde.